21 ~ "Help is on the way"

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A/N: Yes I drew that Junker Queen drawing :) ^^

"Y/N? It is time to leave."

You were staring out the window, watching the sunrise in peace. You nodded slowly and got your stuff, suited up and ready to go. You turned around fully to see Zenyatta waiting for you to finish up and get going. The moment you walked out the door with him, you saw Genji and Mercy discussing something in the hallway.

Genji turned when Mercy smiled at you. "Ah, there you are, ready for this?" Angela asked, her hand gently resting on your shoulder. A faint glow of yellow ran through her arm and moved onto your shoulder, a comforting warmth spread to your wound, which was already healed up.

You thanked her and nodded, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

You looked to your side and saw Genji and Zenyatta conversing shortly, you heard the faint words of worry on Zenyatta's side. You knew he felt anxious about Ramattra's response, but you were certain he was right. Ramattra was so close to the edge of joining, he just needed the final push.

With determination you'd get him on the right path and stand beside you, you walked towards the jet. It was already busy seeing as everyone got into their seat. You glanced around and already saw Junker Queen waving at you with Gracie in her hand.

"Noticed ya tense," She said, holding you by your shoulder. "Everything's gon' be alright as long as I'm here!" 

You chuckled at her enthusiasm as she chatted on about knowing how to handle Null Sector bots that looked like Bastion. She went into heavy details about fighting them in the Wastelands, using the scrap parts to build Gracie and Carnage. 

You thought about Bastion and how he had beeped when the mission was being discussed. He was in too much shock to participate, which was understandable.

Junker Queen winked at you, "Don't worry, I've grown tired of his kind!"

The rest of the flight went on easy, it took a while though, which was why you packed your headphones and dreamt away a bit, occasionally looking out the window. 

If only he knew you heard him.

You shook your head and tried not to raise your expectations too high, you shouldn't expect him to just lift you in his arms and hold you again. It was going to be an argument you had to win. No matter what.

Perhaps you could play with open cards, letting him know that you heard him in your sleep, but would he be disappointed in your absence of movement? Probably, but it was a risk you were willing to take.

Then there was also the problem of getting into the base, but you let that problem over to Sombra. 

You were also aware of the problems Reaper and Sombra had with Akande in the past and how they were unsure of the location of Widowmaker. Moira had already predicted she'd gone and joined Akande, and damn you hate to give her right. 

Sigma, also known as dr. de Kuiper had been forced by Sombra to join Overwatch the moment Talon was destroyed, and he was an incredibly kind doctor. You weren't sure what happened at Talon but you knew something had his mind scrambled, and it wasn't just a black hole that caused it.

Seeing Sombra caring about him so much gave you the impression she wasn't as evil as you thought her to be. You were correct about that.

And now, with this mission, you could see the determination in Sombra's eyes to put an end to Akande's doing. 

You took off your headphones to hear Tracer's voice in the speakers, alerting you were all on Null Sector's grounds and about to drop out of the jet, that being the safest way to engage in sneaking inside.

Lena would eventually drop the jet somewhere else and head to Null Sector a different way. This would be done with D.va and Zarya, guaranteeing her safety, Moira and Lúcio joined as well.

You were sent together with Junker Queen, Genji, Mercy, and Zenyatta to retrieve Ramattra and talk to him in his own office. Followed by Sombra, of course, making sure to get you everywhere you needed to be.

The doors opened and with Junker Queen already charging out to hop on the roof of Null Sector's base, you were quick to follow. And once the rest of the team joined you, you were ready to get a move on.

Breaching through the roof using Genji's blade, it was easy enough to head inside. A few omnics were found patrolling through the hallways but that wouldn't be an issue Junker Queen couldn't handle.

Sombra ran ahead, using her purple screen to locate where Ramattra's office was but she stopped quickly, her head turned to you and the rest. 

Once you caught up to her, breathing heavily you tilted your head. "What's the problem?" 

She showed you the screen that was in her hands, two small circles of neon were inside his office and you knew exactly who they were. "They're both in there."

Sombra shook her head, "I'm not concerned about it being two people, I'm more worried about one moving and the other not."

Glancing back up at the door you grew anxious about charging in.  There was doubt in your mind and when you glanced at Zenyatta, he saw it too. It would either be Ramattra being highly damaged or laying on the floor. Or it would be Doomfist. You prayed for the second one.

Zenyatta nodded at you, causing you to prepare for whatever scene would unravel behind the door.


Hopefully another chapter tonight :)

Just curious (don't have to answer) from what continent are y'all? 

I'm from the Netherlands, (Europe)!!

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