12 ~ "Couldn't sleep?"

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Right after you walked into your room and shut the door behind you, you leaned back, closing your eyes.

You weren't sure how to feel, but your mind raced with the topic of Ramattra.

How you caught him staring at you whilst talking to Bastion about twigs for Ganymede, and how he quickly intervened and said he'd give a sign if he found some himself.

You smiled at that, thinking he was on the right path now.

The thing that was mostly on your mind was how he'd pinned you against a wall.

Why the hell did he do that?

Most importantly, why did I feel like that? It was quite obvious you were blushing, and knowing that Ramattra is observant, he saw it too.

And even before that, you were so close to his face you could feel his metal radiating heat. Was he into you?

No, that's so wrong. You had your entire life filled with fear of omnics and now you were changing. Besides the fact that the leader of Null Sector is focused on the elimination of humans, and would never even consider dating one.

You're already thinking about dates?!

Your stomach suddenly started to rumble and you realized you forgot to have dinner. No surprise as the omnics don't eat anything, usually.

So, you put on your pajamas and walked out of your room, double checking on Ramattra's door to see if it was shut and he hadn't left.

With that, you walked towards the kitchen, a few neon lights were still on, which gave a nice and cool vibe.

You looked through all the cabinets to find Lúcio's cereal and a little bit of milk left in the fridge.

Grabbing a bowl and first pouring in the cereal, you added the milk and started eating whilst leaning over the kitchen counter.

You stared at the spot where Roadhog and Jameson usually sit, the place was decorated with graffiti. Their sofa was all torn apart and a few spots of black were seen, almost like they were burn marks.

Not a surprise.

You suddenly heard a clash further in the hallway, and you jolted, almost spilling your cereal.


You looked up and squinted your eyes at the dark hallway, and gathered up the courage to walk towards the sound.

The more you moved toward where you heard the sound, the more light you saw in the distance.

It was some sort of purple light and you started to sprint when you realized that was Zenyatta's hospital room.

Your eyes widened and your heartbeat increased when you feared his condition had worsened.

You saw the purple light turning brighter and brighter until you stood in the doorway, looking inside.

You quickly rushed towards the wall, peeking into the room to see someone familiar sitting on the floor next to Zenyatta's bed.


You saw how he was meditating, his scepter in his lap with the orb floating above his head. His head was leaning down towards the floor and his lights were turned off.

You smiled at the scene and watched the orb float above Ramattra's head, your gaze went to Zenyatta's body and found how his brother's scarf was laid on him as some sort of blanket. You leaned your head against the doorframe as you simply watched them both. Both of them were in peace together, and you wondered if Zenyatta would consider meditating with him.

He definitely would.

When you returned to look at Ramattra, you saw his head was back up, his lights bright red, and your eyes widened.

"I wasn't trying to spy on you, I promise!" You half whispered.

The orb above Ramattra's head moved back to his scepter as he used it to stand up to his full height. He got a hold of his scarf and wrapped it around him, his hand lingering on his brother's chest.

"I am aware it was not your intention," Ramattra said, turning his head to look at you.

You stood awkwardly with your hands, not knowing whether to cross them or to let them rest along your sides.

"I just... heard a crash and I got worried." You said, moving to stand next to Ramattra and watching Zenyatta's body lying on the bed. You saw soft strands of yellow move through his metallic chest and arms.

Ramattra laughed quietly, nodding. "When I sat down, I tapped my scepter against Zenyatta's bed," he tapped the bottom of his scepter against the weels that supported the bed. "I almost pushed too hard and accidentally pushed him against the cabinet."

You snorted and shook your head, imagining the scene. "I think Zenyatta would've loved to see you do that."

"It was terrible humiliating..." Ramattra chuckled.

There was a short silence between you, and the both of you silently watched over Zenyatta. You gently let your hand rest on his back, patting comfortingly.

Ramattra turned his head to you, and feeling your warm hand on your back helped him calm down. His worry was slightly relieved by just your presence. It made him realize how tired he was of running and fighting for something that would not be solved by violence. 

You felt Ramattra hesitantly move his fingers to gently touch your shoulder, then you felt his hand fully rest on your shoulder.

You smiled to yourself and leaned your head against him and you felt his chest plate slowly heat up.

Your eyelids grew heavy the longer the two of you stood there, and it seems like Ramattra knew. He'd kept his gaze on you the moment you rested your head against him. You felt safe with him and you couldn't wait until Zenyatta would wake up to see the progress his brother made at changing his heart.

"Shall we return to bed?" Ramattra asked softly.

You yawned and nodded against his chest, standing back up straight and stretching your arms. 

Ramattra slowly let go of your shoulder and got a hold of his scepter. He held out his other hand for you to hold on to, and you gladly accepted.

The two of you walked out of the room and slowly walked through the halls to find both of your rooms. You had moved both your arms to hold onto Ramattra's arm, leaning your head against it until you were right in front of your room.

You let go and turned the doorknob, looking at Ramattra with a tired smile. "Goodnight... again."

Ramattra chuckled softly, "Sweet dreams, Y/N." 

Ramattra gently moved his hand across your cheek, which he felt were warm. When he retracted his hand and left into his room, you felt sad at the loss. 

The moment you walked into your room, you moved your own hand to touch where he had brushed your cheek and you felt yourself heating up.

Perhaps he felt the same.


I'm fr smiling so hard at my story it's insaneeee

Doubting when I'll do the spicy chapter...

Let me know what you guys think, please, it helps me be a lot less insecure :')

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