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It's been a week since the horde of titans attacked from the north for almost a day straight. Although you couldn't get any further information about that, you could get some from Reiner and Bertholdt.

You weren't going to let yourself, any of the scouts or even the whole world wait for these answers. You were the only one that could really do something, and you weren't planning on letting anyone down, no matter how terrified you were.

Reiner, are you okay?" You questioned as you watched the boy sit down during practice. He was never one to get tired, or take breaks.

"Yeah." He said simply as you sat on the stair step next to the door that lead you from your base outside. You did that often, considering you didn't have to worry about using your crutches, and you still had a view of the scouts training in the small forest next to the base.

"Here." You handed the boy a container of water, one you held onto all the time while watching them practice just in case they got thirsty.

You were like a water boy...

"Thanks." Reiner said as he took the container from your hand, observing it slightly before drinking from it.

You didn't understand why he observed it. It's not like there was poison in the water.

"Ghhh." The boy groaned as he handed you the container back, him having drunk it all.

"On a hot day like this. good right?" You said as the boy nodded.

"I feel way better." He said as you turned to him, him sitting on the grass, facing the other scouts practicing.

"Doesn't this get boring? Watching us all day?" He questioned as you raised your shoulders before dropping them.

"I enjoy it. You guys are the only family I have." You said honestly as Reiner looked at you.

"Reiner... I'm sorry about Annie." You said, as the boys eyes widened at the mention of the girls name.

"Yeah..." he stammered as you looked towards him.

"I know you and Bertholdt were close with her." You said as the boy seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah... it's hard to know she betrayed us." Reiner said, you finding it hard to believe with how iffy he sounded.

"Bertholdts taking it worse. He liked her, didn't he?" You asked as Reiner raised his eyebrow.

"How'd you know that?" He asked as you thought about how you did know that. Was his feelings for her included in your dream? Or was it just like second nature to think he liked her.

"He made it painfully obvious back in the 104th cadet core." You lied, not remembering how you knew he liked her.

"Oh... well. He did like her. But it doesn't matter anymore." Reiner said as you nodded.

"Did you have any idea that she was a titan?"
"No." He said quickly, almost cutting you off.

"I'm going to get back to training. Thanks for the water." He said as he got up, leaving you instantly.

You watched intently at the boy leaving before having an idea. An idea that made you feel like one of those cartoon characters that have a lightbulb on top of their head.

You got your crutches before going back into the base, finding Reiner and Bertholdt's room. You've never been in their room before, and neither has anyone else.

The two boys were very closed off, Bertholdt not being much of a talker. He had a really soft voice which you didn't hear much of, while Reiner had the deep annoying one you'd wished he'd shut.

When you'd all eat together in a big room outside of the scout base, they'd never participate in conversations, unless they were forced into one.

You only ate with Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, Eren and Armin. Though every scout kind of sat next to each other. Except for Ymir and Historia, who sat alone, completely occupied by each other.

Sometimes conversations were boring, like where people were from, and why they decided to join the scouts, but sometimes the conversations were inclusive and super fun. Like that time everyone made fun of Connie, slapping his head to make the sound of a bell being rung.

But even then, you never heard Bertholdt or Reiner. They sat next to each other on a total opposite side of the table. Not too far away to be suspicious, but... you could still be able to pick that little detail out.

Thinking about all of these little things just made you totally forget you were in their room.

'Shit' you thought as you looked around the room, wanting to look quickly before leaving, not taking the chance of someone walking in and finding you snooping around the boys' room.

The boys had nothing but their two beds in their room, followed by their piled dirty uniforms in the corner opposite to the door.

'Gross' you thought as you didn't even want to get close to those sweaty clumped up clothes.

There wasn't much to look at. Two beds, a pile of old clothing and a candle which was blown out.

You wondered where they kept their things.

You walked over to Reiner's bed before bending down, and lifting up the bottom of the covers under the mattress. Everyone's bed had a bottom layer on the floor which you could hide small things under.

Sadly as you removed the cover and looked under the bed frame, there was nothing. Just lint from not being clean underneath.

You then went to Bertholdt's bed, and looked under that one as well. You thought you were going to give up hope, but there was in fact something underneath his bed.

You couldn't tell what it was, looked like some type of square little box or something.

You reached your hand underneath his bed, being able to reach it.

You retracted your arm with the item in hand, flipping your hair before looking at what was in your hand.

The back of a picture frame. It was small and wooden. You turned it over to see if the frame had a picture in it.

And it did. You looked intently into the picture to see a picture of Bertholdt, Reiner, and Annie. All standing together. But there was another person.


You wondered why they were together, but right now, that didn't matter. You had to rush back to Levi to tell him. Right now.

If that picture doesn't speak numbers, you didn't know what did. Two out of the four people in the picture were exposed as titans.

And with all of this evidence, there was a strong chance not only two, but all four of the people in that photograph were titans.

You placed the photo back underneath bertholdts bed, fixing up their room so it's like you weren't there at all before grabbing your crutches and rushing out of their room and towards Levi's office.

Mission: LOVE ⚔️ (mikasa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now