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After that incident we returned to Seoul. Days passed and the shoot of the drama was completed. Days were as usual.... But something is off with me. I'm not able to figure out what it is. I'm sure that this is because of Taehyung. But.... What is it!! Aish I'm such a dumb girl.

Today we four members are supposed to meet at our place. I came home early today. I prepared all the things we needed for tonight. Hye Jin is taking a nap. . I'm sitting on the sofa immersed in thoughts. Just then the door bell rang. I opened the door. And I saw Taehyung and Jungkook.

" You're early. " I said as they were coming in. " Just felt bored at home. " Taehyung said. I just hummed and sat on the sofa. Taehyung came and sat on the other side of the sofa. I was just staring at him resting my head on my palm. " Where is Hye Jin? " Jungkook asked me. " She is taking a nap. Go and wake her up. " I said.

I see that Taehyung is on his phone from the time he entered the home. What's so interesting in the phone? When I was just staring at him he saw me, our eyes met, like usual I didn't look away from him. We were staring at each other. " Is there any staring competition going on?? " Hye Jin said as she came into the living room. She asked me to move so that she could sit and as I moved to give her some place I got closer to Taehyung. " Am I the only one who is left alone? " Jungkook said with a pout.

" No... You also have a place. Come here. We are going to watch a movie anyways. Come. " Hye Jin said as she pushed me closer to Taehyung. " Okayy. Which movie are we going to watch today? Tell me the genre and I will search for a good movie. " Jungkook said. We all shouted " HORROR! " unitedly.

" Aish. I already know it. Why did I even ask? " Jungkook said to himself and we all laughed. Yes, let's watch this movie and forget everything.

PS: How can I forget when he is sitting right beside me? :⁠-⁠):⁠-⁠)

Jungkook and Hye Jin searched for a movie. Hye Jin and I hate watching horror movies without a perfect ambience. So she set the ambience and sat beside me. The movie started. Not bad is good. It's a thriller and horror. These two are a good combo. While watching the movie I rested my head on Taehyung's shoulder. It's a habit of mine. When we both watch a movie I always do this. But this time it felt different. How should I put it.... No words required! Let's just watch the movie.


The movie finished. It's a very good movie. We couldn't stop thinking about the movie even after it was finished. Jungkook and Hye Jin went out to bring some ice cream leaving me and Taehyung alone in the house. There is an awkward silence in the house. C'mon Ji Eun start some topic. Talk about something. I cleared my throat to say something. " Hey... " We both said at the same time. " First you go ahead. " I said. " No, first you. " He said.

I don't know why I said hey when I don't have anything to talk about. " How's the movie? " He asked me. I thought of asking that... " Good. " I said. " You were about to say something... " He asked me. " I was going to ask that question too. " I said and we both smiled. Why is it so awkward!

" Let's cook together! " I said and went to the kitchen. He also followed me. " Wash the vegetables. " I said and went to take the noodles. Where did I keep them? Ahh right on the upper shelf. I went near the shelf and tried to reach the shelf. Aish! Why can't I reach that? How did I even keep that there in the first place! Again I felt some warmth around me and turned back. This scene was familiar. Taehyung shifted his eyes on me from the shelf.

We were staring into each other's eyes. I can feel the tense between us. Slowly Taehyung started to come closer. I didn't react. Our faces got closer. I closed my eyes. Our lips were inches apart.


My phone rang. He stepped back and started coughing. Aish who is that! I lifted the call. It is Jungkook. " Ji Eun! Which flavour do you want? " He asked me. " Did you ever see me eating an ice cream other than chocolate flavour? " I answered him. " Okay I'll bring that one for you. " He said and cut the phone. Did he call me for that? Uff.... Okay. We started cooking without looking at each other.

A/n 👋

So.... How's my story? Are you liking it? C'mon guys... Don't be a silent reader, vote for the chapter if you liked it and comment!

By the way Jungkook gave a mesmerizing performance for
' DREAMERS ' at 2022 FIFA WORLD CUP opening ceremony. He is just 25 and he did it!! Woah.... I'm so proud of him 💝💝




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