2 ~ "Now what?!"

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You woke up, startled when Zenyatta was in your vision. It seems like you slept against the window last night.

"God! Will you not scare me like that?" You huffed when Zenyatta let out an amused hum. "How are you feeling, Y/N?"

You grumbled quietly as you rubbed your head, hurting from being pressed against the window. 

You remembered the fight you had between you and Winston, regretting what you said to him. They all knew what had happened to you, but you felt like they still didn't understand you.

"I'm fine, Zen."

Zenyatta's lights flickered lightly at your response as if they could sense your lying. He didn't say anything until he glanced at the clock. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere right now?"

You frowned and looked at the clock, realizing you were supposed to be on the jet to Egypt, visiting the market near the Temple of Anubis, where supposedly more omnics would join together to fight mankind.

Your eyes widened as you jumped up - almost tripping over some of your clothes in the process. "Shit, Zen! You could've told me immediately!"

He hummed as you were rushing to gather your things. "Language, Y/N."

You rolled your eyes and rushed out the door, running through the hallways until you arrived at the hangar. 

The jet engines were roaring loudly.

You saw how the door of the jet almost closed, but using your magic, you hopped in at the last second, falling in front of the members. "I'm here!"

Everyone let out a short huff as they looked at you. 

"Almost too late, Y/N," Jack commented. 

"Again," Gabriel added.

You stood up and dusted yourself off, taking a seat next to Ana. 

"Alright, I get it, but you guys could've checked on me!"

"We sent Zenyatta, didn't we?" Gabriel smirked at you.

You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. "Seriously, you could've woken me up a while ago. You know, before you all got in without me."

You held your suit in your hands. It was a simple suit designed to be flexible for your magic to flow through. You held it tightly in your hands as it manifested itself around your form, momentarily covered by a purple smoke. 

Once dressed in your suit, you heard Tracer signaling the ride would take 30 minutes, not taking any breaks, and meanwhile, the plan would be worked out.

Seeing as Ana knows the place from the top of her head, she was assigned a spot to snipe and look at the environment. If there was something going on, she'd be the first to know.

Gabriel and Jack were assigned to stay on the ground, keeping an eye out for omnics that could be a potential threat. 

You and Winston were to stay together and enter the fight lastly, once the omnics had shown themselves. You huffed at that, not being allowed to join the fight immediately always made you jealous. 

Though, your jealousy and thirst for killing omnics can be turned into a disaster once it goes wrong like a previous time.

During the flight, you had a wonderful talk with Ana about the beauty of Egypt and how she took Pharah with her to see the Temple when she was only a few years old. She also spoke of the incident between her and Widowmaker. After that, she remained quiet.

You started to talk about how you envied Pharah for having such a wonderful and caring mother as her. She smiled at that and gently pat your head. 

Tracer's voice was heard over the comms as she announced "Here we are! The city of Anubis. It's a busy day it seems, enough to do, loves!"

As soon as we landed, Gabriel and Jack stood in front of the door, ready to take their positions. Ana joined in behind as Winston and I stood at the back. Tracer would leave soon and park the jet somewhere more convenient. 

Before you left to step into the sand, you turned to Winston. "Winston, I wanted to apologize... about last night."

He smiled at you and placed his hand on your shoulder, "Y/N, it's perfectly fine. I want to apologize as well, I should not have reacted that way."

You smiled widely at this and walked out the door with him, waving Tracer goodbye as she flew the jet somewhere else. Sand started to fly everywhere in your eyes and mouth.

You coughed and shook your head, getting the sand out of your hair. "Yeah, I get why I never went to Egypt..."

Winston laughed and started walking to a calm spot behind the market, awaiting quietly as everyone started observing the market's behavior.

Tracer was right; it's a busy day today. Humans and omnics both walk around like normal civilians, how were you to tell them apart from bloodthirsty monsters and normal omnics?

You leaned your head back against a wall as you looked at the floor, the sun began to dry you out. You haven't even eaten your breakfast, and neither did you drink enough water. Winston seemed to notice this and pass you a bottle of water.

You thanked him and drank a bit as sweat dripped down your face. 

After a while of waiting, you heard a shot in the air, followed by loud screaming and people suddenly leaving the market. 

Your eyes shot open, your magic flowing through your veins as you looked at Winston, the same look was exchanged; time for action.

Ana was quick to give you all a heads up; a taller omnic in the middle of the city had raised a scepter of some sort, which caused other omnics to rise and began to shoot through the crowds.

You looked at Winston the second you heard the news and you were desperate to help those people in there.

Gabriel and Jack were shooting back at the omnics, immediately calling for backup.

Winston used his jets as he jumped up into the air, landing in a large group of omnics.

You were helping the people that were still inside the market out, by flying through the crowd and picking them up easily. 

The second all of the people were out and it was just the omnics against your team, you used your powers to fly up high and try to hit the leader of the pack.

His gaze was suddenly on you as he threw a small purple device of some sort. You had no idea what it was, when all of a sudden you were pulled to the ground, causing you to slam hard into the sand. 

You groaned as you heard his footsteps approach. You tried the best you could, yet you couldn't push yourself off the ground. The heat of the sun was on your back, slowly consuming you and convincing you to close your eyes and let the comfort of sleep take over you.

Your body felt heavy as you closed your eyes, the sound of Winston's voice yelling in your ear dimmed down as you heard one last call out in a robotic voice. "We will have peace at any cost!"


Another chapter, tell me what you think!


DISCORD ~ Ramattra x Fem!Reader *OVERWATCH*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang