23 ~ "Broken parts, broken hearts"

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N-32 stood in front of you, her blood-stained hands on your cheeks. Looking into your eyes you saw nothing but death. 

Behind her, you saw the army of Null Sector charging, you were unable to move. You feared everything, the shots were drumming in your ear. 

You woke up with a jolt, still seated in the chair in the hospital bed.

Your arms were still crossed, your powers slowly disappearing from your veins. Sweat gathered on your forehead, and you breathed heavily. 

It stilled once you saw your surroundings, a sunlit room with a single bed and some plants around. You knew where you were.

You were safe.

You looked at the bed in front of you and smiled briefly. Ramattra was laying there with cords attached to mostly his chest. Some wires were attached to his face, healing the faceplate that was destroyed by Akande.

He was going to make it, no doubt. You figured it would take just as long as Zenyatta did, but Angela told you his body was much more advanced than Zenyatta's, and would most likely heal quicker.

You dropped your head, crossing your arms over his chest as you laid your head on them. You sighed briefly, calming down your breaths as you tried to burn your memory away. N-32 was gone, you'd seen her body get crushed by a burning building when you were younger. 

The Null Sector army that was charging at you still haunted your mind. You couldn't get away from the war, the trauma. Everything had blurred together. The past, the present... 

You couldn't tell where it would all go from here. Would there be peace? Would you and Ramattra fight together or against each other? Would he run off as quickly as possible once he's fully recovered?

The questions were tormenting you, and that was a heavy understatement. 

All of a sudden, you felt a heavy weight on your head. Caressing you, it felt like. 

You lifted your head slowly, a bit of hair falling in front of your face as you looked at Ramattra. 

He moved his hand to gently tuck away the hair behind your ear. You saw him clearly now, his lights flickering barely but he was conscious. 

There was silence for a moment. His hand hadn't left your face yet, as it moved to gently rest on your cheek. You took a deep breath and adjusted your posture, causing Ramattra to drop his hand back to his side.

"You're awake..." you mumbled softly, glancing at the computer screen to check for his progress on the recovery.

Ramattra nodded slowly, going to sit up by himself. You rushed to his side, pushing him back down. "Don't move, you're still recovering!"

You heard him sigh, moving his head back down to lay it on the pillow. 

There was silence between the two of you again, and just as you were to stand up, wanting to alert Angela of his conscious state, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist.

You looked down at Ramattra's hand, then back at his face. 

"Stay..." he said, weakly. "Pl--ease?"

Your eyes widened briefly, hearing his voice sound so distorted in comparison to what you heard him before the attack at Colosseo.

You sat down slowly, he still had his hand on yours, softly squeezing to let him know of his appreciation. You smiled at him, nodding.

"I won't go anywhere."

You moved your chair to sit closer at his side, his hand never leaving yours as he attempted to move some of his fingers. You kept complimenting him and somehow, it encouraged Ramattra to continue moving some of his limbs. You were amazed at his progression.

Yet the flashing images of Null Sector kept hurting your mind, causing you to zone out for brief seconds.

"Your mind..." Ramattra spoke, his voice still distorted. 

You blinked at him, shaking your head, "I'm alright. I'm not injured or anything."

Ramattra moved his hand, using his finger to point at your head, indicating the trouble that was playing over and over in your mind.

"You're hurt," he stated, moving his hand from your cheek. His metal thumb gently brushed over your cheekbone.

At that point, you were a goner. A tear slowly rolled down your cheek, landing on Ramattra's finger. He tilted his head and you began to speak of what had happened after Junker Queen picked him up.

When Ramattra had fainted due to his critical damage, Junker Queen had tossed him over her shoulders and later went back to fetch you. You were running so slowly from the army, it was unlike you. 

You told him how it felt like you were frozen in time, the past coming back to haunt you as it had years ago during the Omnic Crisis. You placed a warm hand against the metal hand that was still on your cheek, finding comfort in his touch.

When you were done ranting, you closed your eyes focusing on yourself for a while. 

"I'm... sorry," Ramattra said.

You looked at him and shook your head, "It's alright, I-"

"No." He said, stopping you. "F-or... everything I've d--one to hurt you."

Your eyes widened and when he attempted to ramble on you silenced him. "I know... I... I heard you."

Ramattra stopped trying and you felt the weight of his hand briefly move. You smiled apologetically, looking down. "I... couldn't sleep."

You turned from him, opening a drawer to reveal his scarf. You kept it safe when you left for the mission. It was too big for you to wear, so you kept it in a drawer to neither damage it or get it dirty. 

You carried it to where Ramattra lay and wrapped it around his neck like you did when the two of you got close. Just before his first appropriate meeting with Bastion and Orisa.

Before... you and he got even closer.

Without realizing it, you stayed in front of his face for multiple seconds, even though you already finished placing his scarf neatly around his neck.

The sound of the door was heard and you quickly sat back down, watching Angela already writing down notes and smiling at my presence beside Ramattra.

Whilst Angela was writing down what Ramattra was to do before actively moving again, you couldn't help but stand up to leave again. You looked over your shoulder to see Ramattra wave at you and you waved back at him.

Once out the door, you placed a hand on your forehead, thinking.

What am I going to do?


Sorry for less chapter uploads, I don't like keeping my readers waiting too long ;)

School was a mess and I messed up my tests even more lolll, one more test week till EXAMSSSS 

Anyways, what's your most played hero on Overwatch? Mine's Mercy with 88 hours ;P

DISCORD ~ Ramattra x Fem!Reader *OVERWATCH*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ