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˜"*°• HONGSUKA, hongjoong x asuka

˜"*°•  asuka and hongjoong are weirdly known for having the smallest hands in the group but asuka is determined to show everyone his hands are bigger, so when they're together and there's a camera, asuka measures their hands by putting them together but their hands are always the same size

˜"*°•  hongjoong is always more settled down near asuka, always cautious around him because hongjoong doesn't want to scare the younger boy or intimidate him like when they were trainees. hongjoong likes to be approachable, and always encourages asuka to seek comfort or help from the leader

˜"*°• anyone can see just how protective hongjoong is of asuka, always looking at him to see if he's alright because he knows asuka won't speak up if he's uncomfortable, he also speaks up for him sometimes

˜"*°• atiny really believe hongjoong was asuka's father in another life as he just knows how to perfectly treat asuka, sometimes being strict and taking care of him softly

˜"*°• hongjoong was the one to get asuka into photography, and the pair often travel to go to nice destinations to take photos together. dispatch once caught them in seoul when they were seeing a festival, and hongjoong was holding asuka's hand protectively

˜"*°• whenever hongjoong goes live in the studio, asuka will often bring food and sit with him for the next few hours where they sit and eat and talk to atiny, and listen to music. the lives are famous throughout the community for being the most peaceful lives, and very comforting

˜"*°• asuka finds comfort in having hongjoong next to him in the recording room, where they rap side by side in one microphone, and the members find his whining for hongjoong adorable

˜"*°• asuka knows hongjoong doesn't really like skin ship so he keeps it to a minimal but hongjoong actually admitted in an interview that if he had to, he would continuously hug asuka because he doesn't tease hongjoong about the physical touch, so asuka hugged hongjoong more

˜"*°• hongjoong sometimes doesn't get to spend a lot of time with asuka when filming because the other members need hongjoong's attention, so it's usually up to asuka to seek out hongjoong's attention and hongjoong will simply give up his attention on something to spend time with asuka

˜"*°• there was a clip of asuka that got spread around the internet where he was crying over how special hongjoong is because he knows how much effort hongjoong put in to debuting the group, and how hard he's been working for all those years and asuka said he wanted to pay hongjoong back but didn't know how

˜"*°• atiny know that hongjoong is very strong about donations and supporting charities and supporting all types of people, when they learned that the two members done a lot of research on donating and charities, atiny praised them and their bond over special things

˜"*°• the members of ateez often complain how nice hongjoong is to asuka, saying they never tell him off or how he isn't as aggressive towards asuka even though he's the second hardest to parent.

˜"*°• asuka speaks fondly of hongjoong's hard work and was the one to tell atiny's that hongjoong once recorded a song 1395 times

˜"*°• asuka likes to buy little accessories for hongjoong's clothing reforming - he loved the clothes hongjoong makes

˜"*°• atiny were once convinced that hongjoong had secret feelings for asuka but it was quickly disclosed by hongjoong himself as he said he had a fatherly/brotherly sort of love for asuka

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now