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Doctor's POV
I wake up again with a splitting headache and the bright white lights are not helping. My eyes flutter open and great I am locked in a chair with my hands and legs in cuffs. Great. I look over to my right and I see the Master and he is still snoring away. There in the middle of the room was a platform and two seats. The room had cave like walls and white lights and floor. "Oh look who decided to wake up." Said a voice and I indecently knew it's belonged to the girl. She had an evil smile on her face. "What do you want with me I barely even know you!" I said but she just let out a giggle. "Oh it's not me that wants you." She said in a giggle. "Then who!" I shout which wakes the Master up. "Thanks a lot for ruining my lovely sleep!" He shouts at me with a growl. The girl comes down to my ear and she whispers "Mother!" Into my ear. I look up at her shocked. "Oh my days finally after such a long time we are all here as a family!" Says a voice and the black haired girl comes running up the platform and right there is my Mother. "Hello Doctor! It's been a while." She says in her cold voice. "That's your mum?" Says the Master disgusted. "Yeah." I whispered. "Oh you haven't met your sister yet this is Zoella." Said Tecteun. "What do you want with me now?" I say in a whinny voice. "We have so unfinished business and a little birdie told me that you had a girlfriend so I added her into the mix." She says coldly and I look at Yaz in a what seems to be an electric chair. "YAZ!" I called out and she looks at me in shock. "Doctor don't do what she says!" Yaz calls out. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" The Master calls out pulling on his bonds trying with his might to break free. "That won't work dear." Said Zoella popping up right behind his back. "She will be fine only if you comply." Says Tecteun in her cold voice. "What do you even want from me anyways?" I said growing angry by the minute. "Oh well a couple of thing actually. One to actually call me mum or whatever you call your mother figure. 2. To join me and your sister in divison." She says in her cold voice. "And sis do you want to know the best part if you don't do what mum tells you to do. " Zoella said jumping up behind me then she points at poor Yaz in the chair in the far corner. "Then she dies!" Yells Tecteun. Behind Tecteun I saw two men behind her ready to make their attack. I imminently knew who it was. Ryan and Graham so to not ruin it I stayed quiet. "Come on then Doctor let's not dilly dally and get this over with." Said Tecteun getting frustrated. I just kept my mouth shut. "Okay Doctor you asked for this now she dies." Screamed Tecteun and my eyes open wide. Nothing happened to Yaz. "Why isn't this working!" She Yelled. "Zoella are you helping her!" Yelled Tecteun at Zoella. "Hell no why would I help her mum." Said Zoella rolling her eyes at the thought. I looked over to the Master and I could see that he had broken out of his bonds and knocked Tecteun out. "Woah nice hit." Said Ryan looking pretty impressed. "Wait a second why are you helping them?" Asked Graham confused. The last time the fam went up against the Master they nearly all got kill and the Doctor got sent away to this prison for ten Earth months. "I have changed my ways I want to help her. She is my friend after all." Said the Master with a smile then they started to walk over to me and Yaz to free us. I looked over to Yaz to see her in the chair looking worn out. My heart sunk. It's all my fault in the first place we ended up here. I felt something behind the back of my chair and knew exactly who it's was. Zoella my so called sister. She made a jump at the Master but he just pushed her hard to the ground. The Master came running over to me and quickly untied me from the chair. I got up quickly and ran over to Yaz, Ryan and Graham where already trying to untie her but where having little to know luck. I gently pushed them out of the way and I successfully undid Yaz's bonds and I gently picked her up bridal style. Luckily she was just sleeping and I let a sigh of relief. Suddenly a familiar whooshing sound filled my ears. I knew that sound. My TARDIS.  I ran to where I could hear the sound luckily it was only and outside the room. I opened the door and Ryan and Graham rushed in. I saw the Master all on his own. "You wanna come?" I ask him. "Nah I have my own TARDIS anyway. Goodbye Doctor." He said and he gave a little wave and walked to where his TARDIS was. I rushed Yaz inside and the doors shut automatically and we were placed into autopilot mode. I ran yaz to our bedroom and gently placed her down on the bed and pulled the duvet over her. To be fair I was feeling really tired to so I gently got into bed and I could feel Yaz snuggling up to me. I gently stroked her beautiful chocolate brown hair until my eyes finally closed and I fell into a nice sleep.

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