Chapter 4: rules

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Emma's POV
This place is so huge! It has a bedroom and bathroom for each person, two living rooms, a gaming room, a sauna, a swimming pool, a gym, a basketball court, a HUGE kitchen, two awesome balconies, a movie room, Alex's office, Noah's office and Liam's office, a library, and did I mention, my room is absolutely EPIC! It was completely pink themed (my favourite colour) I had a humongous bed, fancy curtains above my bed, a chandelier, a vanity, a study table, and so many fluffy pillows, and I even have my walk-in closet! I love this place! The best part is I even had my very own TV! My aunt's house wasn't bad at all, I loved it but it's tiny compared to this place! Liam and Aiden showed me the entire house and we talked the entire time and I had so much fun! I couldn't wait to play in the gaming room and swim In the pool, I'd never be bored In here for sure!

After the tour, Alex called us for lunch, and I was praying my brothers wouldn't tell Alex that I refused to eat lunch earlier, and luckily they didn't. I was a bit nervous to eat because Noah said we needed "to talk" for whatever reason. Before we sat down, Alex asked me to choose where I wanted to sit. I just sat down on the chair in front of me. He then came and placed a freaking name card in front of me! Fancy much?

Everyone sat down in what seemed to be their usual places, I guess they adjusted for me which was sweet. They all kept their name cards in front of them too. Noah and Alex sat at opposite sides of the table, I was sitting on one side of the table with Aiden, while Liam sat on the other. He placed Cole's name card next to him. Then two servers came and served us our food, by this point after seeing the house I wasn't too surprised that we had servers, and a cook, who by the way made a delicious lunch!

After they served us our food and left, Alex started talking.
"So Emma, how'd you like the house, and especially your room?"

I beamed excitedly.
"I love it! Especially the game room, and the swimming pool! I love swimming! And I play basketball too so it's perfect!"

All my brothers, especially Alex smiled happily.
"My room is beautiful too, thank you!"

"I'm glad you like it, Emma, let me know if you want anything changed" Alex said seeming relieved I liked the room, I mean how could I not, it was gorgeous!

"So now we have that settled we need to talk about a few things" Alex said looking at me.

"We have some rules in this house which we expect you to follow and they will be enforced."

"okaaaaay" I dragged, not sure where this was going, even though I kinda did.

Narrators POV
"Well for starters, you are not to raise your voice," Alex said sternly.

Emma frowned, she was very low-tempered, she shouted and threw tantrums when things didn't go her way.

"You also need to look at us when we are speaking to you, and no eye rolling, no sassy remarks, and no swearing" Noah added pointing his fork at Emma.

"You go to bed by 10:30 on school nights and by 11 on weekends, no exceptions."

That's when Emma objected.

"What? You can't make me sleep that early that's ridiculous!" She shouted, dropping her fork.

Alex glared at her furiously. "Little girl, what did I just say about raising your voice?"

Emma sank back in her seat. " to not do it" she mumbled.

Alex sighed. "That's your last warning Emma, I'm serious, if you raise your voice again you'll be punished."

"Sorry," she muttered. "But that's too early, I'm used to staying up late"

"Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it's good for you Emma," Liam said softly.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. And it's not early, 10:30 is appropriate for your age." Alex said. "we will also be taking your phone and any other electronics you have before going to bed to make sure you sleep."

Emma expected this after the sleep rule so she didn't object, even though she desperately wanted to.

"You'll be starting school in a couple of weeks because that's when your summer holidays end. You'll be going with Cole, so he'll help you get settled." Alex said.

"It's a private school, it's right near our house not sure if you saw it on the way here, but we all went there and it's lovely" Aiden chimed in.

"You'll go every day unless you're sick or we need to go somewhere. No skipping" Noah told her firmly.

"We are very serious about school, you are not to bunk, if you do you'll be in serious trouble. You are expected to perform well, if you're struggling let us know, and we'll help you study or help you with your homework. If you want a tutor we hire you one, but please don't hesitate to tell us if you're struggling, alright?" Alex asked Emma.

Emma's POV
"Okay.." I replied.

Even though I agreed, I wasn't gonna listen, I mean I've been skipping school for so long, I could still do it here and not get caught, right?

I bet Cole wasn't a goody two shoes either, listening to every rule our brothers set.

I was not happy about the bedtime situation, I mean I'm not a child! There's no way I'm sleeping at 10:30 like a toddler, or giving them my phone.

"Good" Alex responded, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"As I said, If you don't follow these rules you'll be punished, you'll either be spanked-"

"WHAT?" I shouted getting up from my chair. Spank me? They can't spank me, I'm not a child!
This time I wasn't afraid to voice my thoughts.

"You can't spank me! It'll hurt! I'm not a baby, I was never spanked when I was a child, you can't spank me now!" I protested angrily.

"Emma! I told you not to interrupt or shout!" Alex exclaimed, glaring at me fiercely.
"Does it look like I give a fuck?" I yelled.
"That's it, you've had your last chance!" he said, dropping his cutlery and marching towards me looking furious.

Was he gonna spank me?

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