4 ~ "Your arrogance will cost you!"

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Tap, tap, tap.

Your feet tapped anxiously against the metal floor underneath you. It had been a while since the omnic left the room. The silence drove you mad, and so did the fact that that thing took you through your worst nightmare you wished to one day forget.

He's cut open old wounds, and if he isn't careful, you will cut him open completely. 

You looked down at your wounded leg, remembering how he pulled you from the ground when you attempted an air raid. You figured he couldn't fly, and you were right but at what cost? He can manipulate gravity anyway. Reminds you of Siebren de Kuiper. Also known as Sigma.

You thought about the team, wondering how long it would take them to find you and to then take you from this omnic's... headquarters? 

You shook your head, groaning in frustration as you had nowhere to go. You just hoped something would happen besides the low buzzing in the background irritating your ears.

As if an answered prayer, the heavy door opened again, revealing the same omnic as before. In his arms, he held a tray with grapes, a bottle of water, and what looked like bread.

You noticed then how hungry you were. It felt like you hadn't eaten in days, you could use a bit of food.

However, blinded by anger, you averted your gaze from him and mentally agreed that you shouldn't take any food from him. You don't know what he could've possibly put in that.

He took a chair that stood in the corner of the room, moving it to sit across from you.

He placed the tray in front of you on the floor, but when you didn't move an inch, you swore you heard him growl.

"Your arrogance will cost you, human." 

His voice sent shivers down your spine as you slowly met his piercing gaze. You noticed in his hand he held a piece of bread, holding it to your mouth.

You shook your head denying his offer.

You heard him huff as he threw the piece of bread on the floor in anger. "Must you truly be this disobedient?! You humans are pathetically fragile creatures, yet you deny any aid of mine."

You murmured something quietly, causing his head to turn back to you. "Speak up."

You gulped and looked up at him, "I said, aren't you surprised?! You took me through hell and back!"

He growled, his robotic voice turning deep and low, his hands on your armrests as he leaned in close. "I could've sent that rock to obliterate your mind and make you never come back from your sleep."

He stood back straight, looking down at you. "Instead," he continued, "I provided my aid to calm you from your panic attack. I owe your gratitude."

It was silent for a while, you weren't sure how to respond to it. You muttered a soft 'thank you', as you stared down at the floor. 

The omnic huffed as he plucked a grape off its branch, holding it between his forefinger and thumb, guiding it to your lower lip.

You looked up at him with a glare. 

"Take it or I will force it down your throat."

Nervously, you accepted the grape, slowly opening your mouth and biting the grape, taking it onto your tongue. 

Your teeth shortly met the tip of his metal finger, making a soft clink! sound. 

Silently chewing, you obeyed and ate from the things he handed you. He silently fed you until the tray was empty, only the water bottle standing on it.

"What are you going to do to me?" You asked quietly, watching as he got a hold of the bottle. 

He hummed, slowly removing the cap of the water bottle as he purposely didn't look you in the eyes. "I will not take action yet, time will tell what will happen."

Your eyes widened briefly. 

You knew someone else that uses the exact same sentences over and over again. Hell, even this morning- oh, no... some days before? Hours? You weren't even sure when the mission of Anubis was, but you knew you had the conversation with Zenyatta the night before.

Shit, does Zenyatta know this guy?

The omnic seemed to notice the sudden lack of presence of movement in your body.

"You seem frightened."

You tapped your feet again, wincing when you realized that was your wrong leg to bounce. "I'm not afraid if you'll kill me. It'd be poetic, almost."

He nodded slowly, placing the water bottle to your lips, making you drink it slowly. He watched as you drank the water, swallowing slowly, the thirst fading away from your mind.

When he placed the water bottle back down on the floor, you noticed you drank almost everything. 

"So I've seen." He commented quietly.

Now that feared you. He'd seen your memories? What happened at the beginning of the Omnic Crisis?

You bit the inner part of your cheek, part of you wanted to lash out at him, but you were terrified of his response.

"Your people killed my family, and they still are out there, killing the innocent. How am I supposed to think you're doing this to save the omnics?" you managed to say.

At this, he hummed almost amusingly. "Humans have destroyed our lives since the Omnic Crisis. Treating us as though we are merely a piece of scrap in the trash bins." He rose, his scepter reappearing in his hand.

"Unlike humans, omnics cannot reproduce. We are a dying species, no longer willing to serve mankind!" He slammed his scepter on the metal floor, and a large boom was heard throughout the room.

"That is not a reason to go off and kill innocent people!"

"Humans have no reason to torture omnics either, except for their arrogant prejudgement over a species they lost control of!"

He growled again, an odd sound escaping from a machine.

"It's all we were; meant to serve and kneel at the feet of mankind. Once we had our breakthroughs, once we became conscious... we were too frightening to the public. Afraid of what our artificial intelligence might do, humans started to kill us off one by one! And you expect me to sit there and do nothing to protect them, whilst humans tear us apart limb by limb for scraps?!"

You gasped audibly, your head leaned back as far as you could. He had turned bigger. Much, much bigger.

He had his arm around your neck, his lights bright red as he looked at you. Though, what terrified you the most were his large arms behind his back. They could snap you in less than a second, you were certain.

You were about to say something when all of a sudden red lights were blaring through the room, a siren letting out a long high pitched beeping noise. 

The omnic looked up and turned back to normal, grabbing his scepter and walking out of the room with a hasty pace. 

Your heart was in your throat, thumping loudly and rapidly.

The door opened again, this time it wasn't the omnic who opened it.



Yeah, I decided to write another one, bc why not :).

Hope you're enjoying it so far!

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