Meeting nile

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"Oof-" You leapt off of the wooden like carriage as the man helped you all down:

Hitch was still tired, Annie helping her walk. Your bags and things were already here, the man in the bus driving to this location and dropping your stuff off.

"This is the main building. You 10 will all go in there, and meet a nice man named Nile. He will then show you around. Any last questions?" The man asked after helping everyone off the wooden trunk.


"Alright I'll be on my way then." He shrugged as he turned to go back to his horse, the 10 of you all watching the man leave. Once he was out of sight almost 9/10 of the people in your group sighed in both discomfort and annoyance. The only person who didn't sigh was you.

You were actually quite excited to see where you'd be living now. Plus, you'd be able to use a phone line to talk to your dad.

"Oh shit." You said in thought as you followed everyone into the main building

I forgot to ask for mikasas fucking phone number. Now how do I contact her?!

You decided to just ignore the problem for now. You weren't going to let that realization get in the way of your first impression of the military police base.

"Ah, new recruits." A man leaned against back in his chair with his feet on his desk. you all stood in front of him as he placed his hands together all sinister like.

"The name's Nile." The man said as he flipped his feet off of his desk to stand up.

The man was much taller than you, and practically everyone else in the room. It was very much intimidating, but you didn't let it get to you.

"I've got the list. Let's go over some ground rules before we do anything else. Follow me." He said as you followed him from the front entrance into a new room, filled with a long ass table with many chairs. This couldn't have been the dining room, it's too bland and is definitely really far from their kitchen or cafeteria. It must be like a meeting room or something.

"Sit." He said as you all passed him, sitting on a side chair, Hitch and Annie sitting directly beside you.

"Alright." Nile said as he sat at the head chair.

"Im going to do a role call so I know you're all here." The man said as you all nodded.

"Jacob." Nile said as he looked up at the group, a boy you recognized from the 104th training you've never talked to before raised his hand.

Once you thought about it, you didn't know any of these people. You were with them for months, yet you only ever talked to Annie and Hitch.

You didn't want to make new friends, you wanted to be back with the others. Mikasa especially.

'How did Mikasa even feel? About the kiss? She didn't say a word after our lips separated. And when she did that thing with her hands, the "I love you" motion. What if she just meant it as a friendly way, because she'd miss me? And what about if she and e'—

"(Y/N)!" Nile screamed as he looked at you with a death glare, hunched forwards to be closer to you.

'Shit, was I out of it?'

"H-here." You said as the man laid back in his seat with a sigh.

"Daydreamer, huh?" He asked as you looked down in embarrassment noticing all eyes were on you.

"Well here WE DONT DREAM. So snap out of it and wake the hell up. This is reality." He said as all your hopes of this Nile guy being nice was out of the window. You knew Nanaba wouldn't be this rude. She'd actually talk to you and help you.

"Yes sir." You said as he nodded at your response, going on and continuing the list of people.

Once that was done, he went on about expectations of you. Of course he went on and on about how you were "experienced teenagers" and how you shouldn't have to die.

It was really tiring listening to the man talk. But you didn't want to make another scene.

"You will all get one phone-call a week." He said as you looked up at the man at the mention of communication. Once a week was such little time, but if you could talk to Mikasa Jean or dad, or anyone out there willing to listen, you would.

"You four ladies, you sleep in these rooms." Nile said as he pointed to two rooms, you knowing you'd have to split two and two.

"You six men sleep in these rooms." Nike directed the boys the other way, you watching out of the door noticing their rooms were just down the hall.

You knew Hitch and Annie were closer than you were to the either of them. So it's no surprise you'd be roommates with this other girl you've never talked to.

"It's fine Hitch." You smiled as the girl fiddled with her thumbs, clearly not wanting to tell you they were disclosing you. It wasn't that big of a deal.

You then smiled at the girl whom you've never talked to, going into your room.

"We've never talked. I'm (y/n)," you said, knowing you wanted to be on good terms with this girl if you planned on being roommates.

"Hi... I'm Mina." The girl said softly as you admired her soft voice and pigtails. Cute looking.

"You're younger than me, aren't you?" You asked as she tilted her head.

"16." She said.

"Im 17." you smile. "Joined the cadet core at 16 but then had my birthday sometime when I was there. I don't like attention, so I didn't tell anyone," You giggle at the girl as she smiled.

Then she went silent. And just like that it was awkward. She looked like the type to be shy and quiet, you never really found those types of girls interesting. You liked girls who were kept to themselves but also super strong and ass kicking when they want to be.

This girl didn't look like that at all. Why is she even here? You were sure this girl wouldn't last 5 minutes against a titan.

Then again, you wouldn't either. That's why you joined the military police and not the scouts with Mikasa.

'Don't start doing this to yourself again'
'You didn't leave mikasa you wanted to live'
'You left her'

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