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˜"*°• the whole of kq were dealing with devastating news.

˜"*°• asuka's genetic lung disease had made a second appearance and asuka had no symptoms till it was to late. his disease had spread up his lungs more than it did last time and they were to late to catch it. 

˜"*°• he wasn't going to die, yet. he just had even more medication to take everyday to slow it down, and it really put his career at risk. he and the ceo decided to hide it from fans and from the members till it really started taking it toll on asuka. they thought if they kept it secret for a little while, asuka could keep performing as much as he can.

˜"*°• they managed to hide it for 2 months before yeosang noticed a clear difference in asuka's health and stamina, but also he seemed a lot skinner than usual. the couple were chasing after yeosang's drones when asuka came running back and almost collapse from shaky legs and lack of breath.

˜"*°• asuka had not choice to tell yeosang the predicament. at first yeosang felt completely betrayed, but his worry and sadness took over. he was devastated about the news but understood that asuka wasn't going to stop performing or making music till he died. yeosang hoped he would live as long as his dad did.

˜"*°• asuka's mum was aware as soon as the news was out. the ceo told her, and she was saddened that asuka got the short end of the stick and got his dad's sickly lungs. she flew to korea and stayed close by for a few weeks, which aroused suspicion in the first few weeks amongst the members but ae cha claimed she just missed him

˜"*°• after yeosang found out, they decided to tell the other members. of course, all of them were pretty silent, not really knowing how to take the news. wooyoung was on the verge of crying, and then the members all brought asuka into a hug. it was the worst news ever, and it was only the start of 2023, after asuka's solo debut

"how will this effect us?" seonghwa whispered and wiped his eyes

" it's not going to. don't worry about me. i've been able to keep up so far." asuka said and hongjoong sat thinking

˜"*°• asuka could sit on a chair while they dance, and join in when he's ready but they need him in the group. they weren't ready to let him go, he was going to perform with ateez till their 80 years old.

" hongjoong hyung, please, i'll be fine truly."

" are you going to die?"

all the members worst nightmare at the tips of their fingers.

"NO! god no..." asuka said unsure, "if i get worse, i promise i'll sit out some performances."

˜"*°• asuka kept it from atiny for ages, if he couldn't perform on stage for a few songs, he would sit in a chair for a while, gaining his energy for a few minutes. it was a complete change from what they were used to but they didnt say anything since asuka never addressed it.

he finally addressed it in may after his and yeosang anniversary. 


it's asuka. for the past few months, atiny have probably realised how down i've been while performing and sitting on a chair. KQ and I have worked closely together to form words about this current situation, i find it easier to just tell you.

I have a lung disease. it's genetic from my father who passed last year. it effects my lungs greatly, and recently my stamina has decreased lots. i struggle to perform for a long periods of time however it doesnt effect anything other than that.

i can continue to sing, rap and perform to certain extents and atiny shouldnt worry about me! 

we haven't addressed it for a long time in order not to worry you, as I'm doing fine! 

my disease is being closely monitored by professionals, and i'm taking more medication to slow down the growth of the disease. i'm gonna live till 80 and continued to perform for atiny till it's the end of ateez.

please stay with us, and continue to support us!

love you guys loads, from your asuka x

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now