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˜"*°• ASUKA, dating history

˜"*°• DATING STYLE, asuka has been working as a model for most of his life and has never found the time to have a partner, however he did discover he liked both genders while growing up. it was something asuka was self-conscious about because he had never had someone to talk to about it. he shut the newfound information down and away from everyone, even his parents. he was also sensitive about finding someone who was perfect for him, and that person hadn't come along yet. he was aware he would deal with the consequences of his relationships if he was to make it as an idol


yeosang x asuka 

yeosang x asuka 

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˜"*°• DURATION, may 2021 - present

˜"*°• CURRENT STATUS, lovers, best friends

˜"*°• THEIR SONGS, solas by jamie duffy, idfc by blackbear, those eyes by new west, sparks by coldplay, i love you so by the walters, love poem by iu

˜"*°• RELATIONSHIP DETAILS, yeosang and asuka were just suspected best friends. it was one night in may when asuka couldn't understand his feelings for his best friend and fell into a quiet depression about it. he had so many fears about ruining their friendship, ruining the group and so many other things. asuka had been holding so much in for so long, it was normal for them to be together but asuka was struggling to be near him.

no one realised how hard it had been for asuka lately so asuka believed he was being dramatic, but he had a genuine fear of his feelings. yeosang had just been sweet and thoughtful towards asuka, and had taken care of him. yeosang was the perfect person for asuka, he was accommodating and made asuka comfortable. they could communicate without words, had the same sense of humour, and asuka just couldn't help but like his best friend.

he was aware of the consequences of his feelings. first of all, he was struggling with them. second, he wasn't sure yeosang even saw him that way at all so it could completely ruin everything the group have built up in the past 3 years. the members grew worried for asuka as he was weirdly more quiet than usual, and they sent seonghwa to check on him like usual. asuka was scared of his feelings and therefore blurted them out to seonghwa. the older member couldn't help but be respectful and careful with his words.

asuka wasn't actually sure what happened but yeosang was the next to comfort him like a best friend would do. asuka wasn't aware yeosang would confess quietly to him. both boys were suddenly quiet together but asuka had a sudden urge of confidence. he was glad kq never gave them a dating ban - it made life so much easier for the two.

their relationship thrived after that night - and the two were secretly in a relationship, with only the members knowing. they decided to keep it from staff as well even if they were close with their manager and the staff. their relationship was comfortable and quiet, and the members often teased them for being 'married' and 'settled down' but they weren't exactly wrong. asuka and yeosang felt like they had been together for years. they grew more comfortable with each other and are always within 10 feet of each other somehow. despite both being introverted, they never tire of each other and always need the others company.

they don't often go out on dates since they're a secret relationship, but they always go out when its dark to the local stores to buy snacks since yeosang likes doing that. they often find something fun to do in the dorm together which ends up bothering another members but usually the other members go soft when they're doing something together because they're super cute together. they read together, learn about random facts together and yeosang listens to asuka ramble about things he's hyper focused on before. yeosang and asuka share many hobbies, and when they do go out, they take photos, and fly yeosangs drones. 

the members were hesitant about their relationship at first, especially wooyoung who didnt want their relationship to make the group divide if something was to happen but after a few days, everything was going well. yeosang and asuka were together and the whole atmosphere was way lighter. the news of the boys being bisexual and liking one another had made a heavy weight lift up and release unwanted tension everyone felt. asuka had gained confidence and started talking more, especially to yeosang who had missed his chattering about random things, the others noticed a positive change in yeosang too and they felt bad for not realising the two boys had been stressed out.

their relationship continued to stay as a secret till 2022 when the pair were caught close up on camera on a secret date. although atiny were super supportive of their relationship, there was the odd few threats and disappointments, but the couple were aware it would happen eventually. the news wasnt super big because the group didnt have dating bans which didnt classify their relationship as a scandal however because it was a gay relationship, the couple were still under fire from news outlets in korea

ateez and the two members worked through it easily, as the other members defended them and kq let out a statement of when the company found out and why it was allowed, eventually the news died down and the couple still stayed strong. they got many congratulations from close friends and asuka was super grateful for everyone and repaid the kindness by donating to a LGBTQ+ charity with yeosang and hongjoong.

asuka's parents were super fond of yeosang and they often facetimed to talk to the couple when they were free. yeosang's parents were super nice as well but were cautious about the relationship since they fear their son is to naive and sensitive for the harsh words the media puts out about the relatiosnhip. however, when they see asuka and yeosang in person, they adore them together. yeosang's older sister loves asuka, and always invites him to family occasions and changed his name as a joke.

" kang kasai." 

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now