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˜"*°• has asuka got any insecurities?

˜"*°• yes, of course, he's not perfect at all. 

˜"*°• asuka's biggest insecurity is his body. he was always a skinny kid, and often struggled to put on weight. he hated his body for being to 'long' and to 'boney'. he was a picky eater which didn't help, and he often ate to much sugar to try and fatten up. it never worked, and he was always skinny.

˜"*°• growing up on Okinawa island which has the population of 1.4 million, you can be picked out pretty easily if you look different etc. asuka was the lanky kid for a long time, and was often picked on for being 'scary' looking. the school kids were always shorter and a bit chubbier than him which made him the main subject for stupid kids who liked to pick on him 

˜"*°• it got worse as he got older and started modelling while still attending school. he was the source of mean comments and jealousy because even though he looked 'boney' and 'scary' he was making money out of his looks and considered successful.

eventually he dropped out at 15, and continued modelling but the comments about his body and how he looks never really left him. he always tried to wear baggier clothes to seem like he was bigger underneath the clothes but it just made him look slimmer.

˜"*°• his self confidence got better after he debuted with ateez. the members like san, yeosang and hongjoong were also small and pretty skinny pre-debut and after. it wasn't until they all started working out together, and eating well together that the members grew as they got older and got muscles

˜"*°• asuka remained pretty slim but there was a clear difference in how his body looked after working hard and eating well with his members, he was able to put on a lot more muscle and fill out his body so he wasn't as lanky looking. 

˜"*°• that's why he admires san so much, because they were in a similar boat. san was insecure about his body as well, but through performing and dance and working out, he got to see his body much better and learn about it to eventually love it over the years. asuka sometimes till has body confidence problems but he's working through it well.

˜"*°• he's also pretty insecure about his hair. his hair has been pretty damaged since he was 15, when the stylists didnt know how to take care of it properly because all they did was straighten it loads.

asuka has only ever met a few stylists who really love his curly hair and have wanted to recover his curls properly. his hair was a weird mix of straight and waves at the tips, eventually in 2021, his natural curls were recovered after he did some research and started taking proper care of his hair. 

he did it because mingi wanted to see his proper curls during the pandemic and during his hiatus. he's no longer that insecure about his hair because he knows how to take care of it now, and likes it curly.

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now