Spice it up

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Its been 2 months since we found out about the twins. 6 weeks ago we found out we are having two boys. So far everything with the pregnancys been find. Twin b is still smaller than his brother but not much has changed. We've managed to keep the pregnancy secret and no one else knows.

Me and larissa bought a house last month too. Its got a master bedroom, 3 bedrooms, a guest room, 3 bathrooms and a massive backyard. Its got a big kitchen aswell which i wanted so I can make food for the family. Next week we are gonna start to renovate it.

Todays mine and larissas aniversary of when we got back together. Gomez said he would watch Bella so we could have some peace. I decided I'd wear a black dress and some heels since I havent worn them in ages.

I shove a jumper on over it to hide my bump and ill just have to hope no ones about tonight. I leave my room to go meet larissa at the car.

On the way to the car I bump into wednesday. "Your going on a date..in that" she points to my jumper. "Well its cold out.." I say and continue walking. "I WILL FIND OUT WHAT YOUR HIDING" Wednesday shouts to me.

I get outside and larissas stood against the car door. "Hey my love...you look beautiful" she says kissing me then opening the car door for me. "You look beautiful too mi amor" I say. We drive out the gates and towards burlington. I take off my jumper and shot in in the back seat.

We get to the restaurant and we are took straight to our table. I order macaroni cheese and larissa orders a French meal.

Food comes and we start talking. "What color do you want the walls in our room to be?" She asks me. "Dark red...anyways..do we have to talk about that now...we don't really get to do the flirty date stuff" I say.

She hums. After a bit more of talking/ her flirting with me we move onto another thing. "We need to spice up our sex life..its good..but it could be better.." I say. "How?..we can't do much because I don't wanna hurt you or the boys" she says.

"Why don't we try role-playing...you could be a ceo of a big company...and I could be the pregnant wife who needs to get away from her job and family...and needs her mind taking off it" I say trailing my foot up the inside of her leg.

She smirks slightly and stands up "love...I need to go take a call". I watch as she runs to the bathroom. After a few minutes I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and larissas stood with her hair down and a name tag on that says "Lara w". I giggle at it. "Miss I couldn't help but notice your beautiful self sat all alone" she says whilst stroking her thump over my shoulder.

I nod "my wife was here but I think she may have left...". "Well may I accompany you? My names lara" she says her name in a voice she only talks in if she's saying something dirty. "Yes you may...im jules" I say adding the name she calls me during sex.

"So why are you here tonight... lara..." I ask. "Well...I came here in search of a..needy woman that needs a form of release... " she says whilst moving her food around her plate with her fork.

I hum " well..im done with my food...and I could do with being escorted to my room...or maybe ill happen to stumble into a certain someone's room...the things they could do to me to punish me for trespassing...". I look up at 'lara' and she looks flustered.

She stands up and puts money on the table. We walk to the hotel thats joint onto the restaurant and I go to get us a room whilst she's looking at leaflets.

I feel a body press themself against me and I smile. "Theres a pottery class on in 5 minutes..if we hurry we can be like Patrick swayze and demi Moore in ghost" she says. I nod and I slip the room key into her bag.

We get there and sit at stations next to eachother. The teacher shows us what to do and says we will be making vases. Larissa...no 'lara' seems to get it straight away. But im still struggling.

I huff as my vase falls apart again.   "I give up...can we just leave and get on with the night.." I say annoyed. 'Lara' chuckles to herself before putting her chair behind mine. She wraps her arms around me and takes my hands in hers.

I watch as she moves my hands to make a tower sort of thing. Something is set off in my stomach when she takes my ring and middle fingers and pushes them into the hole it makes in the tower.

She moves my fingers so they go in and out of the vase. "Oh fuck.." I moan out quietly. "Does mommy like that...is she imagining daddy's fingers doing that to her.." 'lara' whispers in my ear. I swallow my moans back and nod slowly.

The hole in the vase gets smaller as she keeps moving my hand in an inappropriate manner. A bit of wattery clay squirts out the top and I let out a gasp. I feel something poke into my lower back and I look towards 'lara'.

We nod at eachother and go to the sink to clean our hands. She grabs  our things as I finish cleaning my hands. "You two lovebirds..where are you going?" The teacher says. "We uh...have to-" I point towards the door. "Nope...we still have an hour left " she says.

I feel hands on my waist and I look up as lara towers over me. "I'm taking my mistress up to my room so I can fuck any thought of the world outside out of her..now if you would excuse us..we need to leave" she says.

The teacher looks at us in shock as we walk out and burst out Laughing

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