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"Niccolo, food almost ready?" You questioned as you popped your head into the boys kitchen.

"How do you like your steaks, (y/n), Mikasa?" He asked as Mikasa stuck her head over yours.

"How'd you know I was here?" Mikasa asked as Niccolo pointed to the end of her dress. The end of her dress was in the door frame. Why did Mikasa decide on such a long dress?

"Howd you know that wasn't mine?" You questioned as Niccolo sighed.

"You're wearing a suit." He said as you looked down, remembering you decided to wear a suit instead of a dress.

"Oh... yeah." You giggled before walking into the kitchen and putting your hands on your hips.

"How're the rest of the meals coming along?" You questioned as he moved to quickly take chicken out of the oven.

"I've never cooked for this many people." He said, slightly out of breath.

"You want me to call in Jean and Connie to help?" Mikasa asked as Niccolo shook his head.

"I promised you and Sasha this was my gift to you. Plus, I'm sure she'd hate if anyone else were to make you food for such a big day." He said as you nodded.

"'Cmon, (y/n), Niccolo cooks better then these guys, there's no flavour in the chicken, there's not even bread as a side'," Niccolo tried to impersonate what sasha would've said if anyone else cooked her food at your wedding.

"I'm sure if she was here, she'd stay down here and swipe food without you knowing." Mikasa smiled as Niccolo smiled as well.

"I get where she was coming from though. These sliced cold cuts are so good." You said before swiping a piece of prosciutto and stuffing it onto your mouth.

"Did Sasha possess you or something?! Those are for the guests don't steal them!" Niccolo stressed before walking towards you, you finishing your last bite and swallowing before grabbing onto Mikasa's hand.

"You better run!" He said as you were already far ahead of him, bolting with Mikasa back upstairs.

"The main dish will be ready in 40!" He added, trying to weaken the blow before chuckling to himself.

"Oh Sasha, you really do show up to me in weird ways." He said to himself finally.


You were greeted up the stairs by Connie, who decided to be security for the wedding. He said it made him seem "mysterious and cool".

though you just thought he was doing it for some girl to think he was super Intriguing and boom! Connie now has a girlfriend.

.... That wouldn't happen.

At least he looks nice in his black and yellow suit.

"Yo." Jean walked up to you and Mikasa.

"Sorry we left. Wanted to check on how the food was going." You told Jean as he held both his hands out.

"The dance floor is pretty stale without the brides." He said, implying he wanted the two of you to dance. It was your wedding after all.

You grabbed onto Jeans left hand as Mikasa grabbed onto his right. He lead you to the dance floor.

"Onyonkapon! Go!" Jean cheered as onyonkapon sat behind a drum set.

Standing next to him was Reiner, who was holding onto a guitar.

You knew Jean was in charge of getting you a band to play at your wedding, but who would've known onyonkapon played the drums and Reiner played the guitar?

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now