Divorced and married again

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After changing I go back to larisas office. I walk in and hear her on a call to someone "id like to book a scan for as soon as possible...its for my girlfriend..thanks..". I smile knowing what it was about.

She puts the phone down and looks at at me "you have a scan in jericho tommorow...unfortunately I can't come since I have to deal with the bloody incident...I wish I could". I walk over and sit on her lap "thats fine mi amor...thank you for doing this..".

The next day Im sat on the bed in the doctors office. The doctor is sat scanning me and measuring the baby. "It looks like your just under 4 months.." he says smiling at me. He prints off scan pictures and gives me an elephant teddy with the babys heartbeat in.

When I get back to nevermore I'm surprised when I see my husband stood at the door waiting for me. I notice him looking at the elephant I'm holding and then the ultrasound pictures.

He runs over to me with a grin on his face "Julie...it worked?...were having another little terror?". I shake my head "no..gomez...im having it...I.. im sorry...its not yours...". He looks at me in shock "you had an affair..with whom?..." .

"Larisa.." I mumble looking down at the elephant. "But she's a woman...oh-" he says coming to the realisation that im gay. "But...we have been together 18 years.." he asks. "Gomez...I didnt have the heart to break it off...you were so happy..and then we had kids.." I say.

"...as long as your happy..then I am..:" he says hugging me. "I am gomez..I truly am.." I say. I look through my bag and take out divorce papers "I just printed them off..I didnt know you would get them this soon.". He signs them and I put them back in my bag.

After saying goodbye I make my way to larisa's office. I walk in and put the elephant infront of her . "Miss weems" I say sounding serious. "Oh..this is work matters?" She says looking at the elephant then me. I nod.

"I need my name changing back to miss frump on your systems" I say sitting in a chair opposite her desk. Her eyes light up. I watch as she goes to change my name but stops. "Miss frump...dont you think it should be Mrs weems?" She asks looking at me.

"What?" I ask looking confused. "I'm asking you to marry me...we've loved eachother for years...and were meant to be together..theres a Chapel in jericho and the priest can marry us.." she says standing up and walking around to my side of the table.

"I...Y..yes...but...I have to tell my kids first." I say before kissing her. I make my way to wednesdays room and I call pugsley on the Crystal ball. I sit infront of them both and speak "me and your father...separated..." .

Pugsley looks at me surprised but wednesday looks unemotional like she usually is. "And..im getting married...this afternoon actually.." I say looking down at my hands. I bounce my knee up and down as I get nervous.

I feel a hand land on my knee to stop it and I look up. "Stop that...its annoying...and I'm fine with this along as you and weems dont do any of that romantic stuff that you and dad used to do infront of me. " Wednesday says.

We talk for a bit more before I go to meet larisa outside. We get to the Chapel and an hour later we are married.

The next day I have lessons all day so I wont see larisa at all. My first class are doing a test so im sat reading a book. I haven't told them about the name change or that me and larisa got married yet because if I did we wouldn't get anything done.

I'm reading through my book when I hear a student say "miss addams.." and then shout it when I don't respond "MISS ADDAMS". I look up and she says "principal weems is at the door".

I look over to the door and i smile when I spot my wife. Wife...it feels good calling her that. She smiles at me and walks in "hey love..I brought you a sandwich and a milkshake". I hear a few gasps and Enid shouts "YOU AND PRINCIPAL WEEMS ARE TOGETHER? THATS ADORABLE..".

"You haven't told them yet?...miss ada-..well mrs weems and I got married.." the tall blond says whilst smiling proudly at me.

I put my head on the desk and let out a groan as the class erupts into chatter. "Lara...they are doing a test..well were.." I say looking up at her. "I'm sorry love..I was just so excited to share our news.." she says as her smile gets bigger. "Atleast you didn't tell them about the baby.." I say putting my head back down.

I freeze when I hear wednesdays voice "your pregnant?...how excruciating..". The class hears this and gets even more excited. I look up and Wednesday is stood infront of my desk. I smile slightly when i see she looks a bit excited.

"You wanted a sibling?" I ask waiting for her strange reasoning. "Well I wouldn't say want...its more of a need...I need a sister to teach her all my murderous ways.." and there it is.

"What about pugsley?" I say sitting up properly. "Pugsleys...too innocent...I failed to teach him from an early age...hes too much like my father.." she says before walking back to her seat.

Its now the end of the day and larissas sat next to me watching me mark tests. I sigh when she starts running her hand up and down my back. "There's a fair next week...are you going?" She asks me. I nod "may aswell have some fun before I get any bigger.." .

She goes quiet and I spot her smiling at me. "What?" I ask with a confused look on my face. "Were having a baby...I never thought I'd be in this stage of my life..having a baby with my wife.." she says before kissing my head. "I'm gonna go tidy up a bit in my office..ill see you in our room" she says walking away.

A few seconds later a redhead walks in. "Hey Marilyn" I say smiling at her. "You and larissa got married?...and your pregnant.." she asks looking annoyed. "Mhm..why?..whats up?" I ask whilst packing my things away.

"Oh...I was just...wondering..anyways...how about we get coffee in the morning..our schedule is free so were free till about 11" she says smiling at me. I nod "uh..sure..ill meet you at your car at 8".

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