6. Name Day

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"father do I have to share  name day with the baby?" Vaera questioned as they walked.

"If your mother delivers quickly, then yes my love you do." Viserys informed her.

"But I don't like sharing." Vaera told him.

"It is still your day." Viserys assured. Vaera took her seat she glanced back at Harwin, always such a dutiful knight he stepped forward when he caught her eye.

"I'm ten today.'' She whispered.

"I know. Happy name day princess." Harwin told her.

"I don't really like tourney's" Vaera admitted.

"You are not a fan of blood shed." Harwin recalled, Vaera always flinched away from violence. "Not how you want to spend your name day?"

"No... but I get it, its not for me its for the baby." Vaera told him sadly.

"Would you rather go to your mother instead?" Harwin offered and Vaera nodded as Harwin offered her a hand.

"Vaera love, its about to begin." Viserys told her turning around when he saw her golden dress shimmer out of her seat.

"I want to see mama." Vaera told him.

'Can you wait for the announcement?" Viserys requested taking Vaera's hand so she stood in front of him.

'Be welcome!" Viserys declared ''I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious because of two very special reasons..." Viserys smiled down at Vaera.

"It is the princess Vaera's tenth name day!" He declared and the crowd cheered a round of happy name days broke out and Vaera blushed ducking her head down. "And I am happy to share Queen Aemma has begun her labors!' Viserys declared and the stadium erupted in cheers and applause. 'May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!' They continued to cheer, the horses neighing, galloping into position.

"Can I go now?" Vaera whispered.

"Alright, then come back please." Viserys requested. Vaera nodded heading off.

'A mystery knight?' Rhaenyra questioned her guard, ser Harrold.

'No, a Cole, of the Stormlands.'

'I've never heard of House Cole.' Rhaenyra admitted.

'Princess Rhaenys Targaryen!' Boremund Baratheon came up to the viewing box. 'I would humbly ask for the favor of "The Queen Who Never Was." He declared and the crowd cheered happily.

'Good fortune to you, cousin.' Rhaenys said coming up to him and dropping her crown on his jousting spear.

'I would gladly take it if I thought I needed it.'

'You could have Baratheon's tongue for that.' Otto remarked softly to Viserys

'Tongues will not change the succession. Let them wag.' Viserys assured.

'Lord Stokeworth's daughter is promised to that young Tarly squire.' Alicent told Rhaenyra as the rider approached.

'Lord Massey's son?' Rhaenyra questioned.

'Mm-hm.' She agreed 'They're to be married as soon as he wins his knighthood.'

'Best get on with it.'

'I heard that Lady Elinor is hiding a swollen belly beneath her dress.' Rhaenyra remarked with a smirk. 'What do you know about this Ser Criston Cole, Ser Harrold?'

'I'm told Ser Criston is common-born, son of Lord Dondarrion's steward. But other than that, and the fact that he's just unhorsed both of the Baratheon lads, I really couldn't say.' Ser Harrold told her. Drums continued to bang as the crowd cheered, Daemon was up next.


"Mama!" Vaera exclaimed.

"Oh, baby you don't want to see this,' Aemma groaned out, Harwin waited in the hall, not wanting to be apart of this process.

"I want to be with you." Vaera told her. "Do you have to have the baby today?" Vaera questioned.

"I'm sorry my love I know today is your name day but is every day not Vaera day?" Aemma countered as a handmaiden wiped at her brow.

"I suppose." Vaera agreed. "What can I do?" Vaera offered. "Can I help?"

"No baby, this is something that I need to do alone."

"Cookies wont fix this." Vaera remarked.

"No love. Its going to be loud and scary.' Aemma groaned out but Vaera held tight to her hand.

"It's okay, I'm a big girl remember? I'm ten now I can handle scary." Vaera assured.

"Oh honey..." Aemma screamed out again as another contraction came.

"It's hurting her!" Vaera shouted.

"This... is labor my love." Aemma said breathlessly.

"It really hurts though, why does it hurt?" Vaera questioned.

"Pains of child birth." Aemma told her. "But the gift of a girl like you is worth all the pain."

"Was I painful?"

"Yes." Aemma admitted.

"I'm sorry."" Vaera told her and Aemma choked out a laugh.

"Oh my sweet girl... never lose your heart." Aemma said putting a clammy hand on Vaera's chest.

"Should I get father?" Vaera questioned. 'should he be here?"

"No little princess, the birthing bed is not a place for men." The nurse told her.

"Why not?" Vaera countered.

"My love... just hold my hand." Aemma requested. Vaera's face pinched as her mother screamed out trying to force the baby from her body, her gripped Vaera's hand tight but Vaera could be brave, she was ten now, she wasn't a little girl.

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora