49. Surprise

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"VAERA!" Nyra shouted hugging her tight. "You are back, why didnt you tell me you were coming back?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Vaera remarked. "Surprise!" 

"Definitely surprised." Nyra agreed looking to Haemon. "And who is this little man?" Haemon hid into Vaera. 

"He is a bit shy." Vaera said kissing his little head. "Nyra, meet Haemon." 

"Haemon... not Tyon's with that head of hair." Nyra whispered pulling her away from their father. 

"I married Daemon. You know that." Vaera reminded her. Nyra smirked. "And you have yet to meet the twins, but they are napping."

"Damn, you got to work, this is Laenor and our first and I think father thought that this day would never come." Nyra sassed looking back at Viserys. 

"Nonsense, some things take time." Viserys agreed. He was so happy to have his Vaera back.

"You and Maleficent still..." Vaera tipped her head back and forth. Nyra nodded immediately. "Well I'm back now." 

"For good?" Viserys asked hopefully. 

"I don't want to be apart from my family any longer." Vaera told them. 

"Is Daemon here?" Nyra asked. 

"He is-" Vaera nodded. 

"He is handling a lion perhaps." Viserys mused and Vaera spun around. "I know him better than you." Viserys informed her. 

"I don't know about that anymore." Vaera countered. "Haemon can you tell Nyra and grandpa what your dragon is named?" Vaera asked as they sat down. Haemon looked up at her as she shifted him in her lap. "Can you tell them?" Vaera asked kissing his cheek. 

"Blue." Haemon declared. "He's a blue dragon." Haemon informed them. "And his name is also Blue."

"He is so beautiful." Vaera informed them. "The twins eggs are just shimmering I know they will hatch any day now." 

"Excuse me Princess I thought I saw-" Harwin's words fell off as fast as jumping from a cliff. 

"Harwin." Vaera said standing up, her eyes locked on him. 

"Princess Vaera." Harwin said breathlessly. Then his eyes drifted to Haemon. Thick black hair and dark eyes before Haemon hid in Vaera again. 

"Lots of new people. I know love." Vaera whispered to Haemon as she moved across the room. 

"You have a... child." Harwin said his eyes darting between Vaera and Haemon. 

"Haemon." Vaera told him. "His name is Haemon." 

"H-Haemon..." Vaera nodded. 

"Honey can you say hello to mama's friend?" Vaera asked. Haemon shook his head into Vaera. 

"You're back." Harwin remarked and he wanted to kiss her. he wanted to hug her and never let her go. 

"Surprise." Vaera whispered. 

"Isn't it wonderful!" Viserys declared. 

"So wonderful." Harwin agreed, transfixed by her. She was even more beautiful and little Haemon. His eyes darted between them again but Vaera didnt give any indication that Haemon was his, but how could he not be. 

"How old is young prince Haemon?" Harwin rasped. 

"This many." Haemon said holding up two fingers. Haemon wasnt it, he couldnt be. 

"No, honey, this many." Vaera added a third finger. "We are still working on numbers." VAera remarked. 

"This many!" Haemon told him. 

"Three." Harwin couldnt breathe. "Three?" 

"Three." Vaera agreed and she didnt need to say the words, that look in her eyes said it all. Haemon was of his seed. Haemon was his.

"Three..." It was all he could say. Vaera nodded again. 

"I missed you." Vaera whispered taking a step closer. 

"I missed you." Harwin echoed as Vaera hugged him. He never wanted to let her go but Haemon wiggled between them. 

"Sorry honey, mama missed her friend." Vaera said taking a step back but she held tight to Harwin's hand. 

"Are you staying?" Harwin whispered. 

"Yes." she breathed back. 

"Good. This is a good surprise." Harwin told her. 

"The best!" Viserys declared. "We will have to have a party for the twins."

"That was my thought too!" Vaera told him turning around and she felt Harwin's hand on her back as she took a step back into him. "Cookies, so many cookies! I should have told you so those dragons cookies could have been prepared." Vaera remarked. 

"Really should have." Nyra teased. 

"This is serious." Vaera told them. "Goodness gracious, me oh my."

"Mama is serious about cookies." Haemon told them and Viserys laughed out.

"train him at a young age," Nyra remarked. 

"You like cookies too mister cutie!" Vaera declared. 

"I do." Haemon agreed. 

"Okay, here is the plan." Vaera declared but her brain malfunctioned for a moment as the back's of Harwin's fingers ran down the exposed section of her back. Her eyes fluttered and Haemon stared up at her. 

"The plan?" Nyra offered and Vaera sucked in a breath. 

"Yes, someone tells the chefs to start on cookies, all of them, and Nyra, we go- go-" Vaera waved a hand for her to get up. "-meet the twins."

"twins?" Harwin asked. 

"Yes." Vaera answered. "They just turned one." Vaera informed him. 

"Vhae and Rhae." Haemon told them. 

"Haemon takes such good care of his brothers." Vaera remarked. "Come on Nyra." 

"Theres my girl." Daemon said and Haemon perked up waving at Daemon. 

"Did you have a good flight?" Vaera offered innocently.

"Very productive." Daemon agreed kissing her. 

"You two are so gross." Nyra declared. "You make me love sick!"

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