Marilyns consequences

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I wake up snuggled into my wife. I smile as i watch her face scrunch up in her sleep. "Love.." I say kissing her cheek "I need to get up". She groans and opens her eyes "why...where are you going?".

"I agreed to coffee with meeting her downstairs in an hour" I say. I kiss her before getting up. "But Marilyn hasn't spoken to you before...why the sudden interest?"  Larissa asks as she watches me change. I shrug and finish putting on my dress.

Larissa insists on walking me down to meet Marilyn. When we get outside I spot Marilyn at her car. She smiles at me but her face drops when she sees larissa. I kiss larissa then she lets me go to Marilyn.

"Hey Julie.." I watch as she opens the passenger door for me. "Hi..thanks" I say as I get in the car. I sit in silence and hum now and then as Marilyn rambles on.

We get to the coffee shop and she asks me what I want. "Ill have a hot chocolate please.." I say smiling. I watch as she goes and talks to the worker. I think his names Tyler. He went to the raven with Wednesday.

"So how's things going at the school?'ve been here what..11 months?" She asks sipping her coffee. I nod "yeah..about 11 months...its been good so far..ive met most the students here...and they are friendly..their grades have even went up alot".

"So how long has this...fling with larissa been going on?" She asks through gritted teeth. "Well..since I started here..we had a thing when we were students here but that had to end sadly.." I say looking into my cup.

"So you were cheating on your hus- sorry..ex husband both times..interesting"  Marilyn says with a grin on her face. "I..uh...can we move off this topic?" I say starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. She nods at me and starts talking about something else.

Its now 10.40am and after a painful 3 hours and 40 minutes of chatting to Marilyn we get back to nevermore. I smile when I see my wife stood at the door "bye mari..ill see you whenever". "How about in two days? again?" She asks. I nod reluctantly.

This is how it goes for the next 5 months. Im made to go to coffee with her every time we have free time at the same time. Its exhausting. I begin to know how wednesday feels...Enid and Marilyn have the same social energy.

I'm now 9 month pregnant and im due any day now. Larissa and I agreed that this will be my last week until maternity leave which will last for 6 months.

Its currently Wednesday and larissa said her and Wednesday have something to deal with. I told her I'd wait in her office for her at 6 when I'm off work.

So thats what I'm doing. Im currently sat at larissas desk playing with one of those newtons cradle things that she has. I gasp out in pain when I feel cramp in my stomach. "Fuck" I mutter out as I pick up my things. I try to call larissa but it goes straight to voicemail.

I'm now laid in the hospital with our daughter. I've been trying to call larissa for the last 2 hours but its failed every time. I look up to the tv when I hear the news channel say "tragedy seems to have struck an hour ago at nevermore. The bear has struck again as nevermore students gather outside.".

"Crap..larissa" I say trying to sit up a bit more without waking up the sleeping baby. I hear the hospital room door open and I see wednesday stood with her friend Enid. Wednesday has a wound on her head and blood on her clothes. Enid is covered in blood and has a few scratches.

"What the hell happened?" I say. I summon the girls over with my hand and they sit on the end of my bed. Wednesday stares towards her sister "its a girl...whats her name.".

I look down at the little girl. She has my dark hair and larissas bright blue eyes. "Her names belladonna...or Bella for short. It means beautiful lady in Latin.. but also the deadly flower nightshade. Me and larissa decided on it a month or two ago...speaking of my wife..have you seen her?" I say smiling at Bella.

"Mother...Marilyn...she was the one controlling the hyde..well tyler. She...injected larissa with a deadly liquid a..and..she died" I look up with tears in my eyes. "No..your wife isn't dead..she...cant be..she didn't get to see Bella.. "  I say through tears.

I look up and spot a tear coming from wednesdays eye. Shit..shes telling the truth. I look back down at Bella "her middle name should be larissa..After her mother..belladonna larissa weems"

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