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˜"*°• ASUGI, mingi x asuka

˜"*°•  mingi always goes to asuka to wind down after a long exhausting day of being loud, mingi just finds asuka calming and likes to chat with him about random things which asuka also loves. mingi really values asuka's time

˜"*°• asuka is always seen messing with mingi's hair. atiny love it because of the height difference, mingi always has to bend down slightly so the younger can reach the top of his head to ruffle his hair

˜"*°• there was a clip from a variety show of asuka trying to gather the whole of mingi's body into his arms like a baby, and from then the duo was one of atiny's favourites

˜"*°• if hongjoong isn't in the studio at the same time, then mingi will step into the recording studio with asuka. the duo always gets hyper in the studio together and their energy is unmatched when they rap together. the members like placing them together during sessions

˜"*°•  asuka likes mingi's nickname princess, but instead has his own in japanese. 王女 ( oujo ) is just the japanese way of saying princess and mingi really likes it

˜"*°•  asuka finds a lot of joy buying accessories for mingi, or likes buying him food. when mingi was on hiatus, asuka liked to talk about how he takes care of him a lot and he told atiny he likes to buy mingi things to lift up his spirits, even if it was stupid things that mingi didn't need

˜"*°• when mingi was on hiatus, it was often asuka rapping his parts as well as his own because asuka wanted to let mingi know he could rely on the younger member when he wasnt present

˜"*°• asuka will always find time to talk to mingi. during the hiatus, asuka would always call even if it was just for 5 minutes while they were both busy and mingi talked about it a lot when the hiatus ended. mingi expressed his thanks and how the two got closer because of it

˜"*°• due to asuka's caring nature, the duo's relationship was voted for the most loving ship of 2021 when mingi's hiatus ended 

˜"*°• although mingi is extroverted, he likes to daydream and asuka realised this and finds it super adorable when mingi spaces out

˜"*°• mingi is the most coward of the group and is scared of a lot of things, asuka tries to comfort him in tiny a lot of the time because asuka doesn't get scared easily. a lot of atiny noticed how asuka pulls mingi behind him softly in scary situations

˜"*°• asuka admires the fact mingi can fall asleep at any time of day because asuka can never close his mind off during the day

˜"*°• asuka doesnt really like hot springs or sauna's but will go if mingi wants him to come with him

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now