After 2 months of loneliness

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"(Y/n)!" A boys voice called for you as you turned from your horse to him.

"You've got a phone call," he said as you raised your eyebrow. You never got called, and the times you called other people, it was only your dad, and the calls only lasted 5 minutes due to him not giving a shit about you or what you had to say.

He would only tell you the house and garden were okay, and then try to end the conversation. You doubted he was even looking at the house and garden, but once again, there was nothing other than hope you could really do.

"Got it, thank you." You told the boy as he left, you turning back to your horse Pine and sighing.

"What kind of bad news do you think it is?" You asked Pine as he softly chomped on his hay.

"I'll be back bud." You stood up and pet Pines nose before turning around and walking back into the building.

Each step you walked towards the building, your nerves intensified. No one has called you in over a span of 2 months. Since you've been here, you haven't gotten a single call. It was out of the blue, and you didn't like that.

You stepped into Nile's office as he looked at you, handing you the phone and standing off of his chair, leaving the room.

"(Y/n) speaking?" You said out of confusion as you pressed the phone against your ear.

The other end of the line was silent. Did they not hear you?

"Hello?" You asked as you heard a girl make a squeal sound.

"Uh! Hey (y/n)," a girl with an excited voice said as you couldn't distinguish her voice.

"Sorry, who are you?" You asked as the girl stayed silent for a second.

"It's... Sasha." She said with a sad tone, realizing you had forgotten their voices.

Sasha. Why was she calling you? After 2 months apart you thought they all left you in the past, like your brain told you long ago, they were only fake. So why is she calling you?

"Oh... you sound different through phone." You said, now connecting the dots and realizing Sasha did sound like this.

"Oh... okay." Sasha responded as you squinted your eyes at this conversation. It was way too awkward.

"So... did you need anything?" You asked as it once again went quiet. Was she thinking about what to say or was she being interrupted? It seemed off.

"I don't, but someone else wants to tell you something." She said as you heard Sasha whisper to someone else in the room.

"No!" The girl whispered back, yet her whisper was not much of a whisper. It was loud.

"She can hear you idiot!" Sasha continued as a 'tch' could be heard.

"Hi." A voice who you actually recognized filled your ears. But why would she be calling you after so long.

"Hi, Mikasa." You said sternly as you couldn't help but let your heart race. You didn't want it to. Mikasa left you with nothing for two whole months. Yet, you did the same. You knew you were in the same situation but you felt like it hurts you so much more than it would hurt her.

"I've got news." She said as you stood in Nile's office, heart racing with no clear expressions.

"What is it?" You asked trying to sound as natural as possible.

"Okay Sasha, leave!" Mikasa said as you heard her footsteps walk around the room.

"She's gone. Okay. (y/n), remember when Sammy was looking for Eren?" The girl asked as you once again felt that pain in your heart whenever Mikasa brought up Eren.

"Uh... if this is about Eren, I'll just pass... I'm busy feeding the horses anyways." You said, knowing you did not want to listen to Mikasa talk about a guy. You didn't care about Eren, so why was it your business to even know?

"No please! Just listen." Mikasa pleaded as you rolled your tongue on the inside of your mouth.

"Just make it quick." You said in anxiousness, you just wanted her to get it over with so you could leave.

"Eren is a titan." She said into the mic as you rolled your eyes.

"2 months. 2 god damn months we don't have any contact with each other and now finally the first thing you say is absolute bullshit? Mikasa I don't know if Sasha told you to prank me, or what. But I'm really not in the mood." You told her blankly as you heard a groan from the other line.

"The reason your ex girlfriend was asking for Eren was because she knew he had titan powers. Why do you think she 'a titan' would be looking for Eren!?" Mikasa said as you tried placing the dots together, understanding a little bit.

"But what does that have to do with me?" You asked as the line went silent.

"It doesn't. But we finally have a lead. Who knows how long it'll be until we figure out how to take back the walls and defeat the titans! And we'll even get the information about your mother. Think about it!" She said, with slight happiness in her voice as you just shrugged it off, hiding what your heart felt and doing as your brain tells you.

"Don't bring my mom into this." You said rather annoyed before clenching your eyes closed.

"I'm sorry. I just... missed you... and wanted to tell you good news after all this time." She said as you gripped the phone handle harder.

"If you missed me you would've called me earlier. Now I've got my horse to feed. Bye." You said quickly before slamming the phone back into its placeholder.

'God damn it' you thought as you looked at the ground. You definitely sounded like an asshole there, didn't you?

But you felt like shit. After 2 months the girl you liked calls you about the fucking man she stays with all the damn time.

Mikasa and Eren are probably dating over there in the scouts anyways. So why couldn't you just let her go? Just let her have a happy ending while you struggle on your own. Fuck.

'I wish she didn't call at all' you thought before turning to leave the building, to go back to your horse and hopefully forget about the call.

"You alright?" Nile asked as you left his office rather quickly.

"Yes." You said, instantly leaving, not wanting to have a conversation with Nile at the moment.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now