Who was this man?

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"Mikasa come with me." You said as you grabbed ahold of the girls hand, heading towards the meeting room in the very bottom of the building. As always, walking down the long hall scared you, especially now that you had that dream which took place in a corridor. Luckily there was no dead bodies, or desperate mothers in this hall.

"I brought Mikasa, If you don't mind." You told the three who were already settled in the room.

"Does the mission involve her?" Levi questioned as you nodded.

"I think we have a new mission sir." You said as you sat down in your usual seat, looking at Mikasa as she sat next to you.

"I had another dream. It was similar to something that actually happened." You told them as Erwin crossed his arms waiting for you to continue.

"Back when Mikasa and I were in the 104th cadet core, we snuck out. We never told anyone, but I think we have to now. We snuck out and found out my ex girlfriend was a titan. Not only that, but she was also looking for Eren." You said as Levi raised his eyebrow.

"Titan as in you saw her physically become a titan, like Eren, or in a dream?" He asked as you looked at Mikasa.

"Um.... The former captain... Keith.. the reason he died was because of her. May I explain?" You questioned as Hanji cut you short.

"As far as we were told, Keith's death was a house explosion caused by his oven." Hanji said as you shook your head.

"That must've been a coverup. Sir, we were there that night. We went to Keith's house because he knew my mother. My mother died years ago and apparently Keith knew her. So I found his house and went there to ask him about her. But it went to shit from there." You admitted as Hanji nodded.

"We'll forgive you for sneaking out, but explain what happened." Hanji said as you continued.

"He wasn't answering, and it was nighttime. We decided to break in. While we were attempting to find Keith, I heard Sammy, my ex girlfriend. She was yelling at Keith, asking him where Eren was. She tied him up and we interfered. Sammy didn't hurt Mikasa or I, but she got frustrated after I tried to talk to her. She sliced her chest open and a lightning struck, turning her into a huge titan. It instantly killed Keith on impact as Mikasa and I ran. Her titan form destroyed the house and Mikasa and I fled from the scene." You said as Erwin adjusted his eyes with a shake of his head. It was a lot to take in, you knew.

"It's been more than a year ago since that has happened. And neither one of you spoke up about it?" Levi questioned as you shook your head.

"We really didn't want to get into trouble for sneaking out. We told all of our friends, but that was it." You admitted as Hanji sighed.

"I understand where you're coming from girls, but you definitely should've told someone sooner. It would be much better to have started research about it sooner." Hanji said as you nodded shamefully.

"Getting back on topic, how is that related to the dream you just had?" Levi questioned as you turned to Mikasa who gave you a small smile to let you know it was okay.

"In my dream, a man was asking for Eren. My mom was locked in a cell behind him. He blocked me from being able to see her. He told me that if I didn't give him answers, he'd send them. My mom told me they were titans, and that he meant was that he'd send titans if I didn't answer. I'm afraid I didn't answer. I have a bad feeling. Whoever that man was, had the same plan as Sammy. To get eren." You said as Erwin's eyes widened.

"He told you titans would come if you didn't answer, and you didn't?" He asked as you nodded.

"I didn't answer. I'm scared there will be titans he will send. I'm scared they'll come." You said as Mikasa put her hand on your back to rub it gently.

"We'll get people to go scout the outer walls. For now, continue." Erwin said as you nodded.

"Both Sammy and that man were from beyond the walls. Somehow I was beyond the walls as well. My guess is that there are bad people somewhere far, and they're the ones in control of the walls." You said as Mikasa nodded.

"Marley. That's what Sammy had said way back then. She said she wanted to bring an antidote to Marley. By The way she said it, I knew she wasn't referring to a person, but a location." Mikasa said as you nodded.

"But sir, if I may continue. In my dream, that man had a needle filled with a substance I couldn't recognize. He used it on a deceased body in one of the cages next to my mom. That dead body turned into a titan." You said as Levi just took a deep breath.

"I have a feeling they're all connected somehow. Annie, Bertholdt, Reiner, Sammy, that man, and Eren. I have this gut feeling. I know it." You told them as Levi scoffed.

"(Y/n), we can't go off feelings. We have to go off facts." He said as you protested.

"Sir you have to trust me! Please even if you don't believe me, send scouts to make sure there aren't titans trying to breach the walls!" You proclaimed as Erwin nodded.

"Mikasa, you round up the top 10 and make them investigate. That includes Reiner and Bertholdt. We don't want to make them suspicious." He said as Mikasa quickly stood up, putting her fist on her heart.

"Yes sir!" She said before Erwin signalled for her to get to it.

"Stay safe." You whispered as the girl gave you a thumbs up before running down the hall and up the flight of stairs.

"(Y/n), do you feel as if you have a connection somehow to them? To be able to have these dreams?" Hanji questioned as you shrugged.

"I don't know why I'm having these dreams. I've never met these people. I met Eren for the first time when we met each other at the cadet core, same with Reiner and Bertholdt . I've never met that man before and I knew my ex girlfriend worked with me at a rundown low paying grocery store." You said as you looked at the three of them.

"I don't have any extended family or any siblings. I don't feel like I'm like them. I really have no idea why I'm the one that is having these dreams, visions, whatever. I don't know, but I'm sure that if my moms still alive, somewhere outside the walls, locked in a cell, she definitely knows more than she's ever told me." You told them as they nodded.

"Do you think you're having visions from the future? Or flashbacks from the past?" Hanji asked as you had just as little knowledge as hanji did.

"I don't know. All I know is that my dream about Annie was correct, and that that's an appropriate reason to believe this one is correct as well." You said as Erwin sighed.

"I'm going to go search outside of the walls alongside the scout recruits." He said as Levi nodded, Hanji getting up as well.

"Can't miss out on the opportunity to find some test subjects." Hanji winked before following Erwin out.

Levi and you were the only people left in the room, him taking a sip of tea before putting it down and looking up at you.

"I want to remind you that if you're indeed correct with these visions, you're the only hope humanity has for answers." Levi said as you felt weights being dropped onto your shoulders.

"That's a lot of pressure." You admitted with a small smile, awkwardly hoping that not everyone would rely on you. You always fucked up. Ever since you were a child you were never the leader. You were never in charge. You just listened and followed what you were told.

Why wasn't Mikasa the one to have these dreams? She's much more suited for the leadership role. Not you.

"There's a reason its you. We all believe in your planning skills. That's why we asked you to join us every morning in our planning meeting." Levi continued before looking up at you, you feeling a little anxious at Levi's glare.

"Thanks sir." You said as the man glared from you to the door.

"Let me enjoy my tea in silence now." He said as you shut up, taking that as your dismissal as you used your crutches to go back to your room.

You had a lot of time to think. With mostly everyone you talked to now gone, investigating outside the walls, you were left with your book. The book Jean gave you, which was originally Marcos.

You opened the book before dusting it off and reading it. It was a romance and mystery novel. You didn't know Marco much, but based on this book he was definitely a really sweet cool guy. No wonder he was Jeans friend.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя