22 ~ "Breathe"

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"And so Overwatch comes to save the day..." Akande laughed, his relaxed posture turned to face your team.

After Sombra had cracked the code to Ramattra's office, you kept your eyes on the two neon dots that flickered and signaled two entities within the room. Your heart pounded and your eyes kept on the dot that stayed in place, begging it to move. It moved so slowly, barely flinching as though it were injured.

The moment the doors flew open, Genji and you hurried in to find Akande leaning over Ramattra's body, his body was slumped against a wall, head tilted back by Akande whilst his face plate had a scar slashed right through it.

Both of their faces had turned to you, Ramattra's lights flickering dimly at the sight of you and his brother. How he wished he could embrace you and hold you against him. 

It was then that Akande had begun to laugh, shoving Ramattra against the wall harshly before walking slowly toward the team. 

You snarled at him when you heard Ramattra's metal clash against the hard wall. Your heart pounded in your chest as the horrible laugh of Akande was heard bouncing off the walls. Odessa stood beside you, pulling Carnage off her back, holding it to intimidate Doomfist.

"Your little team won't do any good here. Your chances of succeeding are below zero, my army will rush in at any moment." He laughed and stood behind Ramattra's desk, watching as you slowly approached him.

Your eyes flickered towards Ramattra's momentarily and as you moved forwards to Doomfist, you saw his head shaking. Silently pleading with you to leave, he rose his damaged hand, but it barely made it from the floor. He was injured too badly.

"No matter what happens right now, we will win eventually." You said, looking back at Doomfist. "Lose the battle, win the war, wasn't it?"

Akande smirked at your comment, "Indeed," his smile faded.  "But that does not count for you."

Just then, a loud rumble was heard in the hallway and you turned your head to the team. They were all ready for the impact and ready to face the omnics that would soon barge through the door.

Akande laughed again, "Perhaps you will lose the war after all," he fled, using his fist to punch through the window, fleeing the situation to let the army finish it off.

The moment you saw him out of view, you ran to sit by Ramattra's side, checking him all over and seeing the sparks that came from his chest. You bit your lip and shook your head, watching his lights flickering. It reminded you of Zenyatta. "You're going to be alright, we'll get you out of here!"

Junker Queen and Genji stood by the door, making sure that when the omnics would come in, they'd be stopped before they could reach you and Ramattra. 

Mercy and Zenyatta joined your side, using the medical recourses they had in an attempt to heal Ramattra back into a normal state. 

The sound of thumping got louder and so did your heartbeats, you looked at the door and then back down at Ramattra.

"Go..." He whispered.

You shook your head, your eyes closing tightly. Mercy looked at you, "There isn't enough time, we need to get him out of here."

Zenyatta met your gaze and he slowly nodded, you shook your head in response. "It is best we take my brother with us, healing him now would risk the death of us all."

"We have to take him with us, right now. We have to leave!" You panicked and used the device in your ear to contact the team, "We are leaving, head back to the jet and pick us up!"

Glancing at the window, your breath quickened and you thought about leaving the same way Doomfist had gone. But with Ramattra in this state, it would be impossible to carry him for so long despite the power you had with your telekinesis. 

All of a sudden, you heard Junker Queen grunting and lifting Ramattra off the ground, throwing him onto her shoulder. "Stop mockin' around and move! Leave through the window, I've got him!"

You looked up at her with relief, tears brimming on the edge of your eye. You saw how Genji guided Zenyatta through the window, looking down at the large amount of snow. You'd have to slow down the fall by scraping along the wall, sliding down carefully.

Once Zenyatta was through, carefully landing in the snow, it was Genji's turn to fly out with Mercy. The thumps in the hallway got louder and louder, the army almost barging through the door.

Junker Queen leapt out and slid against the slanted wall, using Gracie to slice into the wall and slow her down, she hopped onto the snow. They all looked up to see you standing by the window, glancing back to see the omnics bursting through the door.

You gasped and jumped out just in time, using your telekinesis to fly out briefly and cushion your fall.

You made a sign for them to run and just keep going until we would reach the jet. Your heart pounded in your throat, running blindly behind the team, hearing the faint yells of Odessa in the distance, you followed them, your hair whirling in the wind, roaring was heard in the sky and when you looked up you saw the jet.

Everything was blurry and you just ran straight ahead, seeing the team urging you to run inside. You ran and ran, looking behind you to see the hord of omnics running your way, shooting at you.

Junker Queen ran towards you, still having Ramattra on her shoulders, she picked you up with her other hand, speeding towards the jet as it already started to take off. Safe in her arms, you saw how she was breathing heavily, her legs on the verge of giving out. She kept running, determined to save you.

She jumped inside quickly, getting everyone to safety just in time as the jet closed and started to fly off to the main base of Overwatch.

The team started to cheer as Junker Queen placed down Ramattra carefully with Mercy and Zenyatta. She then focussed on you and placed you in a seat, tightening the belt. 

Odessa kneeled in front of you, checking your vitals, and gently slapping your cheek. "Oi, wake up, you're safe, mate." she panted, moving your head around a bit to make sure you got out of your panicked state.

You started blinking, jolting your head back to see Odessa smiling softly at you, the team stood behind you to see if you were alright. You nodded briefly and thanked Odessa, your head leaning back against the wall as you saw Ramattra in critical condition.

Home... you needed to go home.




What are you guys' mains on Overwatch? :>

DISCORD ~ Ramattra x Fem!Reader *OVERWATCH*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن