A kiss under the fireworks

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Yaz's POV
After our delicious breakfast which yours truly made. I rushed to go and get changed so did the Doctor. Since I was surprising the Doctor with a picnic date I chose light blue jean shorts, a white crop top with a blue flower on it, a light  brown cardigan since we were in Sheffield and it's not the most warmest of places and plain white sandals. After I got changed I made my way back down to the kitchen to put together the last bits of the picnic while the Doctor got changed.

Doctor's POV
While Yaz was doing whatever in the kitchen I got dressed. Since it was early June and today we would do something in Sheffield and it's not the most warmest of places I know. Today I chose white shorts, a white undertop, a flower shortsleeved jacket, blue and white striped socks and white trainers. I ran out to do some more work on the TARDIS but as I am walking down to the control room I feel Yaz gently grab my hand. "Doctor," Said Yaz I feel like she is going to tell me something important. "Yes Yaz." I said. Then Yaz pulls something out from her back. It's a picnic basket. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" She asks me. I want to scream with excitement. "YES!" I said and I pulled her into a hug. She lets go of the hug and we walk hand in hand to the park. After about ten minutes of walking through Sheffield park to find the perfect spot we did right under a tree and a perfect view of the city. I helped Yaz lay out the picnic and together we enjoyed the perfect evening together. "Yaz I am so lucky to have a girlfriend like you." I said with a huge smile on my face. I see she pulls a cute puppy face and my hearts melt. God she is perfect. "So am I Doc." She said and she pulls me in for a kiss. While we were kissing fireworks were being let of. Rainbow fireworks making all different shapes. "I love you Yasmin." I said. "And I love you too Doctor." Said Yaz. Then our precious moment got ruined by the rain and both of us didn't bring a coat. "Race you back to the TARDIS!" I said after both me and Yaz cleaned up from the picnic. "Oi you got a head start." Said Yaz as she runs up to catch up with me. Suddenly I fall over a rock so does Yaz and we a both tumbling down the hill and land in a tangled mess in the control room of the TARDIS. I look up to see Ryan and Graham looking shocked. "Well that's one way to make a entrance." Said Ryan sipping on his coffee. "Had fun out there." Asked Graham looking up from his newspaper. Me and Yaz just laughed our heads off. This had been one of the best nights of my entire life.

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