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We took some pictures and changed to go have breakfast. I grabbed my purse and slid my phone in my purse; I walked out to see Claudia in the kitchen typing away on her phone.

"Hey, are the girls ready." I startled her.

Right when I asked, the girls walked out; "so where are we going to eat?" Madison asked.

"Tere Nui, a breakfast place just down the beach." I said.

We all walked out and I stayed behind to lock up our suite. I put the room key in my purse and walked off with my friends.

I walked near Claudia and she lingered her hand in mine, "is this okay." She asked me.

"Yeah." I smiled at her. My thumb rubbed against her hand as she walked down the boardwalk to the island.

A few minutes later, we finally arrived to the breakfast dining, "how many." the waitress asked.

"Five." I said and we followed her to the back patio near the beach, she seated us and took our drink orders.

"I'll have a banana-vanilla fruit juice." I said.

"I'll have a mango fruit juice." Madison said.

"Lemme get the papaya-passion fruit juice." Claudia said.

"I'll have a grapefruit fruit juice." Maggie said.

"I'll have the same." Stassie said.

"Your drinks will be out shortly." She said and walked away.

"So how long are we planning on staying." Stassie asked.

"Homesick already?" I asked and laughed.

"No I was just wondering, this trip was planned last minute." She said and looked through the menu.

"I'm not sure, I just don't want to go home and face Jack." I said.

"we can stay as long as you want Avery." Claudia said and held my hand.

The waitress came back with our drinks and took our orders, "have y'all decide on anything or do you need more time." She asked us as she placed my drink in front of me.

"I think we're ready to order, I'll have a Canadian eggs Benedict." Maggie said and closed her menu.

"I'll have the crêpes with bananas and caramel sauce." Stassie said and closed her menu.

"I'll get the salmon eggs Benedict." I said and closed mines.

"Lemme have the omelette of the day." Madison said and smiled.

"Can I get the poached eggs with a side of French toast." Claudia said and handed our waitress her menu.

She collected the menus and walked off.

After breakfast, we went back to our bungalow to change. I wanted to go to the spa and get a massage.

I walked into the bedroom to change when my phone rang, jacks name flashed across the screen.

If I don't pick up, he's going to blow up my phone.

I hesitated and picked up my phone before sliding to answer.

"Hello." I said.

"Avery." Jacks voice echoed through the phone.

Brothers Best Friend | J.G.Where stories live. Discover now