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I cried into my brothers sweatshirt, the front door opened and in came Nate and my ex boyfriend.

"They've released me from the hospital but I have to be on bed rest for a while." Jack said and set his hospital things by the door.

"I can't be here." I whispered to my brother so that only he can hear.

"I'll get Derek to carry you up." He whispered back.

He walked over to Derek and whispered something in his ear.

He nodded his head and walked over to me. He picked me up as I wrapped my arms around him.

Madison carried my crutches and followed Derek upstairs.

Derek walked into my room and set me on the bed, "thanks Derek." I thanked him.

He kissed my head and walked downstairs, "I don't want to be alone, can you and girls stay up here with me." I asked Madison.

"Of course, I'll call them. Stay here." She said and disappeared downstairs.

I sat on the edge of my bed and scrolled through the phone, a message popped up on my screen from Madison

"Jack wants to talk, just hear him out."

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone on the bed, Jack appeared in my doorway.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Well you're already here." I rolled my eyes.

"Look I just want to talk about us. I never meant to hurt you and I never meant to kiss Cameron after you left. She was just there and it was in the-

"Don't you dare say it was in the moment." I scoffed.

"Avery please. I'm sorry." He crouched down in front of me and looked into my eyes.

"Please leave me alone. You made it very clear that you don't want to be with me. You made it very clear that we are over so why are you trying to get me back, you don't love me so why are you here." I crossed my arms and stared past him.

"Because I love you." He said.

"Sure you do." I scoffed.

"I do, I fucking love you Avery Johnson, and I want you in my life; I realize that I let an amazing ass girl slip through my fingers and I'm trying my very best to get her back. So please give me one more chance, I will be better. Please Avery, I fucking need you in my life, I want to grow old with you, die with you. You're my soulmate, you're my life." He rambled.

"I'm not going to slip back into your games Jack. You've hurt me too many times. At this point, I'm tired." I stood up and hopped to my dresser to plug in my phone.

"It was a mistake loving you, it was a mistake and I'm sorry. But I can't with someone who changes their mind left and right. I can't be with someone who clearly doesn't love me back. I've loved you since we were in fucking diapers and now that were in college; you've became a different person.. someone I don't fucking recognize-

He pulled me in and kissed my lips, "just shut up." He breathed in and kissed me once more.

I didn't pull away, fuck; he reeled me back into his arms again.

Why did I let this happen...

"Jack I can't." I softly said.

"Please let me just kiss you, I've missed you and it's been driving me insane." He quietly said and pushed back the strands of hair in my face.

"I've missed you too but we can't be together. You made it ver-

"Avery. I love you and only you." He said and cupped my face.

Brothers Best Friend | J.G.Where stories live. Discover now