3 ~ "You're not so different"

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Cold. Dark.

Those were the first words that came to mind when you woke up. 

Your leg felt terrible, it hurt badly from... something.

You can't quite remember what happened to you, you figured you were here for a while.

Your eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness surrounding you, and you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to find where you are.

There's a small source of light a couple of feet away from you. The light was behind a... door, perhaps? You weren't sure what it was, your mind was still a mess, your heart pounding hard in your head. 

You attempted to move towards the source of light, only to find yourself strapped to a chair with some sort of metal. The metal had a faint purple glow to it, almost impossible to see. 

You moved around, trying to shake your body out of the chair, obviously failing.

All of a sudden, the door in front of you opened, and your eyes screw shut off the bright light that came into view. 

As quickly as it opened, it closed. Heavy, metallic footsteps approach you at a slow pace. There was a soft robotic hum buzzing around in the air.

You opened your eyes slowly to see nothing but multiple red dots in front of you, on the side was a purple orb of some sort, small rocks floating around it.

It was now that you felt fear, considering that could only be one thing; an omnic.

The figure was standing too far and seeing as there was no light in the room, it wasn't likely you'd get to see what it looks like. 

Audibly, you gulped and averted your gaze from the figure. 

You wanted to ask him what he was going to do with you, why you were here, and then whether or not he'd kill you. However, when trying to speak, you were interrupted by a sudden movement of the orb.

It moved around you, almost curiously analyzing you. It didn't do anything special at first before one of the rocks moved closer to your face. You flinched back with your head as it floated towards the space between your eyebrows, just above your nose. 

It was no use, the stone placed itself on your skin, and the moment it did, you let out a yell of agonizing pain flowing through your entire nerve system. You held your eyes on the omnic that was still silent throughout your torture. 

The pain went on, it got more intense by the second. You heard a shifting of metal as the small rock gently floated off your skin, it immediately lifted all the pain from inside your body.

Your head fell down, breathing heavily as you let out a soft: "Why...?"

Just then, the rock floated against your forehead again, piercing deeper this time. 

A rough, robotic voice filled the room, it sounded just like the one from your mission. 

"I will use you to my advantage, human." 

Your eyes widened for a moment, fear striking down to your core. Before you could do anything else, you passed out.


"Mom! Can N-32 and I go play?"

"Sure, honey. Just make sure you both get home safe. Don't damage her!"

You smiled wildly as you looked up at N-32. She was your favorite babysitter, even though your father didn't trust omnics that much.

DISCORD ~ Ramattra x Fem!Reader *OVERWATCH*Where stories live. Discover now