Flooding information

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Ever since that day, Mikasas been more on the down low, totally being awkwardly shy around you, yet you were more on the giddy side, not being able to calm down when she was near you or talking to you.

"Hows your mission going?" Mikasa asked as she opened your room to sit on your bed with you.

"Well I was trying to go slow. Just say hi to them in the morning, and today I'll try to make small talk. Hopefully that turns into trust." You told her honestly as she put her hand on your shoulder.

"Good luck. You got this." She said before standing up and heading towards the door so you couldn't respond.

"Going to train a bit by myself. You got your meeting to go to. Bye." She said quickly before leaving, you covering your cheeks in embarrassment before getting up to go wash off your face.

You were glad both you and Mikasa were the only people that woke up early, it gave the two of you some peace and quiet.

But now you had to go down all the way to Levi's meeting room, just to tell them you have made no progress in finding the truth out about Reiner and Bertholdt. What was there to say? You tried to communicate but it's like you were blocked by the both of them. I guess that was also something interesting you could tell them. They might be ignoring you or trying to not say much because of the fact that you're the one that found out about Annie, but at the same time that's not really a valid excuse to tell them.

You needed to get answers, and you promised you would. No more time for letting Mikasa invade your head, or thinking about anything or anyone other than the mission.

You kept straying further and further from the truth, being selfish and worrying about yourself and Mikasa.

You wanted to stop these titans. You wanted to put an end to all of it. You wanted peace in these walls, and outside of these walls, you wanted to explore. You wanted to find out about "Marley" and wherever that was. You wanted to find out about your mom, and if her death was tied to it somehow.

What would your mom think? Watching you obsess over some girl you met last year over her own death?

You weren't even in a relationship with Mikasa. Neither of you talked about it. The only thing you knew is that the both of you had feelings for each other. But it's not like your relationship progressed since you found out.

The day went on like every other and you were happy Levi, Hanji and Erwin weren't too mad with you.

You felt rather tired today, so you went to bed early, very early. At 9pm.


"Momma?" You whispered as you heard your mothers voice. You always remembered her voice. And you just heard it.

"(Y/n)," her voice was filled with fear as you ran towards her voice with a beating heart.

You ran down a long dark corridor, trying to reach your mothers voice. You looked down to realize you had both of your legs again. You didn't have one leg anymore? You could run again?

That didn't matter, you needed to find your mother.

You passed what looked like jail cells, running towards the voice, ignoring the decaying bodies in the cells as you passed.

Was momma locked up in here?

"Honey be careful!" The woman's voice whispered as you continued to run.

"I am momma! Stay put!" You screamed as you smashed into something hard.

You toppled over as you squinted your eyes to see who it was.

"Who are you?" You asked the tall man, who had a large beard and glasses. Not to mention he was blonde. All the hair on his head and beard was blonde. You've never seen him before. Who was this guy?

"You're getting in the way." The man said with a deep voice before you looked in between the man's leg towards the cell behind him since you were still on the ground and could get the angle.

"Momma!" You screamed as the woman held both of her hands against the bars of the cell, her eyes tearing, but her not saying anything, or making any noises at all.

"Who are you?! Let my momma go!" You screamed as the man was standing above you, tall, watching you beg on the floor.

"You need to leave. Go back inside the walls. Now." The man said, demanding for you to leave.

"I've never left the walls! Who are you?!" You repeated as your mother covered her mouth, forcing herself to not talk, yet letting her snot and tears flow down her face freely.

"I'm looking for Eren Yeager. Know him?" The man asked as your eyes widened.

How did he know Eren? Why is he looking for Eren?

"I don't! Let my momma go!" You screamed with a lie, hoping in desperation to just let your mom be set free so the both of you could go back home.

"Bullshit. The whole reason your mom's here is because of him." The man said with no emotions in his face, his eyes looking like they belonged to a dead man.

"I'll send more if I don't get answeres." The man said as he crouched down next to you as you shifted your body back, avoiding the man from coming closer.

"Send more what?!" You questioned as the man pulled out a needle. It was filled with a substance you've never seen before.

"TITANS HONEY RUN AWAY!" Your mom broke her silence as she screamed for you to run away, you getting up and bolting the opposite direction.

You turned around to watch the blonde man kneel down next to one of the other cells, holding out the needle and stabbing it into the dead person in the cell.

You heard grunts before you turned back around, not wanting to know what happened to the person who had just gotten injected. You heard loud roars before your heart sped up and you continued to run.

"YO!" You felt your body being shaken as your eyes opened instantly.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now