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˜"*°• ASUSANG, yeosang x asuka

˜"*°• yeosang took asuka under his wing because they were similar when trainees and struggled socially, as yeosang is older he felt an obligation to help show him around

˜"*°• atiny realised that a lot of interactions between the two members are simply looking at each other and knowing what the other is thinking, or simply not having to speak to each other to get one another. atiny are convinced the two are soulmates

˜"*°• asuka adores yeosang's awkward nature, and in fact finds comfort in it and even though the two are quiet, it's never awkward between them because they can simply sit next to each other in silence for hours

˜"*°• although asuka is quiet, he encourages yeosang to speak up more and gain more confidence. he often asks hongjoong to write more lines for him the songs because asuka wants to hear yeosang sing more

˜"*°• asuka adores yeosang, especially the older member's small lisp. he always smiles when he hears yeosang's lisp, and often teases the member by getting him to say words with the s sound

˜"*°• the two are always paired together for photoshoots, or scenes in music videos because the members believe they are both the prettiest visuals. this made yeosang and asuka really close during filming and the two are often together on sets of music videos

˜"*°• asuka and yeosang have deep conversations in asuka's bedroom because asuka feels safe all the time near yeosang. yeosang loves listening to him talk even if he sometimes spaces out or loses track of what asuka is saying

˜"*°• asuka likes being near yeosang because his social battery never drains near yeosang. the two are always on the same wavelength and don't bother each other because of it therefore they spend a lot of time together to avoid being lonely but also to avoid being drained from the other members

˜"*°• the two are always found cuddling because asuka loves hugging yeosang a lot, and asuka has seen 10-minute videos of their ship and most of it is asuka going to yeosang for hugs during videos or in the background

˜"*°• asuka also adores yeosang's birthmark on his eye area, and there are many clips of asuka speaking about it. atiny were shocked in one logbook when asuka kissed it lightly which made yeosang flushed and hot which he got teased for

˜"*°•  the pair decided to start learning chinese together when asuka hyper focused on it, and asuka found yeosang was really good at concentrating and was determined to learn just like him

˜"*°• asuka and the members bought yeosang a drone for his birthday, but yeosang has only taught asuka how to fly it which made the other members sort of jealous, but they found it cute at the same time

˜"*°• once they started dating, all the physical touch, the quality time, the present buying and giving got turned up 20 notches and became more loving and more constant

˜"*°• asuka cant get enough of his muscles, especially when their performing and yeosang has his arms out. there are clips of asuka just touching his arms, and trying to bite them

˜"*°•  yeosang has tried to teach asuka how to skateboard as well but asuka got injured one time and vowed never to step on a skateboard again - the two laugh about it often

˜"*°• yeosang once said that his favourite colours were red and black, but it recently changed to black and orange because asuka's favourite colour is orange

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now