33 ~ "Lights, Camera, Action!"

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Even after leaving the room with a muzzle on your mouth, you were sure you were never going to this place. That was... until you were in a space designed for the royals living in King's Row.

You had no clue how you ended up here, considering two people put bags over your head and shoved you around until you saw the bright light of this room.

You frowned when they put a dress in your hands.

"Mm?" You tried to speak, forgetting about the muzzle for a moment. 

The two people didn't reply, leaving the room as they shut the door.

You rolled your eyes and glanced around the room.

It was decorated with bland, off-white colored walls with golden details. There were golden flowers in white vases and on one wall was an entire mirror.

You looked at yourself and mentally gasped.

You'd grown thin, fragile, and looked terrible. You weren't gone for that long, but this place wasn't doing you any good. Your eyes moved from your figure to something in the corner of your eye.

You stepped back, your eyes widening.

"Don't try to run," the familiar voice of the French woman returned from the night you were taken away. "It will not end well for you if you do."

Your eyes glared daggers at the woman, the muzzle keeping you from asking questions.

The woman slowly approached you, circling around you with her eyes narrowed. 

"The reason you are here is for one purpose. Get dressed and keep quiet. Once we remove that muzzle, we expect you to stay quiet for the rest of your time in our captivity."

The time between that sentence and your drive in a limousine was short as you could barely comprehend what was going on. All of a sudden, you felt movement, almost like you were ascending somewhere. Was it heaven? You weren't too sure.

Yet, after figuring out that 4 armed omnics were standing around you with rifles in their hands, you were sure this was not heaven at all. It was an elevator ride toward whatever might be up there. 

An office? Another cell?

Your head swirled with thoughts, making you incredibly dizzy and tired. You weren't standing on your own, you were far too weak for that in your current state. They probably drugged you just to get you moving to their intended spot. 

After hearing the 'ding!' you finally allowed your eyes to focus on what lay ahead of you, and to your surprise, it was something far distant from what you thought it was.

With flaring lights everywhere, your eyes were squinting. You tried to look through the room you were practically shoved into, but it didn't do you any good. 

Two strong arms held you as you walked through some sort of hallway. Lots of omnics and fairly rich-looking humans were swarming around you, taking pictures and cheering. 

Is this some sort of fever dream?

The omnic guards that surrounded you kept the people at bay, occasionally having to shout at them for getting close. All the while you were being escorted towards bigger doors. You knew nothing, other than to follow the rules and keep your mouth shut.


Ramattra looked up with a heavy sigh.

Though he was certain he wouldn't be denied by his old friend, Maximilien, he knew that if Widowmaker would see Ramattra, your life would depend on it much more than it already does.

There was no way around it. Getting into the main chambers of Maximilien and his circle of friends was hard enough without some sort of entry pass. His guards surrounded every square inch of the room, assassination, or a silent break-in was impossible.

Despite the odds being against the team, Ramattra was willing to take the risks of freeing you through this special ceremony of his. And thus, he had tried to look his absolute best today.

"Out of all the clothing you own..." Zenyatta hummed, standing beside him on the pavement right in front of Maximilien's Casino. "You chose practically nothing."

"It is my leader's outfit of Null Sector. I can't just show up in a monk suit like yourself." Ramattra hissed, looking down at his brother. 

Zenyatta shrugged, looking down. "I am the leader of the monastery after all."

Ramattra sighed and looked up, spotting Sojourn and Tracer looking out on a different building. They spoke to Ramattra in a small headpiece, placed in his system. 

"All clear, you should be ready to check in now." 

Ramattra nodded at them briefly and began to move, urging Zenyatta to follow.

Approaching the entrance, both omnics were already stopped by a different omnic, dressed in a suit with their eyes a hint of blue. "Your invitations, please."

Zenyatta glanced up at Ramattra, who got hold of the situation quickly. 

He towered above the omnic that asked for the invitations, his head tilted as he lifted his hand to conjure his scepter.

"Need I remind you of who exactly I am? As an honest friend and companion of Maximilien himself, I demand you to let me and my brother pass. Or so help me, I will make sure to annihilate and diminish whatever you hold dear." 

The omnic nodded slowly, his bolts shaking as he let Ramattra and Zenyatta pass. 

The doors were wide open and when they entered, all they could hear was cheering and yelling. Lights were flashing everywhere in the distance. 

Ramattra stood tall, overlooking the situation to see the elevator opening and omnics leaving it to escort something... or someone?

He couldn't tell. His only mission right now was to find Maximilien before it was too late.

He was certain that the moment he would find Max alive, you were as well. He prayed Sombra had been right, and she was using you only to trick Max, Ramattra needed to see you. He needed to know you were alright.

As though he knew of his anxiety, Zenyatta had placed his arm on his brother's in a comforting matter. "Ease your mind, brother. She cannot be far."

Ramattra's hand turned into a tight fist, his head dropping. "If she isn't, then so help me or I will burn this place to the ground."


Ramattra gettin' fiestyyyy


I know I say this a lot but I'm still sorry for my lack of activity. I have my finals coming up in the beginning of May and these months are like preparations so I just don't have a lot of time or motivation to write. But know, that I am trying my absolute best for you guys!!

QOTD: If you could be an Overwatch character, what would your Role be, Abilities, Ultimate and Looks be? 

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