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I pick up my wine and we make our way over to the chairs near the fire. I take my heels off and so does larissa. We sit in silence as I take sips of my wine.

I over to larissa and spot her looking me up and down. I squirm in my seat as her gaze makes me feel something that I havent felt in a long time. "Larissa...instead of fucking me with your eyes put your mouth to use" I groan out.

She nods at me and kneels down infront of me. I wait patiently as she slowly pulls my tights off then my thong. She slowly kisses up my inner thighs which recieves a whimper from me. She attaches her lips to my clit as she begins to pleasure me with her mouth.

I moan as I feel her tounge push into me "fuck lara..". My grip tightens on my glass of wine as she fucks me with her mouth. My spare hand unties her hair and takes its place in it.

A stream of loud moans comes out my mouth as she replaces her tounge with her fingers. "Quiet down love..there may be students still roaming around.." she says with a smirk on her face. "I..fuck..dont care.." my back arches out of my seat as she brings me to my first orgasm.

She doesn't slow down though. Her fingers speed up as she continues her magic on me. "OH FUCK...LARA.." I scream out as I'm still sensitive from my last orgasm.

I hear giggles coming from outside my door. Larissa passes me one of my heels and I throw it at the door "BUGGER OFF...". I smile when I hear a few screams at the bang. I moan out my wife's name as I reach my high yet again.

She slips my thong and tights back on me and lifts me so I can sit on her lap. She runs her fingers through my hair and I soon fall asleep.

I wake up laid alone on my chair with a blanket over me. I look around to see the fire still slightly on and my heels still on the floor. I spot a note on my desk and I stand up.

"Crap-" I mutter out as my legs fail me and I hit the floor. I get back up again and limp my way to the note.


I had to go back to Paris to help transfer students. I'll be back at 6 tonight to tuck in Bella . Hope your legs aren't too bad ;)

Larissa xx

I smile at the note. I decide not to struggle in my heels and I just pick them up. I walk out my office and spot students walking around..lots of them.

I hear a few whispers and recieve a few looks as I limp towards wednesdays room. I spin around when I hear the sound of moans...

I look around to see who has recorded it...and a blush covers my face when it starts to play on most peoples phones. "Ill find out who did this" I shout at them "and if no one turns themselves in there will be no Christmas celebrations tommorow.". I hear a few 'what?!'s and 'oh come on's as I walk away.

I get up to wednesday and Enid room and I flop onto Wednesdays bed. "Morning mama..wheres mommy?" Bella asks me. I look to my side and smile when I see wednesday teaching Bella how to use the type writer. "Mommy had to go back to her job..she will be back tonight though." I say giving her a weak smile.

"Whats wrong Mrs w?" Enid asks. Enid and I have developed a...decent relationship over the last few years. Shes like my daughter and shes wednesdays best friend.

"Theres..a video being spread about of...some of my intimate sounds" I say sitting up. "Oh...I saw it...only 2 seconds because I turned it off straight away" Enid says. "It was revolting.." Wednesday says.

I hum and walk over to Enid computer. I log into my account and I click onto the security footage in my office. I delete it all from last night and I log back out.

The rest of the day was rough. I had to reprimand a few students for talking about it when I taught them. I kept receiving looks from students so I decide to stay in my office all day with bella.

I smile when I hear a voice enter my office "wheres my goddaughter?". Bella jumps up and runs to gomez. I chose gomez as bellas godfather as he's a brilliant father and he's my dear friend. He comes to get her every 2nd weekend and they spend the weekend with pugsley. We talk for a while then they leave.

Its now 5pm and Im just walking back to my office from the bathroom. I smile when I see my wife sat in my chair. "Your early!" I say as I climb onto her. I kiss her face pretty much everywhere.

I decide to not tell her about the recording incident as she would go mad. We talk for a while and decide she will make an appearance at the party and it will be discussed tommorow.

I smile when she starts kissing my neck whilst being careful not to leave any marks. Her mouth gets lower and she kisses inbetween my boobs. I giggle slightly when I feel her getting harder under me.

She hitches my dress so its above my hips and rips my pants off me.  I moan out as she pushes herself into me. After a minute of riding her I reach my high. We keep going until I'm onto my third orgasm.

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