61. Guard Queen Mommy

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They were finding a new normal. They had to. Vaera had to. So day by day she got out of bed, tended to her children, got to know her siblings, ate meals with her family, walked the grounds, rode Calypso and Syrax, and Daemon kissed her until she smiled when a frown found its way to her face.

Haemon was getting more and more talkative as he became closer with Aemond. He still wasnt a big fan of Harwin but he did try and Daemon noticed him trying. Trying to be a father, a friend to Haemon but Haemon wouldnt have any of it.

"Hello my prince." Harwin said coming up behind Haemon. "Where might you be off to?"

"I'm off to guard queen mommy. Thats my job.'' Haemon told Harwin as he continued on his way.

''Oh I'll come to.'' Harwin offered and Haemon looked at him his little face scrunched.

''Noooo you can't come.'' Haemon told him confidently.

''Why not?" Harwin mused.

''Because I don't want to share mommy with you.'' Haemon told Harwin as he walked off and Daemon couldnt stop laughing. "Hi daddy," Haemon said as he marched past.

''That was precious.'' Daemon declared slapping Harwin on the back as he passed.

"I just want to know the prince." Harwin remarked and Daemon turned to face him.

"He doesnt seem to want to know you." Daemon countered. "He likes his mama all to himself. He takes after me in that respect, we don't like to share Vaera with strangers."

"I'm not a stranger, I don't want to be a stranger to Haemon." Harwin informed him taking a step towards Daemon.

"Of course you don't.... But as Haemon said, he doesnt want to share Vaera with you. I'm certainly not going to. Keep your distance Strong. Or I might have to start broadcasting my services."

"Services?" Harwin countered. Daemon chuckled glancing back at him.

"Be grateful you don't know." daemon mused. "Tyon knew too well." He added smugly.

"Oh yes that's lovely. You are so smart Aemond." Vaera applauded. Haemon liked Aemond but he didnt like sharing his mama with anyone. He stared at them from the door.

"Mama Vee you think I get a dragon soon?" Aemond asked glaring at the twins babbling.

"Next batch Calypso and Caraxes have you can have your pick." Vaera offered running a hand through his hair. She debated seeing if Aemond would bond with Syrax but wasnt willing to let go yet.

"I dont know that mother would like that." Aemond remarked softly.

"You are a dragon. Dragons are meant to fly." Vaera assured. "Maleficent knows thats."

"Mal- who?"

"Haemon!" Vaera declared instead. "Were you training with daddy?"

"What are you doing?" Haemon countered.

"Aemond was showing me his letters. He is already quite well at script." Vaera remarked and Aemond felt a wave of pride wash over him.

"Im smart". Haemon reminded her

"You are smart. My smart boy". Vaera agreed pulling him into her lap and peppering his face with kisses.

"Daddy was telling me of Maegor the cruel last night and said he got his first sword at 3. Im already behind schedule". Haemon remarked.

"Schedule for what love?" Vaera questioned

"Being the best and youngest knight in the realm. Maegor was the youngest-"

"I dont know that I would consider Maegor the cruel to be a good role model." Vaera countered. "What about Haemon the handsome?"

"Mama thats not scary". Haemon corrected seriously.

"No but its true". Vaera offered.

Haemon had anxiety. Vaera didnt know what started it what caused it but he was an anxious little boy and needed to be with Vaera to feel at peace.

He was her first boy so of course she spent every waking moment with him when he was little. She didnt want to be a part from him either.

Then after Nyra died Vaera realized just how much Haemon calmed her too. Haemon often found his way into their bed at night curling up in between them.

Vaera had honestly thought he would grow out of the mama is wonderful stage and I need to be by her side always. But he didn't. Not really.

He had gotten more used to the castle and the grounds. He would play with Aemond and Daemon was training him with sparing swords already at Haemons requests but then a wave of panic would flood him and he needed Vaera.

When he found Vaera she had better be alone because he didnt like to share her. So Haemon stared back at Aemond confused. Why was he spending extra time with his mama? Why wasnt he outside when Haemon was? Why did she love him more?

His little mind spiraling whenever he found Vaera with Alicents children and not him.

Daemon thought it was because he didnt have to share vaera with anyone but himself since he was born and now Haemon had to share her with the world it seemed.

Haemon loved the twins and was a great big brother but everyone else he was still debating on.

But Haemon knew one thing for certain. He didnt Mr Knight with the scruffies on his face anywhere near his mama.

Harwin had taken a step back at Daemons demands. Giving them more space and trying not to step over any invisible lines. But it was hard. Especially when Haemon didnt like Harwin. He tried to show he was a friend to Haemon at the very least but Harwin kept getting the same answers from Haemon.

"No I dont want to share mommy with you."

Or what really hurt Harwin.

"No. I dont like you."

Haemon always said it so matter of factly. He wasnt trying to be mean Harwin had decided Haemon just liked things a certain way and Harwin was not apart of that.

"Mama I think Aemond has to go now." Haemon remarked.

"Why?" Aemond countered and Haemon thought about that. His mama told him always to tell the truth and he tried to be a good and honorable boy.

"Because..." Haemon offered and Vaera chuckled.

"Because we were going to take the twins on a walk. Weren't we Haemon?" Vaera offered and Haemon nodded immediately. "You did so well today." Vaera told Aemond. "Your father would be impressed."

"Thank you mama Vee." Aemond answered as he got off the chair.

That was another thing Haemon wasnt too fond of. Why was everyone calling his mama, their mama? He needed to have a serious discussion with them.

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