Encounter with a little girl

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You walked to the bathroom, being able to walk just fine with your crutch. The floor was made out of stone, similar to the one in wall sena.

It was much easier to walk on this type of floor, because it was flat. Back within the walls, there were hills everywhere, and basically all flooring was grass or gravel.

You approached the bathroom, going to turn the corner to go through the entrance.

Well, that was until you bumped into someone right at the turn.

"Ouch." You fell to the ground at the impact as the crutch in your hand fell away from you.

You looked up towards who accidentally bumped into you. It was a little girl.

"Are you alright?!" The little girls voice was high pitched yet slightly raspy. She looked no older than 12. Why was she running around anyways?

"I'm fine." You said as the girl grabbed onto your crutch before handing it to you.

"How'd you lose your leg?" The girl questioned as you kind of looked at her with a confused leg.

Why in the world would she just ask that? Well, she was a young girl. She probably thought it was a harmless question but asking why people are missing body parts isn't exactly respectful.

Not wanting to seem suspicious, you told her.

"I fell down a flight of stairs four years ago."

You lied.

"Oh. Did it hurt al-

"GABI!" You heard a little boy scream as he rushed towards the girl who knocked you over.

The girl, who you assumed was named Gabi, turned to the little boy before getting up.

"You can't tag me. It won't count." She said as you helped yourself up with your crutch.

"You hurt that woman! Say sorry!" The boy demanded as the girl turned around to you.

"I'm sorry." Gabi said quickly as the boy stood next to her.

"She'll be careful next time." The boy with light blonde hair said as he grabbed onto Gabi's arm before jolting up, causing her body to do the same.

"Bye ma'am!" The boy said as you just looked at them as they ran the opposite direction.

"The hell?" You said quietly as you dusted off your butt before turning to the bathroom.

Ignoring the weird encounter you just had, you still really need to take a shit.

After you did your business, you followed back up with the group as Levi turned to notice you were back.

"We're going here." He said as he pointed to the map, pointing to what looked like a jail.

"Your mother is there, yes?" Levi questioned as your heart beat at the question.

"I... I don't know." You responded, realizing that you'd finally be able to see your mother again. Maybe she was actually here. If you found the place from your dream, there's no doubt she would've been there.

"We'll find out then." He said as the group walked towards the direction of the place as your heart raced. It had made you totally forget about that little girl.

But once she did pop up in your mind, you wondered if she knew about what the people of her town were doing.

A little girl like her knowing the fact that her people murder your people?

Would she grow up thinking that killing other humans was normal? At the end of the day it didn't matter, because if push came to shove you'd kill anyone on this land as well. Payback for all of the people in your home that had to die.

You couldn't hold back just because she was a little girl, because she wouldn't hesitate to do the exact same on you.

"Hey, you alright?" Mikasa whispered as she held onto your shoulder, realizing you were spacing out.

"I'm okay." You replied as the girl rubbed your shoulder gently before letting go, continuing to follow the group in semi silence.

The only people that couldn't keep their mouths shut were Connie and Sasha. But by them talking, it made the group less suspicious than being a group of at least 10 dead silent people.

You just hoped you'd be able to find your mother. Save her from some shitty jail cell, bring her back home and have a normal life again.

You could even introduce her to Mikasa. She didn't know about Sammy, and you didn't plan on telling her about it if you ever were to see your mother. You would make Mikasa your first love and forget all about Sammy.

You wondered what your mothers expression would be if you told her you liked Mikasa. You forgot a lot about what your mother looked like. It's been almost two years since you had the dream where you saw her in the cell, and it's been even longer, about five years since you actually saw her, where you'd see her everyday, just like a normal family, you, your dad and your mother.

Ever since your mother left, your family seemed to break down. Did your dad even know that your mothers death was framed? How did your father not see the files in the office cabinets where she literally wrote that she wasn't actually dead? Sometimes you felt like your father didn't care at all.

But you knew your mother wasn't like your father. She would love you unconditionally no matter the circumstances. You missed her.

The only person filling the void of emptiness was Mikasa. You woke up every morning because you'd be able to be with her again. She wanted to protect you just as much as you wanted to protect her. You never spoke with her about the relationship you had, but you knew deep down it was true love. Soulmates that couldn't be separated no matter what.

She never spoke about it, but you had a feeling that you'd always end up back to her. She didn't express her feelings, but you knew she felt the same way.

You wondered if Mikasa would make your mother her traditional Japanese meals that she made you. They were so good, you were sure your mother would love it.

Your crutch began hurting your underarm from how long you were walking, but you kept your mind positive by thinking about the future you could have with your mother if you found and saved her.

"We're here." Levi said as you looked in front of you to see a base which looked like the ones back at home.

You were so eager to run into that base. But you held yourself back.

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