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I've been home for a week now. Larissa and Wednesday have been saying I've been..too cheery..for someone who's been kidnapped for 6 months. Larissa keeps saying I need to go therapy but im refusing.

Today I'm going back to work. Larissa told me its too early but I insisted. Theres new students coming today as most of them left a few months ago. Wednesday and Enid said they would come to help guide students.

I stand in the quad with my daughter on one side of me and her girlfriend stood the other. My wife stands behind me with the rest of the teachers.

I look at the huddle of new students infront of me. "Welcome to the new nevermore we make sure that all outcasts are treated the same..we do not tolerate any violence and we expect you to treat this like it was a regular school" I say.

I look over to larissa and she smiles at me. "I'm principal weems. Mrs weems is the assistant Head. Mr Jackson is the math teacher. Miss doff is the botany teacher. Miss Smith is the English teacher. Mr Taylor is music and mr hamond and miss Moore teach science" I say pointing out all my colleagues and my wife.

"Wednesday and Enid will show you to your dorms" I start feeling overwhelmed at the many eyes watching me. I brush it of and continue speaking "most of you will have roommates...try to get along".

I smile at them "any questions?". Multiple hands shoot up. I point to a siren girl. "is Mrs weems your sister?" She asks. I shake my head "no shes my wife" . I notice a few of the boys look at me in disgust but I ignore it. "It seems like we have a few homophobes this year.." I whisper to the girls next to me.

I point to a werewolf boy. "Do teachers live at the school" he asks. "Some choose to if they don't need to be home. However some like myself have family they need to take care of" i say.

I point to a vampire boy whos holding the hand of a gorgon boy. "When are we allowed to jericho and what's the curfew?" He says. I suspect the second question was for the other boy. " there will be a bus every Saturday and Sunday at 9am to jericho. Curfew is at 10.30pm this year" I say.

I answer a few more questions before I send the group off with the girls. I smile when I feel larissa wrapping her arms around my waist and putting her chin on the top of my head. "You did good hun..." she says squeezing me a bit.

We go back to my office and larissa sits on my chair. I sit on her lap whilst I do some work. It gets to 6pm and there's a knock at the door. I get up off larissa and she moves to a chair next to the fire.

"Come in" I say sitting back down. The two boys from earlier come in and they are soaked with water. I stand up and walk over to them "what the hell happened?". "W..we were in the quad on a bench and some boys poured water on us because Jamie was holding my hand.." the werewolf who i think is names max says.

Larissa stands up and grabs some towels out of a cupboard. She passed the boys them then stands next to me. "What were the boys names?" I ask. "Harry Peters on, Tyler Stevens and caleb bell" max says. "Larissa..can you take them back to their dorm and make sure they are ok... im going to get the lads" I say before walking out.

I find the group sat laughing in the library. "Boys..come with me" I say in a stern voice. They do as their told and follow me. "Can you tell me why you poured water on max and Jamie?" I ask when we get to my office. I sit down at my desk and they stand awkwardly infront of it.

"Their gay..its disgusting" Tyler says. "Yeah..they deserved it" Harry says. "They are freaks..they should have girlfriends..not that anyone would have them" Caleb says.

Anger builds up inside me. "You assaulted them..because they are that right?" I say. Two of them nod and Harry says "I wouldn't say was only water". "YOU ASSAULTED TWO INNOCENT BOYS FOR WHO THEY LOVE" I scream at them.

I stand up and walk to stand infront of them. They are all sirens and are quite tall. They all are a quite a few inches taller than me. "THERE IS MULTIPLE THINGS I DO NOT TOLERATE...AND ONE OF THEM IS HOMOPHOBIA.." I shout at them.

"Unfortunately all the board will let me do is suspend you for 2 it was up to me you would be gone for good..." I say. "Now go to your room and pack some of your things whilst I call your parents to come get you..NOW" I shout and they hurry towards the door. "No wonder she got raped and kidnapped..jeez" I hear one of them say before the door closes.

I pour myself some wine and collapse in my chair. Me and larissa agreed we wouldn't drink whilst the kids are still little. I look at my phone and shes text me saying she went home to put milo to bed. I call her and sip on my wine whilst I wait.

"Hello everything ok?" Larissa says as soon as she answers. "Everythings just fine just calling to tell you I won't be home tonight..I have to call those boys parents and write incident forms" I make an excuse.

"Are you sure you want me to come see you..I can get the girls to watch Bella and milo.." she asks. "Ill be fine lara...can you bring me a change of clothes tomorrow..." I say taking another sip of my wine.

There a silence that last for a minute. "Your drinking aren't you...what happened love" she finally says. "I...heard one of them saying no wonder I was raped and kidnapped.." I say. "Oh love...ill come now.." she says and I can hear her moving about.

"No larissa..I need to deal with this myself...I need people to stop..babying me" I say as the alcohol starts to take over. Its a strong wine so I knew it wouldn't take long. "Love..we are trying to help you.." she says. "Well..I don't need your help.." I snap at her before hanging up.

I remember something and I call her back again. "Tell the kids and the girls I love them" I say before hanging up again.

StuckTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon