67. Heart Break Again

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Mr Knight with the scruffies on his face was not Haemons buddy.

''Haemon come here.'' Vaera requested holding out a hand for him. Haemon huffed a breath as he got closer. He leaned into Vaeras legs as he stared up at Harwin.

''Hello my prince.'' Harwin said staring down at him.

''Haemon you know my friend Harwin.'' Vaera reminded him. Haemon glanced between them.

''Mr Knight.'' Haemon answered stiffly.

''Ser Harwin. He is a knight.'' Vaera agreed. ''He is my friend and he would like to be your friend too.''

''I think I need to talk to daddy about this.'' Haemon corrected.

''Why is that?" Vaera countered.

''I dont think he likes mr knight either.'' Haemon answered. ''Come on mama.'' Haemon urged grabbing her hand but her feet were rooted to the ground. ''Come on mama.'' Haemon repeated.

''Harwin and I are going on a walk by the water with Vhae and Rhae. I want you to come but if youre busy-" vaera began and Haemon shook his head immediately

''I'm not busy. I come with you.'' Haemon assured.

''Aemond and Helaena are coming as well,'' vaera informed him and Haemons lips twisted. ''Remember what I said?''

''Be nice and no puff.'' Haemon murmured.

''Aemond is your friend and we will have so much fun.'' Vaera decided.

''I dont know.'' Haemon muttered still holding to her hand

''Oh and Haemon you know Ser Criston.''

Mr knight. No scruffies, as Haemon had deemed him.

''I mean... sort of.'' Haemon agreed.

''Hes coming too. So much fun.'' Vaera declared.

''Hi mama V-" Aemond stopped himself slamming his lips shut.

"You have a mean mother.'' Haemon decided as he came up to Aemond and Helaena. ''I have a wonderful mama. I suppose I can share her sometimes but not all the time and just remember that Im her favorite she said so.'' Haemon informed them.

''That was... progress,'' Vaera remarked fondly. ''Alright lets go little loves.'' She heard it after she said it and Harwin chuckled looking to her.

It was strange and familiar at the same time with Harwin and Criston but now she had three littles and her half siblings running around.

It felt very normal being out and about, it felt like she was brought back in time and if she closed her eyes Nyra would be standing right there.

Some days Vaera was okay, other days the memory of her sister flooded back to her and she couldnt stop the tears.

"Mama?" Haemon asked putting his hands on her legs stopping her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing baby, I'm fine." Vaera said unconvincingly.

"You look sad." Haemon corrected.

"I just need a kiss from my favorite boy to make me feel better." Vaera informed him as she knelt next to him and he gave her a big kiss. "Oh, I feel better already. Thank you baby."

"Vaera... We got the kids if you need a minute." Harwin assured. Vaera nodded as she held Vhae to her.

"I just need a moment." Vaera agreed.

She moved to the caves and knelt before Syrax. She felt her warmth radiating off her as she leaned back into Syrax. 

Some days she could handle but others... It was like Daemon knew when she was breaking down and would appear all wonderful and perfect and hold her to him. 

"Hi gorgeous." he whispered kissing her temple as she leaned into him. 

"I miss her. It hits me how much then I miss my mother and then I miss Nyra and then I see my father and Maleficent and my father is... he's getting older and weaker, I see it. The maesters go to him more frequently." Vaera whimpered. "I can't lose him too, he's my... Daemon I can't lose him." 

"You wont. The maesters said he is doing... well. Better. They are trying new treatments thats why they are in there more. To monitor." Daemon offered. 

"I can't lose him too." Vaera whispered. "I can't lose you either. No more deaths." Vaera begged as Daemon pulled her into his lap. 

"No more deaths." Daemon agreed. 

So that night he went to Maester Qyburn and demanded a new treatment for Viserys than what Mellos was offering. 

Daemon wouldnt take no for an answer. Vaera couldnt lose Viserys. 

Daemon thought it was funny that previously, so many years ago Daemon couldnt wait for his brother to die without an heir. Because then he would be king. But now that Vaera was the heir, Vaera long since married to Daemon, Daemon would be king when viserys passed, there was no loop hole. Yet he was trying to keep viserys alive as long as possible because Vaeras precious heart couldnt take another death. 

Vaera had always been a daddy's girl. After Aemma passed she had clung to Viserys and Rhaenyra even more. Then losing Rhaenyra and seeing her father in decline, Daemon didnt want Vaera to lose her smile again. So he was going to find new maesters and new methods of treatment so she never had to feel her heart break again.

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