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˜"*°• has asuka ever experienced bad hate from people?

˜"*°• yes of course. there are a lot of people who don't like asuka because they think he puts on a personality especially during videos. they think he wants to be the centre of attention all of the time because he takes medication, and he's touchy with all the members. they also don't like that he's the only foreigner in the group, but a lot of people find that excuse stupid

˜"*°• asuka has received hate throughout his career so he's pretty bored of it all and doesnt pay much attention unless something becomes a big problem or people jump on the band-wagon about something. usually, he just likes to live in a peaceful bliss with the members, but something can catch his eye if it becomes big enough

˜"*°• he's usually more aware of what people are saying more about his members, because he wants to protect them and stop them from seeing it if he can. it's the same for the members, they want to protect asuka from the hate he gets.

˜"*°• asuka is one of the members that experience the most hate despite being known as the nicest idol. some of the hate stems from his modelling career from before he joined kq. and simply because he is quiet and very different from the other members.

˜"*°• he's aware of all the comments about how he doesnt fit in with the other members, and even in the group, it's part of why he's trying to be more confident on stage. he also is used to being called ugly, and people believing he shouldn't be a model. 

˜"*°• a thing he hears the most about is his relationship with yeosang. mostly people directing the hate towards asuka for 'making yeosang gay' or entrapping him etc. a bunch of homophobic stuff obviously, but asuka doesnt look at stuff like that, and never allows yeosang to read stuff like that either.

˜"*°• he's experienced hate in public, face to face too and that's what hurts asuka more. he used to the words on a screen directed aggressively to him, but he can't actually believe there are people brave enough to come up to him, or whisper stuff about him on the street. 

 ˜"*°• he experienced the most hate on his 2022 comeback live, and weirdly it was also the time he experienced the most love from atiny.

his comeback live was on 29th september 2022, after he was announced to comeback from his hiatus, and he went live to speak to atiny after half a year. he was having a good time as usual, celebrating and talking to atiny.

 he got to the hour and a half mark, and the comment took a sudden change. he decided to ignore most of them, till he accidently read one out

" you don't deserve yeosang-"

it took asuka a while to click about what he read and then he let out a sheepish smile.

" i know, you don't have to tell me, but i'm trying my hardest." he whispered out. 

˜"*°• he was just super confused at how the comments took a sudden change, and why certain people felt the need to change the atmosphere of the live with their opinions. especially after he had been gone, and was still sensitive over stuff, the comments got to him more than usual this time.

"you shouldnt be back." he whispered another one, not finding a single comment from an atiny.

he shrugged and smiled, but deep down he was a bit scared, it was like facing a war all alone. he just wanted to find one nice comment from an atiny. just one.

" i missed atiny. i was ready to come back. please don't be mean." asuka said quietly, looking towards the ground awkwardly. if he kept looking at the comments then he might accidently read more out.

he finally looked back up, he didnt realise his eyes had watered a little bit so he spun around to face the back of the room away from the camera. 

" i really wanted to come back and have a good time filming videos again, and i wanted to see my members more often and speak to atiny. i know i don't deserve all the opportunities im given, which is why i work so hard to pay atiny back. im sorry you don't like me, i wish i could be more likable but im just being me."

˜"*°• he turned back around after wiping his eyes, and smiled at the camera. atiny had fought their way through, and nice comments started rolling their way through again. he smiled brighter, and continued the live for 10 minutes longer

˜"*°• from then on, he usually tries to go live with other members, and if it is a solo live, then the members like to pop in and check on him a few times, and someone always watches to check over the comments or if something happens.

˜"*°• wooyoung spoke in asuka's defence saying how he's hardly any different on and off camera and he's always the sweetest person with a lot of weird habits which makes everyone adore him. since then, some of the mean comments calmed down.

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now