Terrible reunion

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"(Y/n)" the girl said silently as your face instantly went from shock to anger.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You asked ferociously as the woman looked at you.

"I know this looks bad but you need to leave." She said as mikasa stood beside you, still holding the pocket knife behind her back.

"I'm not leaving." You said sternly as you could tell Sammy's face was full of regret.

"I know I left without saying anything. But you need to trust me, and leave." She said as you shook your head.

"You left me to fucking rot! Why the hell do you think I'd 'trust you'?" You shot back as the girl grabbed onto a knife and held it next to her.

"All I needed was the antidote. That's all I needed!" She said as her voice was shaky, clearly sounding like she was in pain.

"(Y/n), leave. Now." She said as she tried calming herself down, you not taking her bullshit.

"What antidote?" Mikasa spoke up, clearly deepening her voice to sound more intimidating.

"Titan tranquilizer. You have no idea what I'm talking about, but it's important!" She screamed as you were about to scream back, Mikasa putting her other arm in front of you to stop you.

"And what does Eren have to do with this?" Mikasa asked as Sammy put her hands in the air.

"I have no idea! I just need to get the antidote. And this man was the one who I was told has it!" She said as you were annoyed at this stupid antidote conversation.

"Where were you. All those months? Where!" You screamed as Sammy looked at you, clearly not able to voice her reasons.

"There's a world outside these walls. And we know more than you ever will. So just go." She said as you were so frustrated at what she was saying.

"STOP FUCKING LYING!" You screamed, causing both Mikasa and Sammy to tense up.

"I TOOK YOU IN! I LET YOU LIVE IN MY HOME! I GAVE YOU MY LOVE. EVERYTHING WAS BECAUSE OF ME. NOW YOURE HERE SAYING I DONT UNDERSTAND?" You screamed as the room was silent, Keith going unconscious because of the amounts of blood he's lost. This man, Keith. Who exactly was he to your mother? Her commander? No, Nanaba wouldn't have been so cautious if that was all it was. Nanaba knew... she knew something about Keith.

"I can't say much. I need that antidote. Or else we'll all die." She said as Mikasa still wasn't satisfied.

"What does this have to do with Eren?" She repeated causing Sammy to snap.

"I DONT KNOW! OKAY?" She said angry and annoyed at her own lack of information.

So she's told to look for something and someone, yet not knowing the reason?

"Leave." She repeated as you weren't going anywhere.

"I'm not going anywhere you bitch." You held your ground as Sammy held onto the knife, not looking like She was about to strike, but like she was about to do something else.

"Get out." She repeated.

You didn't move.

"GET OUT!" She screamed as she sliced the knife through her chest, you and Mikasa being frightened at the action, backing away as the blood splurged out of the girls sliced chest.

A lightning bolt striked as both you and Mikasa flew back on impact with the pressure.

"Mikasa!" You screamed as the girl was on the ground, you not being sure if she was hurt or not.

But that was the least of your worries. Sammy was gone, but replaced with what looked like a beast. Huge, and scary. The whole roof of the house had been torn off as you looked straight up, seeing a titan looking down at you.

"MIKASA!" You screamed as the girl pushed a piece of wood that had fallen on her leg off of her.

You watched as the titan picked up the man you spent so long looking for even though he was right with you the whole time, Keith, and popping him into it's mouth.

He's dead for sure this time. Eaten whole, by this random titan. Did Sammy die in the crumble?

There was so much damage already done to the house, you had no time to do anything but run away.

Mikasa got up and ran for the front door, unlocking it as fast as possible before bolting towards your horses.

Your horses were making neighing noises, ready to gallop away as fast as possible themselves, but your voices stopped them as you hopped onto their backs. You and Mikasa both making them go as quickly as you could.

The titan didn't follow you.

"That was her, no doubt." Mikasa said out of breath as you were far enough from the street, directing the horses back towards the training camp.

"Sammy?" You asked as Mikasa nodded.

"That titan was Sammy." She repeated as you tilted your head.

"But That's not possible." You said in confusion.

"Do you think it's possible for a titan to spawn from the ground like some type of flower?" She asked as you were just so confused.

"So if that means she was a titan, I've been living with a monster for the past years I've spent with her?" You asked as she silently looked down.

"Why was she asking for eren?" Mikasa wondered to herself before looking up from her horse to the sky.

"And what exactly was that antidote for?" She asked as you shook your head.

"She said something about Marley. And coming from beyond the walls. Is there such thing?" You asked, knowing as a child you weren't told much about why you were stuck in the walls, or even if there was an outside.

"I'm just as confused as you are." She said honestly as the ride home was quiet. Both Mikasa and you in thought.

'We did all of that for nothing.' You thought as you turned to Mikasa, as she was staring straight forward, her eyes clearly wet. Was she crying?

You never got the answer you were seeking for. The only chance of finding out what was the cause of your mothers death was left unsolved. The only man with the information was now in the stomach of a monster.

'Shit' You thought as your eyes teared up, focusing on getting home and not letting your feelings get to you.

But now there was a whole other issue. Sammy was a titan. Humans can be titans. Titans can be humans? Are titans humans?

There was just so much for you to take in, you hated it.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now