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Jack and I went back into the main house and met up with the others in my room, "y'all were gone for too long." Sammy said and laughed.

"Shut up." I snapped at Sammy and he shut up quick.

"Congrats on the engagement." Madison squealed.

"Thanks." I smiled at my friends and wrapped my arms around my fiancé.

"I finally get to call you fiancé." He whispered in my ear as we sat down.

"I want to get drunk tonight." I blurted out and grabbed a bottle of tequila.

I unscrew the cap and took a big chug at the bottle, "let's slow down." My brother said.

"Am I not allow to have fun?" I asked and furrowed my brows at him.

He put his hands up in defeat, "Sammy, take out the shot glasses." I demanded.

He looked at my brother and he gave Sammy the signal to do whatever I say.

Sam stood up and walked downstairs, a few minutes later, he came up with a tray of shot glasses.

He placed them in the middle and lined them up, "give me the bottle." He demanded.

I hesitated before handing him the bottle, he grabbed it and poured each shot glass to the rim.

"Now, who wants to get drunk?" Sammy and I asked the group.

They all stared at us like we're crazy or something. "Speak now or forever hold your peace." Sammy said and I laughed with him.

We both grabbed a shot glass, cheered and threw it back.

My nose scrunched up as the vodka trickle down my throat. The burning feeling is amazing.

I set the shot glass down and Sammy poured us another round, "are y'all gonna drink or stare at us." I asked.

"Let's just have fun tonight, let's forget about the shit surrounding us and be free." Madison said.

"Well said." I grinned at her. I held up my shot glass and waited for the others to do the same.

We all held up our shot glasses and cheered. "to Avery and Jack's engagement." Claudia held up her glass.

We cheered to my engagement, I tipped my head back and poured the shot in my mouth.

An hour later, The boys were drunk off their ass; Madison and I were drunk off our ass and the girls were getting there.

The doorbell rang and it echoed throughout the whole house.

I stood up and walked out of my room, "I thought your foot was injured." Madison shouted.

"The alcohol is helping." I grinned and walked downstairs, trying to not fall due to me being tipsy.

I swung the front door open and standing before me was Cameron, "can I help you." I said and leaned against the wall to hold myself up.

"Oh uhm, Nate texted me to come over. I'm sorry; I should've texted you first." She said.

"I'm too drunk to check my phone, come on in." I smiled at her and opened the door wide.

She walked in and I closed it behind her, my head started spinning.

"Are you okay." She asked me.

I leaned against the kitchen counter and my head started spinning fast.

"Just dizzy." I held my head and closed my eyes.

"I'll get Jack." She walked upstairs.

I felt the room spin and everything went dark.

Brothers Best Friend | J.G.Where stories live. Discover now