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I sit back down and the girls sit in the chairs opposite my desk. "I have questions..and I want you to answer them" Wednesday says. I hum and look towards larissa who's picking things up. "Fine...but be quick because your wasting my aniversary" I say.

"How far along are you?" She asks. "5" I say. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asks. "I didnt tell anyone wednesday..only 2 people knew other than my doctor and larissa...and that was only because I accidentally told my lawyer know how fester is" I say.

"Fester knew...and he didn't tell me?" She questions. I nod "I made him swear...I didnt want people finding out and it getting to layla..I don't know what she would have done..". She hums.

We talk for a bit longer then they leave. I sigh and put my head on the desk. I feel hands massaging my shoulders and I smile. "They would have found out either way love..." she says. I hum as she starts putting my hair up in a bun.

"Ill drive up to get Bella in the morning..I havent spoken to gomez in a while so it will be nice" I say. She nods. "Can we go to tired" I ask. She says yes and we go to bed.

The next morning I get up early and drive to gomezs to get Bella. I get there at about 9.30am. I knock on the door and im surprised when morticia answers. "Juliet? What are you doing here?" She asks sounding a bit panicked.

"I've come to get my daughter...why are you here.." I ask. I hear a voice behind her and gomez comes to stand behind her. His hands grab onto her waist and move her over slightly. "Tish whos there?" He says before looking at me.

"Are you long..." I say. Im interrupted by Bella launching herself at my leg "MAMA". I smile and pick her up. Pugsley runs shortly behind her "hi mother". "Hey kid...would you mind watching your sister for a bit longer whilst I talk to these two" I say. He nods and I put Bella down.

I pace back and forth infront of the sofa that morticia and gomez are sat on. "You couldn't find someone new could you morticia" I say. "It just felt right sorry" she says. "How longs it been going on?" I ask. "2 years..nearly 3" gomez says.

"2 YEARS AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME?" I shout. "I'm too warm.." I mutter and I take my jumper off. Morticia stands up and comes over to me. I look down as she puts her hand on my bump. "Your pregnant? Why didn't you tell me?" She says before hugging me.

"I havent really told 5 months along...oh and its twin boys" I say. "Wow julie..twins?...thats double the trouble" gomez says smiling at me. I nod. "Is that safe? At your age.." morticia asks.

"Hey! younger than only 39..and the doctor said it should be fine since im healthy" I say. She nods. We talk for a while before I put Bella in the car and we drive away.

10 minutes into the drive I look at Bella through the mirror. "Bella sweetheart...can you turn your tablet off for a minute." I ask. She nods and turns it off. "What is it mama?" She asks smiling at me.

" a few months your gonna have two baby brothers...and we are gonna live in the house we bought" I say. She smiles at me "mamas got babies in her tummy?" She says. I nod "yup I have baby...". She smiles and looks out the window.

After a minute or two she looks back at me. "Mama" she says. "Mhm" I say looking at her. " how do babies get in mommys tummies" she says. I freeze "thats uh...a conversation for when your older hun". She nods and goes back to playing on her ipad.

I get her out the car when we get to the school and put her backpack on her. She holds my hand as we walk into the school. A few people gasp when they see my bump and others start to gossip.

"Can we go see mommy" Bella asks. I nod "sure but it will have to be quick because she's teaching". She nods and runs ahead of me to larissas classroom.

I stand at the door whilst Bella runs to larissa who's stood at the front teaching. Her students look at me and I hear a few people say "principal weems is pregnant?".

Larissa looks at me "love wheres your jumper?". "I was too warm " I mutter starting to feel warm again. My eyes start feeling heavy and so does my chest. "Ill be one minute class..." she says bringing Bella out and shutting the door behind her.

"Are you ok love? don't look well" she says before kissing me. "I don't feel well either..." I say leaning against her. "Is it the twins.." she asks. I shake my head "no but ill drive up to the doctors to get checked after I take Bella to wednesdays room.".

Larissa shakes her head " can't be driving whilst your ill..just watch my class for 2 minutes whilst I take Bella up then ill be back down and you can stay for the rest of the class...ill take you after". I nod and I walk back into the classroom.

After 5 minutes larissa walks back in. I stand up and she sits down. I go to grab a spare chair but she pulls me down onto her lap "sit here love..none of them care". I hum and put my head on her shoulder.

A few students aww at us and I smile into larissas neck. She runs her fingers through my hair as she teaches. I start to feel it getting harder to breathe so I sit up. I stare at larissa as she talks and I try to concentrate on breathing.

Larissa looks at me. "Class..Read through your books..." she says before turning her attention to me. "Love..breathe for me.." she says cupping my face with her hands. " hurts to" I whisper. "Crap...class you can leave.." she says before picking me up.

We get to the doctors and they take me in straight away. Im put on oxygen and given a few medicines. After an hour of them doing tests my doctor comes back in. " have a bad chest infection which caused the struggles you were having..ill send you.home with some antibiotics" she says.

"Are the twins ok?" Larissa asks. "Twin a is just fine. Hes growing as he should be and everythings on track. Twin b is measuring 2 weeks behind..if it doesn't change in 2 months we will have to monitor you more" she says. "But he will be ok?" I ask. She nods.

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