40. Fly Away

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When Vaera woke she was alone. The taste of Harwin still on her tongue but Tyon's unconscious body snoring on the ground. With a heavy sigh she got out of bed and dressed. 

Tyon woke up and stared back at her. 

"Was it good?" Tyon asked. "I dont remember."

"Great." Vaera assured. 

"Wonderful. I must have drank a bit too much... not to worry plenty of time." Tyon assured. 

"Mmm Hmm." Vaera murmured through tight lips. 

"Shall we go again?"

"No." Vaera said too quickly. "I'm starving... after last night... really worked up and appetite. you know?" Vaera pulled at her bedside table drawer revealing the necklace Daemon had given her, it seemed like a million years ago now. She held it gently in her hands before slipping it into her pocket. 

"Oh yes. I tend to do that with my fornication." Tyon told her happily. Vaera's hand went to her cookie necklace, remembering that night, that whole day so perfectly. Her first kisses, her first love, a big day of firsts on a day she used to hate. 

"With your vast experience with fucking random women at Casterly rock." Vaera added innocently. 

'Exactly. I know what i'm doing." Tyon agreed and Vaera groaned audibly. 

"Yep..." Vaera tied up her laces. 

"Why are you dressed like that?" Tyon asked rubbing at his head. 

"I'm going to ride Calypso to casterly rock." Vaera informed him. Or fly far away and never look back. 


"I also need to say goodbye to my family. unless you would prefer we stay here?" Vaera offered hopefully. 

"No. Gods on." Tyon said immediately. 

"Then I will meet you in the banquet hall to break our fast." Vaera offered. Or burn him to the ground. 

"Daddy..." Vaera whimpered hugging him tight. 

"I know this is no ideal... Vaera love i'm so sorry." Viserys told her. 

"If he ends up dead, im not marrying the next lannister." Vaera informed him. 

"Vaera." Viserys chuckled kissing her forehead. 

"That's not a threat, he is completely dim witted and I'm entirely sure he will walk up to Calypso and stick his face in Calypso's mouth." Vaera informed him. "Or walk off a cliff."

"Vaera love," Viserys chuckled. 

"I love you daddy, dont blame me if something happens." She whispered kissing his cheek.

"You are my angel, wouldnt hurt a fly." Viserys told her.  "I love you Vaera ... you are always going to be my baby girl."

"I'm going to miss you so much." Vaera whispered. 

"Can I tell you a secret Vaera?"' Viserys questioned. 

"I love secrets." Vaera agreed. 

"I always thought you would make a lovely queen." Vaera stared back at him. "I hope Tyon treats you like a queen."

"Thank you daddy."

"Vaera don't go." Rhaenyra begged. 

"I have a feeling Tyon is going to have an accident." Vaera informed her calmly. 

"What a shame." Rhaenyra agreed hugging her tight. "Fly back home." Rhaenyra told her. 

"I will." Vaera assured. 

"Or... meet a handsome man and fly away with him and never look back." Rhaenyra offered. 

"I wouldnt have to leave you and father and..." Vaera thought of Harwin. but he could never really be hers. 

"If one day you are gone, I will know you found someone that makes you happy. It will be worth the distance to know you found someone that treats you like a queen." Rhaenyra assured. 

"Thank you Nyra." Vaera said hugging her tight. "I love you." 

"I love you..."

She went looking for Harwin but instead she found Daemon.


"Gorgeous I see this going one of two ways." Daemon began as he slid off Caraxes back moving purposefully to her.

"See what?" Vaera asked confused.

"I kill Tyon and we run away." Daemon told her "Or..." Vaera couldn't hide her smile. "We run away together and let him live out his miserable existence knowing he can't have you."

"You're serious, arent you?" Vaera realized.

"I am." Daemon agreed and he held out an oh too tempting hand. She glanced back at the castle, Harwin. But he could never really be hers. Daemon... he had Caraxes ready and a plan to get the hell out of here and never look back. She thought about her father, about Nyra, she didn't want to leave them but she was going to be leaving them either way. At least she would be happy and they would be happy knowing she is safe and happy and loved.

"You know you want to." Daemon said bringing his lips to hers and it felt like her whole body was on fire, tingling with excitement. 

"Let's go."

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now