ʟᴏɢʙᴏᴏᴋ 5

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˜"*°• LOGBOOK, 17.11.2018

˜"*°•  i was attached to seonghwa as we were getting food. the group were travelling to busan, and yunho was going around with the camera filming for the ateez youtube channel. i watched him walk around fondly, sharing food with san, as seonghwa ordered food for the two of us.

˜"*°• after the rest stop, we had arrived at the fan signing where we were meeting atiny. i was nervous and excited both at once, and i was sat towards the end of the line. i made conversation with atiny easily, and wooyoung who was sat next to me, smiled in fondness. 

the groups extrovert was super proud with the progress i had made after debut.

˜"*°• all 9 members stood in a line to say thanks and goodbyes to the atiny who came to see us today. i had my arm in jongho's, which was calming and i waved at atiny. i was relieved it was over even though i love atiny a lot, my agoraphobia was starting to kick in a little and i began to panic slightly towards the end because i didn't know the place well, but san who was on the other side of me asked if i was okay.

˜"*°• the night had come for ateez, and we were having fun at gwangalli beach. i wasnt keen on beaches but i was enjoying the cold night air, and i ran onto the beach behind yeosang. i followed him around, and watched as yunho and seonghwa entertained the camera.

˜"*°• the others came onto the beach when fireworks started going off into the distance. i loved fireworks, i loved all the bright colours, but i always wore earmuffs to muffle the noise when i went to watch fireworks. 

"yeosangie, did you know fireworks originated from china around 2000 years ago?"

"did they?" he answered, and i nodded before taking yeosang's hand and running closer to the water with him

 ˜"*°•  yeosang dragged me to the camera and started talking. san ran behind us sounding like a little kid and i laughed. yeosang let go of my hand to do some dancing since mingi asked, and i watched as san sprinted across the beach. 

˜"*°• "PADA! WOW!" san could be heard from across the beach and when i looked at him again he was sprinting towards me, barely missing me as he ran past. he was so out of breath, but he stood towards the sea and shouted out again.

"PADADAH!" i laughed at san's high pitched voice, but i covered my ears because i was too close to him, "PADA ARGHHH!"

˜"*°• jongho came by and picked san up and pretended like he was walking closer to the sea to drop him in. i laughed and ran forward to stop jongho from accidently dropping san in. once san's feet touched the ground he went back to sprinting in the sand and shouting out. he eventually ran out of energy.

˜"*°• all the members were pretty dispersed on the beach, but the main camera was filming hongjoong and yunho now so i decided to sit in the dry sand and watch everyone from a far. i really liked the dark night but i disliked the sand.

˜"*°•  once they ended the video, and everyone had stopped shouting for the outro, myself and the members went back to our hotel in busan. i really enjoyed meeting atiny today and enjoyed my time at the beach too.

˜"*°• this is genuinely a filler type chapter just to get used to the change of perspective and stuff. also, because i cant find anything to fill 2018. there's one more chapter that i wrote for it which will be released tomorrow some time. then i'll work more on 2019.

thank you.

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now