70. Little Bitch

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Syrax had two eggs and a moon later Calypso hatched one. Alyssa got the egg from Calypso and Aerion and Jace got the ones from Syrax.

Vaera tossed up the egg debating. Aemond wanted a dragon egg, a dragon of his own. She should have given him Syrax. She should have been able to do this one little thing.

But it wasnt one little thing. It was Nyra. Syrax and Rhaenyra had a bond and Vaera wasnt ready to lose that.

She didnt think she ever would be.

Which made her feel like an awful mother. Aemond wasnt of Vaeras womb but he was her baby too. It should have been an easy decision. There should have been no decision. She should have been able to give Aemond Syrax.

But Syrax... Vaera stared up at her as she bowed to Vaera. She ran a hand along her scales, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and knew what she had to do.

"Aemond love," Vaera declared reaching out a hand for him. "Can you come with me?" 

"Yeah." Aemond said happily as he jumped down from his chair and ran to her, grabbing her hand. 

"I'm... I had a thought." Vaera remarked running her hand through his hair. "Now I don't know if it's a good idea." Vaera went on. 

"Dracarys!" Aegon shouted proudly. Sunfyre flared the sheep, searing its white coat blackened and bloody. 

"I want to go for a ride with you." Vaera remarked. 

"Hello Vaera." Aegon purred smiling back at her. 

"Hi honey." Vaera whispered patting his cheek as they passed. 

"A ride?" Aemond questioned confused. 

"On Syrax."

"That's Rhaenyra's dragon." Aemond remarked. 

"Yes.' Vaera agreed. "But she sort of claimed me." Vaera remarked. "I was thinking... what if you and her got to know each other..."

"I could have Syrax?" Aemond questioned excitedly. 

"It's just a thought, I don't know if it will work." Vaera remarked. "She is quite fond of me but you deserve a dragon." Vaera said confidently. Aemond nodded eagerly as they got up. 

Syrax was temperamental and moody. Daemon had informed her that someone tried to ride her after Rhaenyra's death. One of the trainers wanting to claim her, Daemon hadnt wanted to tell Vaera at the time because she was an emotional mess and didnt want to add to it.

Syrax had flung him right off, he plummeted to his death. Vaera and Syrax had a bond, Vaera wondered if she could safely transfer that bond to Aemond. 

"You can't ride her without me." Vaera declared. "You have to promise me that, right now." she demanded.

"I promise I won't ride Syrax without you." Aemond agreed immediately. 

"I just don't want you to get hurt." Vaera added gently. "You know dragons are dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt if she doesnt bond with you... you understand, right love?"

"Of course." Aemond agreed. Vaera hugged him to her as they got settled. 

"Do you want to say it?" Vaera whispered kissing his cheek. 


Haemon stared up at the sky confused. Harwin hesitated turning away before moving closer to Haemon. 

"Something wrong my prince?" Harwin asked. 

"I'm trying to be nicer." Haemon remarked still staring at the sky. "I'm trying to share mama with others."

"That's good." Harwin agreed. 

"But I don't like it." Haemon added pointing at Syrax. 

"Perhaps something to get your mind off of her?" Harwin offered. 

"Thats very hard." Haemon corrected looking at Harwin finally. "I love my mama so much."

"I know you do." Harwin agreed. "She is very easy to love." Haemon glared at him taking a step forward. 

"Why did you say it like that?" Haemon countered pointing an accusatory finger at Harwin. 

"She is a wonderful mother, your father loves her dearly, she will make a wonderful queen." Harwin informed him honestly. Haemon's hand dropped to his side as he stared back at harwin debating. 

"Okay Mr. Knight with the scruffies." Haemon agreed. "But dont be a little bitch when I beat your ass." 

Harwin stared back at Haemon as he got a sparing sword. Haemon pulled it out stepping forward. 

"What?  Did I say it wrong?" Haemon asked looking at Harwin's confused and perplexed face. "Daddy says that when he's training, I don't what it means but he always sounds cool when he says it." 


Vhaegon was still breast feeding but the time the triplets came. Haemon didn't know if he liked that. He came in and stared at them before jumping up on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Haemon questioned.

"Failing at weening him off my tit" Vaera answered honestly. "Baby can you grab your sister? Gently!" She added. Haemon jumped down and moved to Alyssa. She was wiggling in her crib making faces up at Haemon.

"I think they keep getting smaller and smaller." Vaera whispered thinking back to Haemon, then Vhae and Rhae and now the triplets. Although her stomach grew larger her babies got smaller.

"You know my mother took me riding the day after I was born." Daemon remarked.

"They are so little." Vaera declared as Haemon cradled Alyssa to him carefully. "Best big brother ever." Vaera whispered as she took Alyssa from him.

"Strapped me to her and went flying." Daemon recalled.

"Should we follow tradition?" Vaera mused. "They are a few moons..."

"You took Haemon out riding." Daemon remarked.

"Haemon was also bigger." Vaera reminded him.

"You know my mother also wanted to give my father 20 kids." Daemon went on.

''20? Are you trying to kill me?'' Vaera declared.

"Also said she wanted to take my father for a ride every night as the legend goes. She loved riding of all sorts." Daemon added. "Much like you, gorgeous."

"I do love a good ride." Vaera agreed as he kissed her. 

''I mean at the rate we are going. Four is next.''


''Haemon''. He held up one finger. ''Vhae and Rhae.'' Two fingers. Then he tapped the triplets heads gently. "Aerion, Jace, Alyssa... Four is next." He reasoned.

"Daemon I love you but I might just die with four little hatchlings in me.'' Vaera declared.

The Joker and The Queen // Daemon Targaryen // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now