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˜"*°• ASUSAN, san x asuka

˜"*°• they are the quiet, loud introvert duo of the group and often have a lot of funny moments together because asuka can't handle how loud he is sometimes and pulls memeful faces

˜"*°• however, san is the first member to check on asuka after stressful social situations or apologises quickly when he's too loud next to the member. san is very caring of him

˜"*°• san often offers his comfort in forms of physical touch. a lot of moments between the two members are hugging, gentle forehead kisses, and head pats. asuka doesnt like it when san smacks his butt, and one time told him off for it

˜"*°•  since the two share a birthday month, they like to do a live together in july to celebrate together and do some fun challenges with atiny. the other members always watch the special july live where the two introvert members have fun

˜"*°• asuka likes to buy san cute things that remind him of san. sometimes he buys plushies, or cute little fashion accessories which san can wear

˜"*°• san once told asuka off in a live for not speaking up when san gets too loud, and it made asuka upset because he didn't want to tell san to stop being loud because in a way it brings comfort to asuka even though it hurts his ears

˜"*°• when asuka found out san struggled with body confidence, it made asuka upset but he respected san a lot more because he figured if san could become more confident then he could to. asuka really looks up to san for his confidence of stage

˜"*°•  there are many funny clips of asuka talking about how he likes san's body and is often jealous of how good-looking his hyung is, and atiny find the clips hilarious because of the sarcastic faces asuka pulls when talking about san

˜"*°• if yunho isn't around, asuka will go to san to release energy because san is the perfectly loud introvert for asuka

˜"*°• san and asuka have conversations a lot about taekwondo since san's dad owned a taekwondo studio. asuka once called san's dad to see if he could continue his lessons with him, and san's dad agreed

˜"*°• the duo is often seen eating chocolate together since they both have a bit of a sweet tooth

˜"*°• the group have said the two like to cause some trouble together because they are both the fake maknaes of the group, asuka and san take pride in that

˜"*°• san likes to show pictures of his cat to asuka because asuka likes cats more than dogs

˜"*°• san is interested in learning japanese so asuka likes to teach him new words and sentences everyday, and also helps with pronunciation on japanese albums

𝐀𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐚, 9th Ateez MemberWhere stories live. Discover now