A little bit of mina

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"Are you okay?" The girls voice shook you out of your trance as you looked at her.

"My bad." You said as you were once again, out of it.

"Which bed do we take?" Mina asked as you shrugged.

"You can choose, I don't mind either." You told her as she found her bags by one of the beds.

"I guess our bags choose for us." She smiled as she walked towards her bag, you noticing your bags were by the front door, going to the bed closest to the door.

"I hope we get better sleep now that we're actually in a building and not a little cabin." You said out loud as you sat on your bed.

"Yeah." The girl said softly as you sighed at the girls boring response. You'd be talking to yourself a lot from now on, you could tell.


"LINE UP!" Nile screamed as you all formed a single file line horizontally.

Nile passed out your new jacket, you admiring the little horse crescent on the jacket you now had.

When would you get to see Pine, your horse? You missed him already.

"Today we'll patrol the inner walls of wall Sena. Make sure no one suspicious gets in, and no one suspicious gets out." He said as you all nodded.

"Your horses are in the shack outside." He reminded you all as you nodded, him going onto the next section of the building, to tell them the same thing.

"Finally." You said to yourself as you felt like it's been so long since you've seen Pine.

You went with Mina to your assigned placements around the wall. With how silent it was, you found more company in a damn horse. Pine was probably more talkative than Mina, and Pine couldn't even talk.

This was beyond dreadful.

You wondered what Mikasa was doing. Being in the scouts and all, you were sure they were having a blast learning about different fighting techniques and actually using their odm gear.

No matter what they were doing, they were definitely having more fun than you. Anything is more fun than sitting on a horse in front of a giant wall in dead silence, all..... day......

Did you regret your decision of joining the military police and not the scouts? Maybe, but at the end of the day you'd be much happier alive and bored than dead and not able to feel anything at all.

At least that's what you think now.

Anyways, you weren't completely giving up on your mothers situation, you knew commanders were usually close with each other, considering they do head meetings often. Maybe Keith told Nile about your mom. Maybe he could have leads. Maybe you could finally get the answers you came here in the first place to find out.

But it was just a waiting game.

After a painfully long day, which felt like years, you jumped onto your bed and curled up in a ball.

Sitting on a horse all day was not comfortable for your ass at all. And the back pains are immeasurable.

"I've... got freezing cream." Mina said quietly as you looked at the girl from your bed, while still lying down.

Freezing cream... she means that cream that your mom would use on your soar muscles?

"Pass it please," you groaned as the girl stood from her bed to hand it to you, you not understanding why she didn't just throw it to you to prevent having to stand. You were sure she was tired as well.

"Thank you." You sighed as you squeezed a little bit of the cream, rubbing it on your spine, attempting to reach your back, succeeding just enough to do the job.

Your back instantly felt super cold before your muscles calmed as the cold cream became cool, the pain going away quickly. You missed the times your mother would use this cream on your legs after you ran around your backyard for hours on hours as a child. You missed holding her hand in fear that the cream would be too cold it'd hurt. It never did, but you always held her hand anyways.

When would the next time you held someone's hand like you held hers be? You missed your mom, so unbelievably bad. But this was your new life now, and you can't change that.

"You.... Alright?" The girl asked as she stood next to your bed as you held the bottle of cream.

"Oh yeah, sorry." You said as you shook your head and handed the girl her cream back.

"The girls back from the 104th cadet core told me a little about you." She said as she went to sit back on her bed.

You tilted your head at the comment. Why would people be talking about you to a girl you didn't even know.

"Oh no, not negative things!" She shook her hands with a smile, noticing your facial expression signified that you were weary.

You waited for her to continue as she went back to her quiet self.

"Sasha, a girl in your cabin. She was very energetic and pestered me a lot during training. I was always in last, so she would purposely slow down to my pace." She told you as you nodded, knowing that during training, a lot of the times you were with Mikasa and not Sasha.

"Well, she told me you are here because of dept. I am as well." She said, probably trying to find similarities between you two, to get closer.

"Yeah. It's a long story." You said honestly as she placed her hands together.

"I'd love to hear." The girl smiled as you nodded.

Mina didn't seem to be the type of girl that would actually do anything with stories after being told one, so you didn't see the point in telling her if it had nothing to do with her, but it's better than the awkward silence the two of you shared in your rooms yesterday.

"It all started with my mom." You sighed as you were prepared to tell this depressing ass story to yet another person.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now