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I ran to my cabin with tears in my eyes. I stopped in front of my cabin, catching my breath. Seeing me in that condition Tae stood up. Seeing Tae stand up, my team members shifted their gazes towards me.

Without a second delay, I went to Tae and hugged him tight, leaving my team members clueless and Tae clueless too. Remembering Mr. Bang's words, I started to cry. " Yah... Ji Eun why are you crying? " Tae asked me. I released Tae from my hug. '' You... You... You are... You are very bad... " I said beating his chest slowly. " What? Me? What did I do? " He asked with confusion. My team members were just staring at us.

" You are very bad. You didn't tell me about how you suffered because of me for the past three months. " I said with this ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ look on my face.

" Ji Eun aa. I know that you will cry like this if I tell you about that. I didn't want to see you cry again so, I didn't tell you. " He said waiting for me to react.

" You... "

" I...? "

" You made me fall for you once again. " I said looking into his eyes. He looked at me with his soft and deep eyes. Ah! I can't anymore. I wrapped my hands around his neck and crashed my lips onto his'. He was startled at first but kissed me back.

Tears started to flow slowly on my face. We were still kissing forgetting the fact that my team members were still watching us. They were startled in 369 languages. (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠)(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)(⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;w⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠w(⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠!(⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠)ヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝ\⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/ヽ⁠(⁠。⁠◕⁠o⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠.\⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/ヾ⁠(⁠*⁠'⁠O⁠'⁠*⁠)⁠/✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧(⁠ノ⁠*⁠0⁠*⁠)⁠ノ⋋⁠✿⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠✿⁠⋌щ⁠(⁠゜⁠ロ⁠゜⁠щ⁠)(⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~ლ⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠ლ⁠)(゚⁠ο゚⁠人⁠)⁠)⊙⁠.⁠☉(⁠⑉⁠⊙⁠ȏ⁠⊙⁠)(⁠ʘ⁠ᗩ⁠ʘ⁠'⁠)(⁠'⁠◉⁠⌓⁠◉⁠'⁠)⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄(⁠。⁠☬⁠0⁠☬⁠。⁠)(⁠'⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠'⁠)⁠!(⁠ ⁠_⁠_⁠ ⁠)༼⁠⁰⁠o⁠⁰⁠;⁠༽(⁠╬⁠⁽⁠⁽⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾⁠ ⁠Д⁠ ⁠⁽⁠⁽⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾⁠)→⁠(⁠°⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠°⁠)⁠┗⟵⁠(⁠o⁠_⁠O⁠)(⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠!⁠→(⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠→*⁠・⁠゜゚⁠(⁠^⁠O⁠^⁠)⁠↝╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)⁠➝........................

Yes they were surprised in these many languages. ( cough ) ( cough )

We stopped kissing and looked at the entrance and we saw Jungkook who was JUNGSHOOK. And Hye Jin who also was JUNGSHOOK.

" Yah. Go get a room. This is your workplace. " Hye Jin said while coming in. Everyone laughed at her words. " By the way noona, why did you come to work? Are you ok now? " He asked me. " Oh yeah. I'm fine now. "

We talked for some time and after that Tae brought me home. As soon as I entered the house, I jumped onto the sofa. " Tae! " I shouted. " Yah! I am beside you only. Why are you shouting?? " He asked me.

" Just for fun 😊 "

" Aren't you bored? "

" I just returned from work. Why would I be bored?? "

" No. Let's watch a movie! "

" Horror! "

" Fine! "

We searched for a movie and finally got a good one. We both got fresh up and sat in the living room. We were watching a movie. The name of the movie is ' THE CALL ' It has a very interesting plot. Woah! This movie is giving me goosebumps! In the middle of the movie Tae called me. " Ji Eun aa. "

[ A/n 👋

Guys! This movie named ' The Call ' is really very interesting!! Park Shin Hye in this movie is just!!! Give it a watch! ]

" What? "

" Shall we go on a date tomorrow? "

" Oh? "

" Shall we? "

" This is the time to ask? I mean... We are watching a movie, and you asking me that in the middle of a movie is funny 🤣🤣 "

" Are we going or not? "

" At 10. How does it sound? "

" Cool! " He said. The movie was completed at 11. We went to our bedroom and slept without a second delay


-- 보라해 💜✨



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