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˜"*°• HARD TO PARENT, moments

˜"*°• hongjoong has to repeat everything at least twice, especially games because asuka is foreign - its worse when yeosang isn't paying attention either

˜"*°• hongjoong getting the members to snap their fingers in front of asuka's face when he isn't paying attention or daydreaming

˜"*°• its worse for the members when asusang are in their own world together

˜"*°• asuka sometimes misses the que for the chant when they introduce themselves 

˜"*°• asuka isn't the one to lose things easily, he's quite organised but when he does lose something it's straight to hongjoong or seonghwa because they turn into 'the mother that can find anything'

˜"*°• the thing he loses the most are definitely earrings and rings. asuka has an abundance of jewellery, and that's the thing he loses the most. sometimes hongjoong just find random rings all over his studio and has to take them back to the dorm to give back

˜"*°• honestly, asuka was embarrassed to be number two on the list of hardest to parent. he had moved to a whole new country to work and then being called hard to parent was a blow so he tried to mature a bit

the members noticed he was trying to be more independent with certain things and they thought it was cute. that was until things stopped going right for asuka and he ended up getting lost and breaking everything he touched. 

hongjoong especially realised that asuka genuinely needs babied sometimes otherwise things just go wrong 

˜"*°• hongjoong honestly finds it hard to incorporate asuka into a lot of things, and into a lot of videos. he ends up finding a way but because asuka is so unlike the other members, he finds it hard to do things that asuka will like with the members

˜"*°• any time they go out, as much as the parents try to pay attention to asuka to keep him comfortable, the other members take their attention away for being to chaotic. they know asuka can handle himself most of the time but that odd few times scares hongjoong a lot

˜"*°• because of san, the group have a ban of jumping outside. because of asuka, they have a ban of jumping to much in the studio because he's accidently jumped into the mic a few times and risked breaking it.

˜"*°• asuka gets too immersed in movies and books and drawing so it takes a few members to get his attention in the dorm when he's doing his activities 

˜"*°• he's a light sleeper and nearly anything loud can wake him. when asuka is asleep, hongjoong can be quite protective and tell the other members to be silent, quite aggressively. it keeps hongjoong pretty tense if the fake maknae is sleeping longer than everyone else

˜"*°• asuka is a member that finds it hard to sleep sometimes and will stay up till early morning, not just hongjoong and seonghwa, but they whole group have told him off for messaging the group chat at stupid hours in the morning

˜"*°• asuka is emotional, like super emotional. but because he's so quiet, the members sometimes have no idea how bad he's feeling. seonghwa has spoken about it before, about how he feels sad for asuka sometimes because he's not the one able to open up about his feelings in front of people

although, seonghwa has mentioned he's getting better with being more open

˜"*°• wooyoung likes to jokingly take advantage of when asuka is either daydreaming or to immersed in a book and take asuka's belongings to see how quickly he would notice - asuka usually ends up complaining to the parents about his lost belongings

˜"*°• asuka is a bit hesitant about lending clothes to the members in case they spill something on it or stretch it out - he doesnt have the heart to say anything though and lets the members borrow his clothes. hongjoong always notices how he's hesitant and has told the members not to take clothes

˜"*°• asuka loves to be in peoples personal space, and sometimes doesnt realise how annoying it can be. although hongjoong and seonghwa don't mind the closeness, asuka initiates skinship at weird and important times which can make the leader angry

˜"*°• sometimes hongjoong feels burdened with how lonely asuka might feel without his homeland and his parents - it doesnt make asuka hard to parent, but it's an extra worry hongjoong has for the younger boy

˜"*°• the whole dorm is shivering in their timbers when asuka ignores a member - they think for the first time they've seen him angry when in reality asuka has too much in his brain to comprehend what's going on around him

˜"*°• if hongjoong thinks asuka's hard to parent when asuka has taken his medication, then he's worse when he's off medication

you have calm medicated asuka who daydreams, then unmedicated asuka who cant sit still for one second and has a million things running through his brain every second

unmedicated asuka can run laps around the kitchen for an hour, and will do every japanese impression under the sun, he will have ideas and ideas run from his mouth that the members cant keep up with, and he'll cause the younger members to get riled up and they'll all cause chaos.

˜"*°• since asuka likes to crack his bones/joints... the popping sound that haunts hongjoong is always there. always has to tell him to stop cracking his bones 

˜"*°• he's placed number 2 because asuka likes mint chocolate ice cream

˜"*°• asuka's solo model schedule stresses hongjoong out because asuka misses a lot of ateez interviews for his solo schedule - but hongjoong cant really do anything about it because asuka is a well renowned model 

˜"*°• sometimes seonghwa has to check jongho and asuka haven't died in their shared room because the two youngest never come out of their room when they're playing games together

˜"*°• hongjoong and seonghwa have to support whatever asuka hyper-focuses on next, if they don't show interest, it hurt asuka's feelings a lot

˜"*°• asuka is a picky eater, and doesnt like a lot of foods. the parents are sick of him now, and hongjoong doesnt know why he didnt place asuka first on the list

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now