Mama bear

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The next morning I wake up to Charlie barking. Well...can I call it morning if its 5.23am. I carefully get up off larissa and I pick him up. I take him downstairs and I open the back door for him. I fill his food bowl up and watch him do his stuff outside as I wash the dishes.

He comes back in and I decide to take him for a walk since he's had all of his vaccines. I go upstairs and I shove on a tight black dress. I put on some heels and I put a jacket on. I go back down and I put Charlie's lead on him.

We walk out the door and we walk down the street. After half an hour of being out I accidentally bump into a woman who's jogging. I fall backwards and land flat on my arse. She takes her headphones off and looks at me .

Charlie sniffs at her then wraps his lead around her legs. "I'm so sorry..hes not used to people yet"  I apologise for the tiny animal. "Its fine hun..sorry for bumping into you" she says. She puts a hand out to help me up.

"I'm Tanya" she says shaking my hand. "Juliet. Juliet weems..Nice to meet you" I accidentally introduce myself in a professional way. "Oh your nevermores Grace Thompsons aunt" she says.

"Grace...shes a lovely girl..are you..close with her parents.." I ask wanting to know more about her home life. "I wouldn't say close...they are horrible people.. im glad she's here so shes away from them..her mother kate is my sister.." she tells me. I nod "I've told her to stay with me or my wife today if she needs daughter and her girlfriend are coming too so she could be with them".

Her face drops when I mention larissa. "You..have a wife?...wheres your ring?" She says. I look down at my hand and notice i forgot to put it on "oh its at home I forgot to put it on". She hums slightly but looks annoyed.

" I...uh...need to tell you something about Grace...not that long ago I was sat next to her in one of her classes whilst I was wife caught her staring at my scars on my wrist and when confronted she hid her own arms....I...called her to my office and...she was self harming...she told me its because of the abuse she suffers at home...please don't tell her parents any of this..I don't want this to cause her more harm.." I say.

She nods "I must get going..ill be seeing you again at 11..see ya Julie". And thats someone else who calls me that. I wave as I walk away "bye Tanya..".

I get to school with Charlie at 9. I let him walk off his lead and he follows me down the hall. A few people aww at him but he ignores them and concentrates on me. I smile as he walks down the hall like a disney animal.

We sit in my office and I wait for any parents to come to me. I hear the door open and I smile when I see my wife holding a coffee cup for me. "Thank you mi amor" I say. She passes me the cup and kisses me lightly. She walks over to the sofa and sits with a sleeping Charlie.

The door slams open and two angry people walk in followed by Tanya and a crying grace. I look at her worried then towards her parents "what is the meaning of this?". "Whatever this bitch told you isnt true...shes just being an attention seeker as usual" her father shouts.

I see larissa go to stand up but I shake my head at her. "Mr Thompson.. this is a school not a rage room...and I've seen evidence..therefore I shall believe grace.." I say calmly. "Shes a siren you know..probably manipulated you into believing her" her mother says walking closer to my desk. "I believe nothing that comes from if you could leave-"I say.

"THATS IT...IM TAKING HER HOME WITH US..CLEARLY SHES NOT TRUSTED HERE" her father shouts at me before grabbing onto graces wrist. "Ow dad-your hurting me" grace says with tears running down her face. "Shut up" her father screams in her face.

"MR THOMPSON...I DO NOT CONDONE THIS BEHAVIOR IN MY SCHOOL..ESPECIALLY TOWARDS YOUR OWN CHILD...NOT GET THE HELL OUT..AND LEAVE THE POOR CHILD ALONE" I scream at him standing up from my seat. "Its my kid..I can do what the hell i want with her you fag" he hisses at me.

I walk around to the other side of my desk and I pull Grace behind me. "Give me my kid" her mother shouts to me. Her father stands infront of me and I laugh as he tries to look intimidating.

"I said...GET THE HELL OUT"  I scream at him again. This time raising my voice more. I gasp when a hand slap my face. Larissa stands up as she hears the noise. She looks towards me and I shake my head again.

"Grace dear...go get security.." I say calmly. She des as I say and runs downstairs with larissa following her. "Why are you so calm..what the hell is wrong with you..your all freaks..this whole place is full of them" her mother says.

"My students are like family to me..and I take family when one of them is students like to say I go into mama bear mode.." I stare at them. I walk up to her father and grab onto his ear. I knee his crotch and he bends over and grabs it in pain. "Your gonna leave grace the hell alone...or next time ill cut them off aswell as your hands.." I say.

I then walk over to his wife and I pull on her hair. "As for you...speak one more word about that girl and ill cut your vocal cords out...and don't think I wont" a look of panic covers her face.

Security walks in with grace and larissa. "THIS BITCH IS CRAZY!" Grace's father screams. "Please escort mr and Mrs Thompson out of my school.." I say smiling at security. I smirk as the pair are dragged out. "SHE THREATENED TO KILL US.." her mother screams.

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