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˜"*°•  have the couple ever experienced jealousy?

˜"*°• its pretty surprising that the couple don't get more jealous because of how close they are to other members, but its always been the same so yeosang and asuka have had no real reason to be jealous.

˜"*°• however, asuka is quite a jealous person. when he got into a relationship with yeosang, he always wanted to be close to him, but not smother him. it was always the quiet jealousy he experienced and it wasn't always obvious

he would get jealous of the amount of time yeosang would spend with other members, because it meant yeosang could go hours without saying a word to asuka without realising - asuka just felt like yeosang didnt want to talk to him for some reason

˜"*°• little does asuka know, but yeosang is nearly the same. he doesnt normally get jealous when asuka spends time with other members, but gets more jealous when the other members fawn over asuka

it always made him feel uneasy when members got to close to asuka physically, like kissing his forehead and cheeks. he just thought it was too much after they got into a relationship, he expected the other members to lay off the physical touch a bit but they never did and he didnt have the heart to tell them off

˜"*°• they tend to be pretend jealous when a members gets to physical.

" i'll kill san if he kisses you again." - asuka 2022

" mingi keeps babying you. what a loser." - yeosang 2020

" hongjoong loves you or something, shame i got you first." - yeosang 2021

" it seems wooyoung is trying to steal you, he can shut up." - asuka 2021

" do you want me to fight him?" - yeosang 2022

" after i fight san." - asuka 2022

˜"*°• there was one time when asuka thought he might actually get angry for the first time. san just wouldn't leave yeosang alone for 5 seconds. they were all in the studio and san had his legs and arms wrapped around yeosang. Eden wanted yeosang and asuka to go in together and asuka was excited to partner with yeosang 

san wouldn't let him go and asuka felt the sudden urge to shout at san for being a pain.

it was straight up jealousy, and yeosang could tell his boyfriend wasn't happy so he stood up forcefully, making san let go. the older tried to calm asuka down, and he did it easily. san realised he was being to touchy when asuka walked back into the lounge area and received a glare from asuka

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now