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You opened your eyes to see a dark room. The only thing you could make out was the shaking floor beneath you.

"Hello? MOMMA?" You questioned, knowing whenever you were in these types of situations, you were in a vision.

"It's too dark!" You groaned as you grabbed a lighter out of your back pocket. You kept it there for safety reasons.

You flipped the lighter a few times as the flame finally lit. You used it to see, though it didn't show you much.

You knew you had to be somewhere in real time, but where was the question. Was this where your mom was being kept?

You held your hand out to touch a cold wall, using it as guidance to walk through the corridor.

"Momma?" You questioned as you walked towards soft sobs.

You flashed the lighter towards a black chair, a black chair your mother was tied to. She had duck tape over her mouth.

You ripped it off quickly as the woman took deep breaths before opening it to finally tell you something.

"They're coming. You need to run!" She said quickly as you noticed the deep cuts on her arms, they look very painful.

"Who's coming?" You asked as your mother shook in her chair.

"Take this and run." Your mother said as she lifted her hand as much as possible while also being strapped down.

You didn't know what she meant, you couldn't just take her hand.

She noticed you were confused as she put all of her fingers down except for the ring finger.

"Take the ring." She said as you looked at her before gently taking the ring off of her finger and putting it in your ring finger, which surprisingly fit.

"You can decide to sell this for money, to be able to buy you something nice. Or even give it to someone you love." She said as a tear ran down your face.

"This is special to you. I know it is." Your voice cracked as you knew how this was a departure gift. You wouldn't see your mom again.

"Consider it a birthday present for all those years I've missed." Your mother tried to smile as you wrapped your arms around her neck to hug her.

"Now run, honey," your mother advised as you felt the floor shake once again.

The shaking was aggressive and your whole body felt like it was earth being hit by an earthquake.

You began to run, holding yourself together so your body didn't collapse under the pressure from the floor.

You were cold, and you were tired. You wanted these visions to stop. As much as you loved your mom, you wished there was a way to prevent these dreams from happening. You wanted all of this to be over.

"Wake up." Mikasa pressed your shoulder as you turned to the girl.

"Another vision?" She questioned as you nodded.

Based on how you moved around in your sleep and the things you mumble, Mikasa is able to understand when you have these visions or not. She began sleeping next to you, ever since Sasha died, she didn't want to sleep in their old shared room by herself. So, she and you crammed into your tiny little room with one bed.

Sleeping next to her brought you comfort, but also made you nervous many times.

You questioned if she'd be involved in any of your dreams. You didn't want anyone to be in your dreams, especially if they're conscious like your mother and Zeke were. Other than that, it's just a vision of something that's happening. The people in the visions don't know they're there, or that you're there either.

Only titan holders could have these visions, and only your mother and you could use these visions as a way to connect to each other.

A blessing to some seems like a curse to others. You weren't happy you had these visions. You wanted to be a normal adult. But others thought you'd be able to save humanity, how stupid.

"What was this one about?" Mikasa questioned as you covered your mouth as you yawned.

"Saw my mom again. She's not doing too well." You told her as she put her hand on your cheek. Her hand was cold, it was strange since it was always so hot in your room considering the both of you were crammed into a tiny little space.

"You want to talk about it?" She questioned as you looked at the kind girl.

"No," you replied softly as Mikasa nodded. She was never one to push you for answers. Especially when they were personal.

Mikasa never met your mom, but you're sure if they did, they'd get along well. Both very down to earth women who cherish those they love.

"I'll go make us some tea." She said as she got up, heading for the kitchen to give you some time to get up and change.

You opened up the palm of your hand finally, having kept it clutched in your fist from mikasa.

The ring.

You knew you had it in your hand since you woke up, but you didn't know it was actual in its physical form. You raised the ring towards your eyes as you turned it left from right to realize that you were actually carrying your mothers ring. You had absolutely no idea what to do with it other than admire it.

This was a new discovery though. You had her ring. Which means you travelled to your mother in real time, and could exchange things.

Did that mean if you had a vision and brought certain things, you could give it to your mother and she could receive it from miles away?

Maybe you could bring your odm gear into your vision so you could use your blades to break your mother free.

You could even transport her. If somehow something of hers ends up with you, who wouldn't say the same could happen with a person?

"TEAS READY!" Mikasa said loudly as you closed your fist with the ring in it before turning to your drawer.

You placed the ring in the part of the nightstand drawer that you never used. You had no idea what you were going to do with it, but you knew you wouldn't sell it like your mother told you you could do. It was special.

"Coming Mikasa!" You replied as you closed the drawer, heading out of your room and towards the kitchen.

"Here." The girl handed you a tea as she gently kissed your forehead as you sat down at the table.

No matter all of the terrible and confusing things happening in your life, Mikasa's gentle kiss to your forehead was enough to make you all bubbly inside.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora